societal conventions you hate

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
Anti-intellectualism is fading slowly, but is still prominent in many mainstream areas and it pisses me off.

The idea that not caring to get involved in politics makes you unpatriotic. Also the idea that showing any kind of patriotism means you're an idiot. I don't care for politics, but I do care for my country regardless. Neither of those facts makes me an anarchist or an idiot.

The idea that happy, optimistic people are stupid while bitter, cynical people are smart. I hate talking to hyper-cynical people who doubt everything and hate everyone and always assume the worst of everything, which is unfortunate because 70% of the internet seems to be like this. Cynicism is a useful trait in comedy, but in real social interactions it makes you depressing, boring, and annoying. And being a cynic doesn't make you smart; a cynical person is just as easy to fool as an optimist.

Also the notion that being a loner who doesn't talk much means I'm unhappy. I'm not unhappy, in fact I quite enjoy my life. Please stop trying to force change on me, because THAT makes me unhappy.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Bureaucracy. Because despite the original intent of getting things done quickly and efficiently, now it mostly just makes things needlessly convoluted and lengthy.

Mr Somewhere

New member
Mar 9, 2011
I've always had a particular problem with the very special Irish convention of silence. Can't talk about how you feel, good god don't you know men are machines? You have to remain uncomplaining everything is "fine" or "fair enough". We remain silent as life buckles down and breaks us, making quiet alcoholics all around this distressing country.


Plushy wrangler, die-curious
Sep 9, 2009
MetalDooley said:
bliebblob said:
MetalDooley said:
People getting their children baptised even when they're non-practising christians/atheists
The reason for that (at least where I live) is because they want their kid to have a choice. There's a second ceremony in elementary school and a third in highschool. Only if you did all 3 you are a full blown christian and are you allowed to get married in church.
These parents have their kids baptised so they can later decide for themselves if they want to do the 2nd and third thingy. If their parents didn't do this the kids would simply not be allowed to do the other 2 even if they wanted to.

Wel technically you can still get baptised at any age but it's quite an ordeal, not to mention emberassing. (yes you have to actually get the water sprinkled on you head and everything. Dunno if you have to be nude though, god I hope not)
It's not a good reason though.The whole idea of baptism is that you intend to raise your child in the christian faith(Hell a vow to do exactly that is part of the baptism ritual).Why make that vow if you have no intention of keeping it?For example my friend's daughter is having her first communion this weekend(which is the second ceremony thingy you mentioned).The girl is 8 years old and I genuinely don't think she has ever been to mass in her life.The only reason their getting it done is because everyone else is and that's never a good reason to do something

I know plenty of people who have had their children baptised and when I've asked why the 3 reasons usually given are
1.It's tradition
2.Family members(usually parents or grandparents)would be upset if they didn't
3.They don't want their child to feel left out in school when the rest are getting communion and confirmation

None of those are valid reasons.The only valid reason is to raise your child in the faith and that is the one reason usually not given.If parents really want to give their kids a choice then they should wait till the kid is in their teens and old enough to make the decision for themselves
Oh so it's just called communion? No wonder I couldn't translate it, it's exactly the same word in my language XD

But yeah I agree with you that it's a bad reason.
However do not make the mistake of thinking the church's hands are completely clean in this. They know darn well many parents baptise their kids just because they dont want to ruin their opportunities. They know darn well a lot of parents make their kid do the first communion so they don't feel left out. And they know darn well many kids do their second communion only because they fear not being able to marry in church will ruin future relationships. They know it and they love it because it brings in loads of souls. (btw wanting to some day get married in church should totally have been nr. 4 on that list, it was the only reason for doing the second communion for 100% of my old highschool class).

Also, there's a loophole: yes you vow to raise your child as a christian, but what does that even mean in practice? Nobody ever said that means going to mass and all that. If anything it means teaching them to live by christian values, aka the ten commandments. But, except for the worship-one-god-part, those are things any sane parents would teach their kids anyway. They are not exclusive to christianity, they are basic rules of civilization and if fact show up in one form or the other in all major religions. So you're not really lying when you agree to said vow.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
lisadagz said:
I was wondering why I wasn't getting paid!

... I meant I have to tell them that in order to explain that I do nothing for a living. XP
Is it nothing? D:

did my "friends" shun me for nothing???

>_> Is being a student all it's cracked up to be?


