Soccer World Cup Teams Given Anime Girl Mascots


New member
Mar 13, 2010
Most of these are just plain awful. Not only that, but they're in poor taste.

ObsidianJones said:
So Nigeria had the only completely black girl because... Japan, I guess? Ghana and Cameroon, places of traditional ethnic people of darker skin tone... Eh, we already had Nigeria. Make them light skin.
I agree. The artist could easily have done a better job with all of this.


Detective Prince
Jul 2, 2009
Some of them just made me face palm. It's bad that the Muslim nations have the ones with the least clothing that's almost flat out disrespectful. I did like a lot of the European ones like France, and England. Korea, and Japan I got a good lul out of, but still good. America... why does she have to be blond?

Aaron Sylvester

New member
Jul 1, 2012
Lizmichi said:
Some of them just made me face palm. It's bad that the Muslim nations have the ones with the least clothing that's almost flat out disrespectful.
But isn't pretty much everything in existence disrespectful to Muslims in some way or the other?


New member
Mar 13, 2009
I liked it.

Could have done a better job in some skin/race aspects for certain countries.

As for some stereotypes, I don't mind certain things. If a country prides himself of something (for example, me a brazilian of carnival) it is normal that people remember you for it, (being impossible to know everything about every country.) But some deserved a better job, like Ghana.

Bosnia is pretty sad. Since we are depressed by it, we should know more good things of that country.

I don't mind fanservice because I like it.

As for Iran's risky design... Well, it may be disrespectfull to the culture, but in the other hand it is a middle finger to the aiatolahs that forcefed the culture to the people who don't want it and keep saying to kill the west.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Well I have two choices.
Australia or England.
I was born in England, and I am a Australian citizen.

I think I'll side with England with this one. I like the design better ... [sub][sub][sub]there should be no problem with preferring flat chests and a more feisty girl with short hair![/sub][/sub][/sub]

Anyway, I liked both designs well. :D


New member
Feb 2, 2011
@ Those of you complaining about the Iran one:
Oh yeah you're right, that's so offensive. Iranians never kill anybody, they're totally peaceful and I don't know where the artist got those violent stereotypes because when I think "Iran", I usually think "free hugs".

I think the internet has to have a collective meeting about the differences between "stereotypes" and "honest cultural commentary". I don't think pointing out something a country is known for is necessarily stereotypical. For example, I'm an American, but I don't get offended when the Japanese draw an American as some military dude eating a cheeseburger, because that's what we are and we all know it. Not every American is that way, but as a culture, we're way too into war and we love unhealthy food. That's true. It's not a prejudice, it's our culture. And yes, Iran is a very violent culture. They're not all terrorists, but they do take their Islam extremely seriously. And you can be tolerant of Muslims without turning a blind eye to the problems of violence within the Islamic world.

Now if you want to make the argument that the Iranian design is offensive because it makes light of the suffering experienced by the victims of terrorism by drawing a clearly violent-minded girl all sexy like, that would be a legitimate point that I can understand. However, I would also argue that the Iranian design is actually satirical, given the girl's lack of clothing juxtaposed with the hijab. I think the artist knew exactly what he was doing with it and I would give him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn't just making her topless for fap's sake, but rather as a tongue-in-cheek silent protest against the way Iran represses women. I'm not saying that objectification = empowerment, but nudity can be liberating when done in the face of people who strictly oppose nudity.

Or maybe the artist just has no tact at all. I mean I don't know, I'm not in his head. But why do we have to assume the worst?

I love to death all of these drawings overall, and I'm totally going to root for the team with the hottest female representative now.