So, who else is abandoning Microsoft this console gen?


New member
May 8, 2009
I was planning to buy an Xbox One later down the road sort of like I did with the 360, can't really see that happening unless a lot of things change in 3-4 years.
But hey, already pre-ordered the PS4 so I'm happy as shit, I can only hope this pushes more people to the PS4 leading to more games.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I actually grew up with an Xbox, got a 360 pretty early on and only got a PS3 in the last year or so. Prefer the controller of the Xbox's as I do, Sony have easily beaten Microsoft on more or less every front this year.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
The Xbox 360 was the greatest console of all time for me. And I've been on the gaming scene for quite along time. It's completely flabbergasting as to how on earth the Xbox One is Opposite, and their PR is far worse. Even then everything they have done says, "No don't buy it"

If I was to buy an Xbox One at all, it'd be for Halo, and the Vastly Superior controllers.


The Xbox 360 alone is the only reason I will listen to them if they decide to do a 180 and try and make up, even then, I still will keep my eye on them.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Darth Rahu said:
I'm trying to sell my 360, get PS3 versions of the games I had on it, and make some room for a PS4. If Microsoft doesn't want me to own the products I buy from them then fine, I'm just gonna go to the company that actually treats me with respect. Also, Nintendo, I'm coming back home.
I'll give you a shiny nickle and a smile for it! :D

OT: If I were to buy only one console this gen, it would be a Wii-U, though it would hurt. Nintendo's first-party line-up is always a stellar cast of games, but Sony seems to have a knack for attracting all of the best JRPGs. I would debate myself over and over again about which one to get, but in the end, I'd go for the Wii-U.

Having never owned an Xbox of any type, I wouldn't be abandoning it. Still ain't no way I'll buy an XB1, though. Even if it gets exclusives that interest me, I'll happily ignore it. Shame waiting until the next-next gen to get a cheap XB1 is out of the question, though.


New member
Jul 15, 2011
I am turning to PC gaming. I enjoyed what the Xbox 360 did, it was a good console.
Prior to the 360 I owned an NES, SNES, PSX and PS2. I skipped the PS3 as I wasn't impressed by its gaming line up initially and it was far too expensive, the hardware shortfalls have put my off picking it up as of now. The PS4 seems to be a return to form, and I am truly happy for Sony. They are very good at producing quality gaming devices. So, I may pick up a PS4 some time in the future, but I will primarily use a PC from here on in.

The wife would murder me if I didn't, as my current build is setting me back nigh on $2000AUD.

Lady Lucky

Bullet Dodger
Sep 4, 2012
I usually favor one console and get the other one at a later time (Christmas deal, discount at Gamestop). But seeing how many strings are attached to playing the Xbox One, it's PS4 all the way.
I work in Africa and the internet is flakey at best. It really turned me off when Microsoft said it needed an internet connection. Then there's the whole used game thing....It's just really disappointing ...

Mr C

New member
May 8, 2008
I've been an every console man for many years with the 360 the primary system in the recent gen. I will not be buying an Xbone unless M$ do a full reversal of their controversial policies. This is very difficult to do as I love Halo. I bought a real Xbox one back in the day to play it, but I believe we need to show them who is the boss.


Power Vacuumer
Jun 28, 2010
Souplex said:
Things were going so well. And then they made Windows 7. It all kind of spirals down from there.
You think Windows 7 was worse than the Vista? Huh.

OT. I will probably not get this generation of consoles as a Student I can't really splash that much cash. I'll be sticking to my PC, but I really hope Sony wins by a country mile. I want listening to the consumer to be rewarded.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
I love my 360...but the Xbone fails to impress me much at all.

I think I might buy a WiiU and get a good quality gaming PC instead. Next year I will (hopefully) be working full-time earning 60k/yr so I should be able to afford one (depends on what my priorities are)


New member
Jan 22, 2011
Considering what Microsoft has promised about the XBox One, and what Sony has said about the PS4, there is only one way I won't be going PS4 this next gen. That is if Microsoft turns around and says that they were joking the whole time and that the XBox One won't just be a giant pain in the ass.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I'm one of those people who didn't get a 360 'last' gen because I didn't want to pay for online. Which makes the next gen an interesting conundrum: On the one hand, the Xbone will be fucking ludicrously restrictive and stupid, etc. On the other hand, the PS4 will be essentially a 360 but a Playstation. Really, there is nothing I want the PS4 for other than straight out playing games the same way I do now. The recording might be useful and the social integration is going to be a pain in the ass, but when it comes down to it, it's a vanilla console, with paid online. And that's the only bad thing I can say about it, and yet it was enough for me not to get a 360 last time, because I hate subscriptions, at all. I hate being forced to use something as much as possible because I'm paying for it, and I hate not getting my money's worth out of something, and I'm going to be really annoyed if I pay for a year and only use half of it because then a couple of great single-player games come out. Might get a PC for once. And maybe a Wii U NOPE MUST STAND STRONG.

