Sony Announces New PS2 Bundle

Flapjack Ninja

New member
Sep 18, 2010
$99 for a PS2 and Toy Story 3? That's not great...

I love the PS2 and all my favorite games are from that console, but, $99 is way too high a price in my opinion.

Good for Sony, though.


New member
Aug 1, 2008
Shame they didn't make it the fat model. :(

Nice to see they're still trying to keep it alive, I don't know what I'll do if that PS2 game playing device for the PS3 they patented has region protection on it.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Crunchy English said:
On the one hand, companies supporting their old products is something we don't see enough of in technology-based indsutries. Kudos to Sony for realizing that yesterday's customers are no less valuable than today's. PS2 games are still being played, so PS2 Consoles should still be produced new if possible, albeit in smaller amounts. Nothing is worse than telling someone that the AC Adapter to their N64 is going to be difficult to replace after their cat ate the cable.

On the other hand, if Sony could just have found a way to keep backwards compaitbility in the PS3 at an affordable price, none of this would be necessary profitable.
Fix'd that for you.

OT: I love all my PS2 games. It's just a crying shame I have to switch out my PS3 for the PS2 whenever I want to play some Jak & Daxter or old-school Ratchet and Clank. I still have one fo the launch model PS2's, and it has never, ever died on me, still works fine to this day. In contrast, both my 360 and PS3 have kicked the bucket since I got them, one of them 3 days after purchase. No joke.

PS2 for the win.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Treblaine said:
Not G. Ivingname said:
Sounds like a good deal, but could they of picked a better game then Toy Story 3? I loved the movie but even Pixar tie in games are terrible.
Apparently this particular game was quite good.
Really? I been trying to find the Metacritic rating for the PS2 versian to no avial.

Though the rest of the versians are in the mid 70's range, which is far better then the 42 given to Walle.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
From a Business standpoint the removal of PS3 back-compat. makes much sense, because of what we are reading here: many people still play and are willing to buy a PS2.

Also, we must not forget that there are diferent markets all over the world. Many parents buy PS2 for their yonger kids, there is a large variety of party and junior games available. People with less income started gaming more often due to the lower console and game prices. In South America, for ex., the console sells very well.

All in all, its wonderfull to see an older console still having such support, i own a PS3 and a Xbox360, but i still buy PS2 games. It makes me happy the PS2 was the greatest gaming investment i have ever made, in terms of bang-for-the-buck ofc.

P.S.- talking about different markets and consumer needs, a fun\sad fact: Eastern Europe skipped the NES generation due to the Iron Curtain, but still gamers found a way, in pirate systems.

Behold: The Ending-Man!



For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
I like this idea, but I want them to re-release the PS1 so that I don't have to buy a new one every two months because the ones I buy are half broke to start with.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Not G. Ivingname said:
Treblaine said:
Not G. Ivingname said:
Sounds like a good deal, but could they of picked a better game then Toy Story 3? I loved the movie but even Pixar tie in games are terrible.
Apparently this particular game was quite good.
Really? I been trying to find the Metacritic rating for the PS2 versian to no avial.

Though the rest of the versians are in the mid 70's range, which is far better then the 42 given to Walle.
It's a good bundle game as it's Familiar to adults (Pixar) with no ambiguity that the content isn't suitable for kids. This seems like a good review:

Seems like a good starter game for kids who might be new to gaming.

I also think that $99 is the sweet spot. Any less than that for a tech product like a console and unless I knew better (and as the average parent I wouldn't about video games consoles) I'd think I'm getting some cheap tat. Either add more stuff (more games, extra controller, etc), but don't sell for less than $99.

Actually for $99 that would be my complaint, it should come with two controllers and two games. Then it would be ideal. Only the problem is there are so few games being released for PS2, this year only a handfull of mainly Sports games that are little more than token updates of last year's game with new stats.

PS2 is on it's last legs, buying one now one better not expect many if any new releases.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
My PS3 sat in its box under my bed for months, before I finally sold it. Until and unless the PS3 gets a kick-ass exclusive title, my PS2 is the only Sony I need in my life. :)

Aphex Demon

New member
Aug 23, 2010
Not G. Ivingname said:
Sounds like a good deal, but could they of picked a better game then Toy Story 3? I loved the movie but even Pixar tie in games are terrible.
Believe it or not, they did a good job on Toy Story 3.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I'd buy it if only to play Kingdom Hearts over again along with The Getaway and a number of other playstation titles. Given that the PS3 isn't backwards compatible, I can't play these games. Which is a point I have to give to the 360, although the games you can play may end up with bugs and other issues... At least you can play them.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
So is this the real reason they scrapped BC? They still think there are sales in the old system?
And they are possibly right. The PS2 has a large library of games which are enjoyed by a lot. To some people there's a lot of nostalgia value there. The PS2 is nearly ten years old, which means quite a few people (mainly teens) will have grown up on that console and would probably like to play some of the older games. I think there's still quite a lot of power left in the PS2 if only for nostalgia reasons.

I think the main reason why the PS2 still sells strong and the reason the Xbox is now considered obsolete is mainly because the PS3 has no backwards compatibility for the PS2 while the 360 does (to a certain extent). One could say that Sony planned this and if they did, smart move, if not.. Lucky move.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Sovvolf said:
Zachary Amaranth said:
So is this the real reason they scrapped BC? They still think there are sales in the old system?
And they are possibly right. The PS2 has a large library of games which are enjoyed by a lot. To some people there's a lot of nostalgia value there. The PS2 is nearly ten years old, which means quite a few people (mainly teens) will have grown up on that console and would probably like to play some of the older games. I think there's still quite a lot of power left in the PS2 if only for nostalgia reasons.

I think the main reason why the PS2 still sells strong and the reason the Xbox is now considered obsolete is mainly because the PS3 has no backwards compatibility for the PS2 while the 360 does (to a certain extent). One could say that Sony planned this and if they did, smart move, if not.. Lucky move.
I don't think they started off that way, but I suspect them retracting BC may have been intentional after the fact. So I think it may be a combination of smarts and luck.

then again, I'm guessing. This just seems like suspect timing. Coincidence is not proof.

I'm wondering if BC is dead in the water for next gen.


New member
Nov 9, 2007
Cleril said:
shadowstriker86 said:
Cleril said:
LightspeedJack said:
Come on Sony let it die. Put PS2 games on the PSN Store and I will be happy.
shadowstriker86 said:
or here's an idea: make ps2 games downloadable on the psn!
Not possible, PS3 lacks PS2 backwards compatibility.
if people can make portable dreamcasts, then they can make it so
Not unless they rebuild and recode the PS3.
The firmware exists. A couple of older PS3 models did have backwards compatibility.