Sony Fund Indie Developers

Singing Gremlin

New member
Jan 16, 2008
Zeeky_Santos said:
the later is easier for a thuggish loser like you to understand because there are really three defining components to look at in a system.
Much as it pains me to side with Indigo on anything, that line, especially written like that, aimed at the perfectly literate Sony hound is almost funny.

We get that you have different opinions, we all know Indigo's a fanboy, but thus far you are the bigger dick in this argument.

On topic, this does seem to be a really good idea, although I've got a couple of worries. Firstly, what it'll do to Sony's profit - I mean, Indie games are on the whole pretty low cost, but if there's an offer to match your budget, then we may start seeing a whole lot more Braid level costs.

Secondly, I can't help but feel mildly afraid of Spore cuteness-revamp syndrome. How far will "assist in marketing and design" go?


New member
Mar 6, 2009
Indigo_Dingo said:
Zeeky_Santos said:
One of the lowest quality fanboy rants I've ever seen
Grammar. Learn to use it. There is also a difference between a full stop and a comma, but neither allow you have three consecutive points beginning with the word "and".

Like I said, someone who continues to look at the hardware from a perspective that is biased towards the PC. Dismissing a game of chess by using the rules of checkers, as it were.
You can hardly be biased towards the PC, as top end PC's are much more capable in performance. What the developer was saying about Killzone and its usage of the PS3's hardware was true, developers need time to work out all the little tricks with a 'new' console like the PS3. This is why you have such long console generations.

At the end of the day the one thing that ensures a PS3 will be able, to a degree, to keep up with PC games graphics is that it isn't running a large OS. It is built from the ground up for gaming.

World of Warcraft demands a lot of game time, requires you to log on at set times every week if you want to see raid content. MMORPGs are to me, the definition of hardcore. In order to be the best, you need to have no life. Also games like Starcraft (considered a sport in South Korea) and Counter-Strike, have achieved competition status that no console game ever has.

Consoles can sport pretty graphics. They can have top notch single player games, hell they can even have decent multi-player. PC's have all these things, and a lot more.

Edit: Woops forget about the topic...

As a student who is working towards being a games programmer, I can say this is awesome.
Its things like this that are really going to help new developers start up, the more the big companies help out the little guys, the better it is for everyone.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Indigo_Dingo said:
Zeeky_Santos said:
One of the lowest quality fanboy rants I've ever seen
Grammar. Learn to use it. There is also a difference between a full stop and a comma, but neither allow you have three consecutive points beginning with the word "and".

Someone who continues to look at the hardware from a perspective that is biased towards the PC, in that the way the PC is set up is the only way to measure it. Dismissing a game of chess by using the rules of checkers, as it were.
Indigo, PC Hardware already surpasses that of the PS3. Just get over it. His grammar notwithstanding, that other guy was, in fact, right.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
Zeeky_Santos said:
Labyrinth said:
Zeeky_Santos said:
"Hardcore" isn't a demographic for consoles. What are you talking about?
Careful. Indigo might hear you.
who cares. if he thinks that a ps3 is more hardcore than PC he is clearly in the wrong and a post count of over 9000 can't prove him right.

BTW "Wordsmith Extraordinaire" great title
Stop living in the past. Over half of the revenue made on PC games last year came directly from World Of Warcraft - one of the most casual experiences there is. That doesn't say "hardcore gamers choice platform".

Plus, the Ps3 has God Of War III and whatever the hell Team Ico are doing. You may begin sucking it now.
Oh, I see - "World of Warcraft is all PC gaming has!" is your argument? By the same token I could say "PS3 only has MGS" but it wouldn't be true.

I'll just go back to playing Battlefield 2, Team Fortress, all the flash games that millions play in their working lunches, Empire Total war, etc etc


New member
Jan 6, 2009
What else do you want from sony? A couple rooms on a high tower, some playboy bunnies, pizza hut all day long and some greenies on your bank acc to support your develepment?

SURE it has to be play3 only. Or else pay yourself the production and sell to whoever you want.


The Could-Have-Been-King
Feb 5, 2009
Indigo_Dingo said:
Jumplion said:
The developer then creates X-ball Deluxe, where they just add a little extra content and call it a new game. They then release the game on Wiiware or XBLA. Now, the developer holds the rights, and are able to make sequels where they want. But, its still a raging dick move.
I would assume that there is some clause in the contract that would prevent doing somethng like that.
Mar 26, 2008
It's a very good idea by Sony. Game developers are really feeling the pinch with the Global Economic Crisis and appealing to their hip-pocket may serve them well. I know the game company my brother works for is looking for funding for their next game and they aren't the only ones.