But basically, yeah, Xbone is off the cards entirely. It would have taken a bit of convincing even without all the shit it's been saddled with.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Not me, I'm one of the people who actually like the new direction.
(If you're going to throw rocks, please avoid the face!)


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2012
I started my console gaming run with an Original Xbox. When the last generation hit, naturally, I got a Xbox 360. A little over a year ago, I built my current gaming PC, as I was starting to find the grind of CoD Clones and the like wearing thin on me, and PC gaming showed so many larger avenues (No Offence to the console enthusiasts, You can probably make a just fine case to the variety of the Console market, which frankly, I never really dug super deep into)

Few months after than, inherited a first generation PS3. Never a fan of the controllers feel, but otherwise, found myself pleasantly surprised with it. Come this thursday, I'll find myself using that awkward controller until it feels natural with the last of us.

And now, the next generation. Frankly, I don't see anything that highly appeals to me. Some interesting exclusives on each side for sure, but.... Nothing show stopping. The only titles I'm really excited for are Watchdogs, and Destiny. Watchdogs is coming to PC, so its definately adding itself to my steam library, and Destiny hasn't ruled out a PC port yet either.

Maybe they will come out with something that appeals to me, but.... Both sides have nothing to make me NEED the console, right away. If I was told I could have one, launch day, free of charge so long as I decided right now, It would be the PS4. I'm not adverse to online DRM schemes or the foggy waters of ownership (I live off of Steam, and I know exactly how quickly they could burn the house down), but Steam gives me something in return. Sales, non intrusive community features, and a generally nice framework to manage my games collection in. And if my connection drops, the game doesn't flip out. The PS4 isn't trying to shove DRM systems down my throat and refusing to actually, you know, reward me for being a loyal customer.

I love the Xbox, I really do, but the Xbone, well, thats just calling foul on me because I joined the game. At least on Steam its not constantly checking on me. I walk in, prove my membership, then go off and do whatever until I decided to leave. PS4 WILL have DRM systems in place, because developers/publishers will always have them in. But they aren't building a system around them.

I may not be the target market for the new Xbox, but that doesn't make my $500 any less valid than the next guys.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
9thRequiem said:
Not me, I'm one of the people who actually like the new direction.
(If you're going to throw rocks, please avoid the face!)
I'm not going to throw rocks (well...maybe later, but gently), but I'm wondering what about internet check-ins or you can't play your games, sharing restrictions, and a digital resale system that leaves it up to the publisher whether or not to let you sell your games that you like? Just those three. I can sort of understand liking the Kinect and not being paranoid about Microsoft spying on you.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
I loved my Xbox, but then again, it broke 3 times.

I loved Halo, but did not enjoy Halo 4 and Bungie are in bed with Sony.

I love the new Kinect, but don't want to support what Microsoft are doing with DRM and Windows 8.

I'll stick to my PC. If it stops being able to run things I might get a PS4, so long as I can get an xbox controller for it.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
I had moved to PC for a while but I still liked to play my old Xbox 360 reguarly. I was planning to get the new Xbox as well just because i've always enjoyed the 360 and would probably like the new one and it's games. Now though?

I see no reason to get the Xbone, it offers nothing but limitations and flaws with nothing to make it appealing enough to get past that.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
I would say the only thing I tend to go into fanboy territory about would be my PlayStation. I bought the slim model of the PS2 when Final Fantasy X-2 came out (I was a teenager with hormones, and whilst the story wasn't great I can't say that Nintendo ever spoiled me in the 'story' department), and I've been on the PlayStation bandwagon ever since.

Seeing as how I test with an Xbox Controller at work, I can't say my opinion on Xbox was ever good. Seriously the things atrocious, it escapes me as to why people love the thing so much.

I was afraid Sony were going to say something immensely stupid at E3, but I was pleasantly surprised. Heck, I don't even mind the $5 to play online (which I never do).


New member
Sep 21, 2010
MeChaNiZ3D said:
9thRequiem said:
Not me, I'm one of the people who actually like the new direction.
(If you're going to throw rocks, please avoid the face!)
I'm not going to throw rocks (well...maybe later, but gently), but I'm wondering what about internet check-ins or you can't play your games, sharing restrictions, and a digital resale system that leaves it up to the publisher whether or not to let you sell your games that you like? Just those three. I can sort of understand liking the Kinect and not being paranoid about Microsoft spying on you.
- Internet checkins I don't care about. I've not had an offline 24 hour period since I was about 15.
- Sharing will be much, much better for me with the X1 rather than the PS4.
- I've not bought / sold games used in the last decade, so that doesn't bother me.

Truth is, I don't like the Kinect much. I don't have one for my 360, and don't have the empty space to use one properly. It's the discless playing and family sharing that I like, and why I'm definitely having an Xbox One.