stroopwafel said:
Lufia Erim said:
If videogames can have positives effects on certain people, why couldn't they also have negative effects?
Gamers obviously have a bias, which is why their cries are ignored.
Here's an easy example.
If Sad music can make you sad and that sadness can make you cry, and happy music can make you happy and that happiness makes you smile/laugh, then why can't angry music make you angry and that anger have you act out?
That last one is a stretch.
That doesn't make any sane person want to 'act out'. That is just ridiculous. It exists on a completely different plane from crazy people who commit (gun) violence. It's not like crazy needs an excuse. Crazy needs access to mental health programs or psychiatric care in an early stage and no access to guns.
Is it? Anger is an emotion is it not? Just like Sadness and Happiness. From what i can tell, normal, healthy individuals, experience anger. From what i gathered also, normal healthy individuals make poor decision while Sad, Happy or Angry. Excluding Anger seems disingenuous at best.
The problem is, people are looking at Videogames as something that WILL make you violent rather than Can make you violent.
There's a difference. And different people react in different ways to media. Some people will watch a sad movie and cry. Others will watch a sad movie, and feel comfort ( happiness) and again other will watch the same movie and feel angry.
And yet, as soon as videogames are discussed, gamers, ignore the "angry". It's hypocritical.