So you are transported back to the dark ages...

David Bjur

Hazy sucks, Daystar Moreso
Nov 21, 2011
SckizoBoy said:
David Bjur said:
I guess I could invent the very first gun, since I do have the knowledge how to make one of those. Oh, and I could name it "David" so everyone would use David's in war. And that name would never be given to any kid ever again.
Good luck with that! No, I mean it seriously (I gather you mean handgun?) Making a decent enough barrel that guides the bullet the right way will take you fucking ages...
And without ze internet I got all the time in the world in my hands :p
Also if I manage to convince a blacksmith that I'm Jesus then I could always make him do it for me, sparing me all the hard work.


New member
May 5, 2011
I'm fairly confident that I could rediscover quite a few antibiotics within a couple of decades using seaweed to form agar plates, and the rest would sort of develop from there). Also if people knew that I was from the future then I could authoritatively say that we had certain things, like TVs, computers, the internet, and inventors wouldn't be looked upon as crackpots, they'd be rapidly funded. Assuming I wasn't burnt at the stake of course.

Potato Dragon

New member
Sep 3, 2011
I know how to make gun powder so i could probably live a very happy life. could also do steam engine, pumps and the basics of electricity so if i find someone willing to let me do that i could be quite rich.

captcha: "dog's dinner" <= or that


New member
Feb 24, 2011
I reckon I know enough about maths, chemistry and medicine to do well for myself, so long as I could deal with the language differences.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Smithburg said:
and you have all the knowledge you currently have. How many things would you be able to reinvent?

Electricity? Cars? Computers? A Shamwow? A pastromi on rye?
Nothing. Just because I know of them, does not mean I know how to create them.


New member
Jan 3, 2008
Well, assuming the language barrier did not exist (In Germany, people would probably just assume I come from another county, apparently "True German" is the dialect spoken in HAnnover), and I would not die from some ridiculous disease that has been eradicated long enough for me to not have any antibodies, and found some help by contemporary craftsmen, I might be able to construct an electric generator that works on steam, water or a windmill, a lightbulb, and maybe an electric motor. Given time, maybe even a Roentgen tube (although I would need to find a way to rectify the generator's output and step up the voltage for that).

It's not high-tech, but it might give technology the kick-start it needs to make oil-fueled machinery obsolete before it even becomes dominant.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Electricity is well within my abilities. As are incandescent light bulbs. Small electrical motors, like fans. I could design crude refrigeration devices, but they wouldn't be any where near as efficient. I could design steam engines as well, if I first learned how to smith metal. Maybe internal combustion engine, I'd have to figure out the lubrication system on my own. I could certainly create some repeating black powder rifles. I might be able to remember how to make nylon.
Probably a few other odds and ends.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Well, I'd have to take a Brita filter, a lifetime supply of water purification tablets and MREs, a rebreather, and a hazmat suit.

They might think I was god. Or a demon, probably demon, then kill me. Assuming they didn't, if any of those failed, I would die anyway.

I'd also need period money and an ability to learn the language; and a skill set or something to trade for local period currency.

That, and I don't know how to make a car or computer from scratch. I'd have to "invent" tons of mining and refining techniques to simply have the materials, let alone other processes to "invent" the tools required to actually make the damned things.

Besides, I don't subscribe to a temporal multiverse model of time-travel. Any time travel to what we call our "past" has already happened. If any of us, in the future, go back in time to change something; kill Hitler, save Kennedy, invent cars; we already have, and we failed. If time-travel is ever possible, the world we live in now is the result of all time travel to the past.

Harry Potter, Premonition, and Deja vu (almost), have it. Harry was saved from the dementors by Harry. In Deja Vu, Denzel Washington is going through a bathroom with blood in the sink. After he time travels, he bleeds into that same sink. He sends a message back to himself that is actually picked up by his partner who was already killed because he followed the message. Of course, they throw it all out the window so he can save the day, but until then it worked.

In the future, no one successfully goes back in time and kills Hitler. Not because they didn't try or because some magical cosmic force stopped them, it is because whatever they did in our past already happened in our past. The easy answer is that time-travel simply isn't possible, but even if it is, whatever you end up doing in the past has already been done.

It's a simple concept of time-travel that is hard to explain in a world where time-travel has been depicted by doctors in bowties and teenagers who inexplicably hang out with crazy old men who live in their garage.

Hawk of Battle

New member
Feb 28, 2009
Quaxar said:
And then of course it's always a good idea to have that chart with you.
Goddamnit ninja'd. Yeah I was just gona post this list and be done with. You gota be prepared for this kind of crap after all, you never know when you might end up stuck in the past.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
I would kill myself because I refuse to live in a place where poop is commonly thrown on the street and the Protestants (including what I am now) are burned at the stake.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Hopefully, I'd interest the nobility long enough to get the idea of basic hygiene and healthcare through. I could potentially save a lot of lives, and since it only involves much water boiling and washing of hands, I doubt I'll be executed as a godless wizard.

Yes, guns and weapons and machines and whatnot are a fantastic step two, but keeping the peasants alive (and even better, upping the population growth over time) is a good place to start, it means there will be more hands to put 'em in.

Although I think I'd prefer to be zapped off to the Enlightenment-era, myself, if I had the choice...


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Relish in Chaos said:
I'd fucking kill myself if that ever happened, if I'm unable to return to the present.
Wow, second response ninja'd me. Yeah, if I couldn't come back to the present when I wanted, I'd probably just kill myself. I'm not an inventor, I don't know to create guns, cars, electricity, hell, I wouldn't even be able to invent toothpaste. And without internet/movies/video games? Hell no. If I didn't do it myself, I'd end up dying of the Plague or something anyway.

James Crook

New member
Jul 15, 2011
I'd come up with my best impression of Middle English/Old French just to enlist in the army and then just fucking shoot myself with a crossbow. If given one. If not then I'd just 'acquire' one and shoot myself with it.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
The only thing I'm reinventing is equal rights and fair pay. Why not? The middle ages would be pretty cool if people had more money and weren't so sexist, racist, istist, ect.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Hazy992 said:
Nothing, because I'd be immediately executed for being a witch if I tried any of that.

EDIT: Not to mention they'd think I was speaking in tongues. Modern day English is completely different to what they spoke in the Dark Ages.
Witchcraft is not the same as ancient innovation. One could get away with things that are not too far for their beliefs, once at a time. But if you believe that the language barrier is that great, then the first answer is...

Language. I'm not a high-slang person, but I would still have many rough spots even with the most educated of person in the dark ages. Assuming I can come to some understanding, being an educated man and all, then the next thing is most obvious: Medicine and Alchemy. I won't survive long if I can't do something about my surroundings, like make it more livable and have someone believe me to be a man of wonders, not evils. Once alchemy is under the table, I can invent gunpowder and the means to use it and conquer the world.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
I'd probably steal some weapons and armor and proceed to find the Holy Grail. Might as well have some fun.


New member
May 15, 2012
I'd teach Plains Native Americans farming and try to reinvent the engine and give it to native americans as well. teheheh, it would be fun to see what happens when the first of the European ships begin to arrive >:)

Edit: specific area of Native americans


New member
Jun 29, 2011
Does where we are matter, or are we always be in Europe? If not, I'm in America, so I'd get to invent the colonies first, AND kill Native Americans with my crazy white people and future diseases.

OT: I would make Tee shirts and Trousers. Especially so If I'm in America, because I don't pull of the loincloth well. In Europe, I might wait a bit so I can finally wear a full suit of armor.