Sony Announces PlayStation Store's Triumphant Return


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Kopikatsu said:
I'm a bit upset that it is coming out so late...(I mean, that's...what? Three days before inFamous 2 comes out? I won't even have time to sleep if I want to get 50% of the cores and beat inFamous before then.)

But at least it is coming back. Hopefully we'll be able to put this whole nightmare behind us and maybe PEOPLE WILL LEAVE SONY ALONE THIS TIME.

Edit: $5 says that the PSN Store will crash shortly after coming online from the massive traffic they'll be getting.
Don't say such things because it might happen! Although I think that's an easy bet to make and it will be slow as hell to buy anything from them since I'm sure we all have some make up buying to do.

OT: Well, I hope they can, I have some codes that I need to redeem and it's kinda hard to do that when the PSN is down. Especially since one of them will be inFamous 2 and I WOULD LIKE TO USE THEM IF IT'S NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK.

*ahem* Sorry, but hopefully it will be an easy transition when it does come back up, and no major hick ups when it does.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
GeorgW said:
GonzoGamer said:
GeorgW said:
Aw man, I thought you were gonna say it was back now :(
I just have a horrible feeling that they'll be hacked June 3rd.
Apparently LulzSec has already hacked them again and claims they're going to bring about the end of Sony though I think that's just a threat attempting to bring the share price down. They can't possibly take down the whole company but if they mire psn long enough and ensure the monkeys who provide support for the ps3/psp only work on anti-hack firmware (apparently not too hard from what we've seen happen to the current psp) they can definitely kill the playstation brand.

I might finally log back on to get a couple of free psp games and the one ps3 game on the list I don't have but I've been playing a lot of 1p games so I haven't even downloaded the update yet.
Yeah, I was just saying it would be hacked in order to prevent the return on the store. They're gonna get mini hacked all the time.
Re, your avatar - Everybody loves Hypnotoad...'specially me.
Do you mean the consoles or the network.
I don't give a crap if Geohot keeps hacking the devise, hell it could be a last resort if support for the ps3 really goes down the tubes as I fear it will. And it's the interference with that kind of hacking that brought about the network hacking.
If I was a hacker I would probably save my big attack (or big trap) for right when the store returns. In the mess of the shiton of transactions they're sure to see, they can get a lot more a lot more quietly.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
June 4th, huh? Cool, I still got time then.
I'll try not to get my hopes up...JUST in case.

Defense said:
Let's hope they store user data better this time.
I love these type of puns.


Aug 27, 2010
GonzoGamer said:
GeorgW said:
GonzoGamer said:
GeorgW said:
Aw man, I thought you were gonna say it was back now :(
I just have a horrible feeling that they'll be hacked June 3rd.
Apparently LulzSec has already hacked them again and claims they're going to bring about the end of Sony though I think that's just a threat attempting to bring the share price down. They can't possibly take down the whole company but if they mire psn long enough and ensure the monkeys who provide support for the ps3/psp only work on anti-hack firmware (apparently not too hard from what we've seen happen to the current psp) they can definitely kill the playstation brand.

I might finally log back on to get a couple of free psp games and the one ps3 game on the list I don't have but I've been playing a lot of 1p games so I haven't even downloaded the update yet.
Yeah, I was just saying it would be hacked in order to prevent the return on the store. They're gonna get mini hacked all the time.
Re, your avatar - Everybody loves Hypnotoad...'specially me.
Do you mean the consoles or the network.
I don't give a crap if Geohot keeps hacking the devise, hell it could be a last resort if support for the ps3 really goes down the tubes as I fear it will. And it's the interference with that kind of hacking that brought about the network hacking.
If I was a hacker I would probably save my big attack (or big trap) for right when the store returns. In the mess of the shiton of transactions they're sure to see, they can get a lot more a lot more quietly.
I'm just saying that June 3rd, or at the right time June 4th, would be the perfect time to strike, and we're not the only ones that realise that. I want the store back, and don't want someone to prevent that. And I'm fearing I won't get my free games for a long while.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
Cant wait to get Infamous and Wipeout. For me personally it has been worth the inconvenience of missing lovefilm for a month just to get those.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
This is probably for the better, because after then it'll just be final tests for me for the most part, and once I download Outlands and Fancy Pants Adventures, it might be a while before I'm willing to touch any schoolwork.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
finally, I thought they'd keep PS-store down till like the last day validated for download (if there is one), and cut EVERYONE OFF B4 they finish download... well... let us have'em!~

Harry Mason

New member
Mar 7, 2011

*pant pant*


Free games, here I come!


Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Geez, about time! I mean, I'm on Sony's side. I feel bad for the hack and all. But well...I just want Sony to give me my free games already! And for some reason, I'm eager to spend some of my money on some random crap at the store too. I also wanna try that free PSN+ trial so that I can save my PS3 crap there and then move it to a bigger hard drive. My new hard drive is just sitting there, waiting for Sony to fulfill its promise.

Hopefully, it WILL open by the 4th this time around. I have a hunch that it's not gonna be smooth sailing from here on but...well, let's just see.

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
Oh finally I can get Honest Hearts soon....

Then realize I have about 2 weeks to prep for Old World Blues


New member
Mar 3, 2011
Words can't accurately describe how happy this makes me. I won't even try. Simply put, I am eagerly looking forward to June 4. It's going to be a great weekend!


New member
May 29, 2009

Side note, since Sony has your birthday on file. Wouldn't it be cool of them to have a free purchase on your birthday? Like even a theme or something?

Grabbin Keelz

New member
Jun 3, 2009
Well, yay I guess.

I've actually never owned a PS3, but I still feel this will affect me sometime down the road. I buy all my stuff on Steam and I now know that it's possible that it can be hacked. I can only pray that the other online game distributers learn from this and do what they can to prevent getting hacked.
I wonder if Anonymous would help by catching the hackers, wouldn't that be cool, like an online Batman.
Mar 28, 2011
it's about bleeding time, i've gotten more and more annoyed simply because sony have waited till THE DAY of the rumoured restarts to tell us "you really believed that? That was just a rumour, silly!"



I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
bleachigo10 said:
Finally, I want my free stuff. Hopefully those hackers will go fall off of a mountain into a bear's mouth.
and then the bear falls into a sharks mouth, which is then eaten by a whale which is then eaten by...
(your go!)


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Dammit. Before reading the whole article I turned on my playstation and tried to sign on to the store to download Infamous . . . and it's still down until June 4th. Great.

At least Caturday will be fun.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Kopikatsu said:
I'm a bit upset that it is coming out so late...(I mean, that's...what? Three days before inFamous 2 comes out? I won't even have time to sleep if I want to get 50% of the cores and beat inFamous before then.)

But at least it is coming back. Hopefully we'll be able to put this whole nightmare behind us and maybe PEOPLE WILL LEAVE SONY ALONE THIS TIME.

Edit: $5 says that the PSN Store will crash shortly after coming online from the massive traffic they'll be getting.
Why do you think Little Big Planet and Infamous are on the list in the first place? Especially when the rest are just digital exclusive titles? Hell, I'm surprised they couldn't manage to throw an Uncharted game on there as well. Personally I wish they just gave us a wallet boost, like $20 or $30 PSD and just let us loose.

I'm waiting to see what Lulzsec will do.


New member
May 27, 2010
DeadlyYellow said:
Kopikatsu said:
I'm a bit upset that it is coming out so late...(I mean, that's...what? Three days before inFamous 2 comes out? I won't even have time to sleep if I want to get 50% of the cores and beat inFamous before then.)

But at least it is coming back. Hopefully we'll be able to put this whole nightmare behind us and maybe PEOPLE WILL LEAVE SONY ALONE THIS TIME.

Edit: $5 says that the PSN Store will crash shortly after coming online from the massive traffic they'll be getting.
Why do you think Little Big Planet and Infamous are on the list in the first place? Especially when the rest are just digital exclusive titles? Hell, I'm surprised they couldn't manage to throw an Uncharted game on there as well. Personally I wish they just gave us a wallet boost, like $20 or $30 PSD and just let us loose.

I'm waiting to see what Lulzsec will do.
I really don't care if it's a marketing ploy by Sony. They're offering games that I want for free, and I forgave them long before they announced the 'make good' plan.

And free games is pretty much the only thing that they could do. All of the games on the list are first-party games and that's because a third-party developer (Like Naughty Dog) wouldn't go 'Sure, you can give away our game for free!'. 77-ish million people had their information stolen, and let's say that they gave everyone 20PSD. That's 1.5 BILLION dollars they'd have to spend on top of the shittons of money they lost from the PSN/PSN Store being down. This way, they simply aren't getting any money instead of losing craploads of it.

LulzSec is only attacking Sony's music division and claim to have never gone after the gaming section.