Sony Patent Hammers GameStop Share Price


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
MeChaNiZ3D said:
Oh, right. Because publishers individually being able to lock used games is going to result in so much less restriction of used games sales.

Let's be serious, all big publishers, who practically do this anyway, are going to use this if it's implemented. But here's the thing - that might end in better proliferation of games that DON'T use it. And that would be pretty good. Sony might actually be helping large publishers to realise the stupidity of their position., it'll probably just kill used games and we'll all be reamed for cash as publishers that formerly wouldn't bother now have the convenience of DRM without having to put it in themselves. PS4 games at least.
Probably be like your last paragraph. CDPR doesn't use DRM on their games (sold via GOG) but it hasn't made the industry change.