Sony: PS3 and PS Vita Could Replicate Wii U

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Sony: PS3 and PS Vita Could Replicate Wii U

The link between the PS3 and Sony's upcoming PS Vita could imitate Nintendo's dual-platform strategy with the Wii U, says one of Sony's top executives.

Yesterday at the Nintendo conference, we saw how the Wii U is entirely built around its two screens - one in the controller, and one on the TV - and how the two interact. The day before at Sony's conference, however, we saw some similar interplay between the new PS Vita handheld and the venerable old PS3.

SCE Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida told Develop [] that he was interested in and surprised by the technology behind the Wii U, and that he wouldn't be surprised if some Vita developers leveraged the connection between the PS3 and its portable cousin to do something similar.

"Already people are starting to ask about linking Vita and PS3 to do something similar, in terms of using two screens, and having controls on the screen," he said. "That's very interesting, and we will have to experiment."

Yoshida also added that, to some extent, there were already projects underway for Vita that did just that. "Lots of the things that developers of Vita games are doing, as you may have seen, is experimenting with connectivities between Vita and PS3 ... It's just a matter of time, as we provide the SDKs to developers so they can make use of both PS3 and Vita, and they might come up with something interesting."

Permit me to editorialize for a moment: I really wouldn't be surprised to see Sony go down this route, as it already has a built-in connection between its two systems. However, the real catch here is likely to be price: We don't know how much the Wii U will cost, but the Vita is going to be $250 to $300 on top of the cost of purchasing a PS3.

Nintendo experimented with console connectivity all the way back in the GameCube era, linking up GBAs to the 'Cube in games like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. It did something similar this generation with the DS and Wii for Pokemon Battle Revolution - but these were experiments, nothing more. It turns out that requiring gamers to purchase entirely separate hardware to make the most of their games on another system doesn't go over too well.

In that light, it's not surprising that Nintendo just went "screw it" and built the functionality into the Wii U - it's a natural progression of ideas we've seen for almost a decade now. I think that Sony absolutely has the technology to do something similar with the PS3 and PS Vita (and Vita certainly "wowed" at the conference), but it can't ever be a core part of a gaming experience like Nintendo is doing with Wii U.

That said, it's a cool idea and I'm all for it if Sony wants to give it a shot.

(Via Develop Online [])


Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
Wow. They've even skipped the formality this time and just straight up said "We're gonna copy Nintendo's idea."

Still, I think Sony could pull it off in their own way.


Rejected from society.
Mar 20, 2009
The price factor is negated because your buying two consoles because you'll have two consoles. The Wii U will be a large controller, not something you could play on the bus.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
Let's all try the same bad idea, guys!

Ok ok, maybe not BAD idea, but certainly unnecessary.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Mr. Omega said:
Wow. They've even skipped the formality this time and just straight up said "We're gonna copy Nintendo's idea."

Still, I think Sony could pull it off in their own way.
Copying ideas isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Keith K

New member
Oct 29, 2009
I think it's fair to say that such a PS3/Vita link would have an impact on Nintendo's attempt to sell existing PS3 owners. The PS3 investment already made, the Vita is likely to be the better value proposition with its ability to leave the home.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Mr. Omega said:
Wow. They've even skipped the formality this time and just straight up said "We're gonna copy Nintendo's idea."
It's much more efficient that way. They don't have to pay for an official E3-style press conference.

They already showed that RPG game that can be played on the PS3 and Vita. And I hope they don't force me to buy two copies of that game or I will have to blow something up. It seems like a sensible thing to do, not forcing us to buy two copies, but it's Sony and I don't put any kind of stupidity past them. But yeah, I'm planning to replace my PSP with a Vita at some point, so I think this will be cool.

EDIT: Oh, and I can get trophies on the Vita. YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Mr. Omega said:
Wow. They've even skipped the formality this time and just straight up said "We're gonna copy Nintendo's idea."

Still, I think Sony could pull it off in their own way.
Which is kind of funny, considering that they were both formally announced at practically the same time. So, they are copying something that technically came after them, but was probably developed before either of them knew what the other was doing. Weird.

Anyway, that would be interesting, but I would imagine that doing something like the WiiU (Weeueeueueuueuuee [], my god that does not get old) would be more difficult on account of the price barrier to owning both the PSVita and PS3. Still, would be interesting.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
A Social Reject said:
The price factor is negated because your buying two consoles because you'll have two consoles. The Wii U will be a large controller, not something you could play on the bus.
The same argument could have worked for the Gamecube/GBA and Wii/DS linkups. Neither of those were a success. Just saying, there's precedent here.


New member
Oct 3, 2008
Yeah for $800. I'd love to see them try to integrate that as any game's core control scheme and sell any copies... Heck Nintendo hasn't even shown a single game that incorporates the new controller into anything of note. Maybe Sony should wait to see if the idea's worthwhile before commenting on their ability to copy it.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
The only surprising thing about this message is how soon they said it.
"It only copies everything."


Rejected from society.
Mar 20, 2009
John Funk said:
The same argument could have worked for the Gamecube/GBA and Wii/DS linkups. Neither of those were a success. Just saying, there's precedent here.
Neither worked because they never bothered to put it in games. Now that things are wireless, and giving your customers information is simple, interactivity can work, especially on the Vita where games can/are technically able to be played on either console.

Nintendo's online is poor and I think that would have to improve before we see 3DS/Wii U connectivity, but seeing as they've released the eShop without it linking to an account, I can see friend codes being here until the 9th generation.


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
Wandrecanada said:
Yeah for $800. I'd love to see them try to integrate that as any game's core control scheme and sell any copies... Heck Nintendo hasn't even shown a single game that incorporates the new controller into anything of note. Maybe Sony should wait to see if the idea's worthwhile before commenting on their ability to copy it.
They did say that they'd experiment, and it's not as if it not working will cause the end of the Vita, the Vita's its own console, this is just a possible addition.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Wandrecanada said:
Yeah for $800. I'd love to see them try to integrate that as any game's core control scheme and sell any copies... Heck Nintendo hasn't even shown a single game that incorporates the new controller into anything of note. Maybe Sony should wait to see if the idea's worthwhile before commenting on their ability to copy it.
GR:O's use of it is actually quite good with a flying remote camera you can position anywhere you want or a top down view of the whole area which will be useful in an objective based multi-player environment


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Yep. It's just going to be for small bonus things. You aren't going to see any full-on games that need it, because as games like Four Swords Adventures taught us, gamers don't like buying portable devices to use as controllers if they don't already own them.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
Frankly, its not going to happen to the extent of Nintendo's console.

As already mentioned, the PSV and PS3 are two separate devices - its likely that not many people will own both of them. So I think its highly unlikely that many game developers will make games specifically for the purpose of connecting between a PS3 and a PSV in the same manner as will happen between a Wii U controller and the TV.

It'll probably come up as a gimmick, but frankly I don't see it being developed further than anything like that for the PS3/PSV combo.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
The difference is 1. the price of the PSP, and 2. the fact that not everyone who owns as ps3 will have a psp. They're 2 huge differences that, if precedent of past consoles is anything to go by (gamecube/gba, wii/ds), means that even if its possible on the ps3 it almost certainly wont be successful.