Sony Admires Microsoft's Decision to Change Xbox One


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Psychobabble said:
Fair enough. I agree it's a brilliant PR move, but I still disagree it in any way is a positive thing for Microsoft. As nice as they sound Sony are still twisting the knife in their competition. As if they see the Xbone as such a weak competitor they can afford to offer them sympathy and platitudes.
Absolutely. I agree with that 100%.

It comes across as nice but is more like patting a kid on the head saying, "Who's a smart boy?" to Microsoft. Their comments as to the competition's strength shows that they're still viewing them as a threat to be reckoned with which, if true, means that Sony isn't going to let up just because of some light already visible at the end of the tunnel. I imagine Sony thinks of the ps1 and ps2 generation and just looks at the ps3 performance in disgust. I mean, heck, those first two generation showed them selling more than the competition combined and multiple times the next closest console. I think they're trying to get back there this time and this is the way to do it. It's also the right time. Nintendo's console is looking terrible while Microsoft made huge PR misteps. If the released product is everything it appears to be, Sony could easily be selling multiple times more than the XBO. I'm not sure what Microsoft can do to avoid that. They'll probably announce a XBO version without the mandatory kinect next year that should drop the price to $350 (according to the statement that it costs almost as much as the console to manufacture). But all these 180s are certainly hurting their image and it's looking like they're going to have another system reliability issue.

All Sony really has to do is deliver what they appear to already have. I was expecting the WiiU to pick up sales as of August... it's only doing worse while the 360 and ps3 have picked up significantly as is expected during the holiday quarter.

PSV and PSP are also doing surprisingly bad. Though both are doing better than the WiiU... so... Good luck to Nintendo. If that price drop in Sept didn't do it then I they've got to do something drastic (like dropping the gamepad which I've consistently pointed to as a $140 price inflator).


New member
Oct 29, 2011
amaranth_dru said:
Put it like this folks, if Microsoft does lose and stop making consoles, and Nintendo decides the US market is no longer profitable, you realize that there will be no more competition to drive down prices and Sony will have free reign to charge whatever they want? Unless for some reason the SteamBox thing is embraced by the non-core gaming society, which I doubt heavily.
Less competition though will mean more you'll pay and no incentive for Sony to care what you say.
A whole lot of ifs in there. And Sony has dominated for 2 straight gens but never tried to do what you where are you getting this from? This is the same company that has been giving you free games and very well could have packed their console full of DRM and mandatory overpriced cameras but did none of that. They've gone out of their way to be the most consumer friendly and they still get this kinda shit thrown at them. It's mind boggling.

Further, there will always be competition in this industry as long as there's money to be made. Sega fell off and MS jumped right in that slot. If N goes, another will take that spot.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
So they only "admired" them for making changes after they humiliated them at E3, made 300 billion jokes about them after the fact, pointed and laughed at them once they quickly reversed their policies that started the E3 fiasco in the first place, called them wusses for not sticking to their guns, and laughed at them some more about it.

Great to see Sony are acting like admirable people in this situation.