Feb 9, 2010
bliebblob said:
Also, there's a loophole: yes you vow to raise your child as a christian, but what does that even mean in practice? Nobody ever said that means going to mass and all that. If anything it means teaching them to live by christian values, aka the ten commandments. But, except for the worship-one-god-part, those are things any sane parents would teach their kids anyway. They are not exclusive to christianity, they are basic rules of civilization and if fact show up in one form or the other in all major religions. So you're not really lying when you agree to said vow.
Actually attending mass and receiving communion are intrinsic parts of the christian faith(well catholic anyway).By making the vow you are in fact agreeing that you will regularly bring your child to mass,confession and the other various ceremonies as well as teaching your child about god,jesus and all the other malarkey.As I said if you have no intention of doing any of this then you shouldn't be making the vow in the first place

Also second communion?Is that what it's called where you live?It's called confirmation here

Furious Styles

New member
Jul 10, 2010
Oly J said:
I personally hate when famous musicians die...not because they can't make music anymore but because as soon as a famous musician dies they are made a god in the eyes of society regardless of the public opinion on them in life (this might be attributed to other famous figures too)


Agreed! I mean, I personally think the guy was something bordering on a musical genius, but he wasn't fucking Jesus! The guy was, in his first marriage, a wife beater, he basically abandoned his first son, turned on everyone he loved when he married Yoko and ignored them for years, was a bit of a cynical, cruel, arrogant son of a *****. His death was tragic because he had a young son and, while he was no saint, he wasn't a terrible human being and he was still a great musician. This whole "John Lennon was a campaigner for peace" bullshit really pisses me off, though. How does staying in bed count as campaigning for peace? How does writing some admittedly very good songs count as campaigning for peace? It doesn't. People need to take the jesus goggles off when they look at John Lennon and appreciate what he was, a great musician who died too young and who wasn't the nicest guy in the world.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Shivarage said:
lisadagz said:
I was wondering why I wasn't getting paid!

... I meant I have to tell them that in order to explain that I do nothing for a living. XP
Is it nothing? D:

did my "friends" shun me for nothing???

>_> Is being a student all it's cracked up to be?
Well, it's not a living, like you said. :O

Your friends shunned you because they became students? :( Are you sure they're not just really busy? I never see my friends any more, I have too much work. I'm actually quite worried I'm losing them and there's not much I can do about it until term's over.

And if by "all it's cracked up to be" you mean the independence, the parties and the whatnot, I didn't become a student for any of that so I wouldn't know. Some students seem to manage to balance their work and their partying and some manage to hold down a part time job so they can afford to live on their own but I don't know how they do it... (maybe they don't spend their evenings on the Escapist or something crazy like that.)


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Bags159 said:
Wearing suits in the business world. I'm not saying everyone should run around in Nikes and sweat pants, but I hate suits with a passion.
Agreed. If you need a suit to look respectable and trustworthy, you are neither of those things.

That most people are downright bad.
That people can stare at me on the train, but god forbid i use breathing techniques to calm myself down so i don't feel the need to smash their head in with a college hard drive.
That people correct me when i say "gorram".


Cosmic Rays of Undeadly Fire
Nov 2, 2010
The fact that men can not wear tops but women can't, look not being a perv here but what is the issue? Nipples? Men have them?


New member
Mar 7, 2011

Those damn sandals.

Social political debate. Your opinions do not matter.

Any public display of religion at all.

Any overt public display of your sexuality. ( Not PDA, see: flag waving)

People who tell you they are "1/16th native american". Its not true, and even if it is, we do NOT care.

People who tell you what nationality they are, if it includes any more than 3 non US countries. Give me the big 3.

Morons who make up completely untrue statements on a topic in order to impress someone who also has no knowledge on said topic. My mobile wiki will own you.

People who get overly involved in every issue, ever.

Any celebrity giving their opinion on public TV as if it matters.

Meat heads who strut. I am 100% a meat head ( at 6'5 @ 255 lbs of muscle) and I do everything in my damned power to not strut.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
TwistedEllipses said:
...also, ties have no function!
Bowties are cool.

OT: Some of these I agree with, others I don't.

We could stand to do without an overwhelming amount of political correctness. The only PC I like is a computer.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
For some reason I've been told several times that apparently wearing a hood inside is rude or disrespectful, why?
Does me making my ears feeling more comfortable some how show a clear sign that I think less of others?

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
TheIronRuler said:
Women usually getting the cake and eating it.
The whole feministic approach to things, in which women are independant but on the other hand some women also require men to be chivalrous AT THE SAME TIME.
Which is why my girlfriend treats me half the time we're eating out. The other times, I treat her.

What I dislike is no visible tattoos at certain jobs, even if the tattoos aren't obscene or otherwise unpleasant to look at regarded as pictures.

No hats indoors. Seriously, for several decades nobody's remembered why, except for a handful who used it as an excuse.

No elbows on the table. It's at just the right height, dang it!


New member
Mar 3, 2010
When People can't differentiate between a person and their opinions or try to think that there opinion is objective fact instead of being subjective, if we could integrate more I think it would solve most of our problems.

Also Obscure puns.