Sony: PS3 and PS Vita Could Replicate Wii U


New member
Nov 6, 2010
No points for innovation through imitation I'm afraid.

Still, this raises a hilarious memory. On Gametrailer's live coverage of E3 they had some Sony guys on with various games for the Vita after Nintendo's conference and one of the Twitter users asked them "could the PSVita combine with the PS3 to produce something similar to Nintendo's Wii-U?" and the 'deer in headlights' look all 3 of the Sony guys gave was just fucking epic.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Sony will steal something from Nintendo? Nah, they would never!

I guess it'd be cool or whatever. Until of course ignorant morons start touting that Sony did it first and how original Sony is. Then I cry and laugh.


Sep 23, 2010
There is literally no way I could care less about that.

Let me in on some of that sweet, sweet Dragon's Crown and Project Gravity action and I'll buy your goddamn console already, Sony.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Sinclose said:
Eh, PSP and PS3 had some connectivity, so this was to be expected. Remains to see if it'll simply be a rip-off of the ideas of the WiiU...

But if there is locked content within Uncharted 3 that requires me to connect a PS Vita containing Uncharted:Golden Abyss in order to access it, I'm gonna be pissed.
Well. You said it all right there.
They said that the psp would provide added functionality to games on the ps3. Not that anyone ever did that. It would've been great if I could've used my psp as my pip boy in Fallout 3 but they didn't implement that. In fact, I don't think I have one game that does anything with the psp.
So it can do that but nobody is going to take advantage of it so who cares.

If it is actually used, it will probably just be gimmicks to sell more psvs and ps3s by making content only unlockable if you have the two games on different platforms.
This generation of gaming has just taught me to expect the worst money grubbing schemes out of all these bozos: the platform AND software developers... retailers too.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Even at current market value, minus tax, to get a normal Vita and a decent PS3 is only going to be 550 dollars. expensive, but the PS3 alone was once more then that before Sony got their heads out of their ass... regardless, its still pricey either way. But as others have said, if you already own a PS3, then to replicate a similar experience would just have to buy the Vita.

I'm not sold on the Nintendo controll pad concept yet, but if they can pull something off that wows the audience, and investors... we'll see.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
"Nintendo experimented with console connectivity all the way back in the GameCube era, linking up GBAs to the 'Cube in games like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. It did something similar this generation with the DS and Wii for Pokemon Battle Revolution - but these were experiments, nothing more."


Who remembers, I called that shit over a month ago. How Nintendo's past experiments with GBA link and also DS's dual touchscreen that they would try that on the new console with a screen on the gamepad.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Dexiro said:
Mr. Omega said:
Wow. They've even skipped the formality this time and just straight up said "We're gonna copy Nintendo's idea."

Still, I think Sony could pull it off in their own way.
Copying ideas isn't necessarily a bad thing.
it is when it's your idea.

edit: at least without some kind of compensation to the inventor


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Why would you want to do that?
I guess both Sony and Microsoft while competing in the same league also both have a "gimmick" department, with the sole function of "Do that thing the Wii is doing".

Seriously, i can't see any ways for "screen on your controller" to be interesting to me or widely spread and uber popular


New member
Jul 25, 2008
dragongit said:
But as others have said, if you already own a PS3, then to replicate a similar experience would just have to buy the Vita.
The big question is software.

Say a game like Bioshock Infinite likely for launch late 2012, it integrates a dual-screen function for the Wii U release (if there is a Wii U release). Will they bother trying to use that dual-screen interface with the PS Vita considering:
-it would need a completely different rendering pathway, likely rendered on PSV rather than on PS3 then piped to the handheld = expense of extra coding
-Minority of PS3 gamers will have both Bio-Inf AND as PSV, will devs consider it worth it?
-two shoulder buttons must be sacrificed using PSV to control game (will gamers accept that)

Lots of things standing in the way of developers actually following this. But much is in Sony's hands, they have many huge 1st party developers, Naughty Dog is championing their 3D TV sets with their excellent 3D for Uncharted 3, they need to get Guerilla games or some other of their studios showing how PSV can do the dual-screen.

Overall, Wii U has the main advantage that the graphics of the handheld screen are rendered in the console and every single user (presumably) will have one, so a homogeneous market.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
zehydra said:
Dexiro said:
Mr. Omega said:
Wow. They've even skipped the formality this time and just straight up said "We're gonna copy Nintendo's idea."

Still, I think Sony could pull it off in their own way.
Copying ideas isn't necessarily a bad thing.
it is when it's your idea.

edit: at least without some kind of compensation to the inventor
I'm referring more to the game mechanic's being copied. If Sony release a game with the same mechanics as a game made by Nintendo then that's fine. We see this type of copying in pretty much every game and product these days, it's only when an original feature gets copied that people start making a fuss about it.

The type of copying that pisses me off is when it's practically stealing. Like if an indie developer releases a game that doesn't get much publicity and then someone else posts the same game on their own site and tries to take credit with it - at most only changing a few names around in the game. You don't tend to see this happen with larger developers because that's when the lawsuits come out.

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
Is this like the year (or month) FOR STUPID FUCKING NAMES!? The Wii U, god, just pronouncing it makes you sound retarded. Don't get me started on the PS Vita, they should let the fans name it, put the naming to a vote.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
I think you guys are forgetting that the whole concept of streaming console image to a portable device was already on the PS3-PSP via remoteplay. It's possible to play games on the PSP streamed directly from your PS3, as well as have specific interation between the platforms. The problem is, this function was not supported very much by developers, but the technology and the potential is all there, as well as a few examples.

I think it's the same situation as the Kinect vs. Eyetoy thing. Sony created the technology of gaming with no controllers, but neither Sony itself nor 3rd party developers supported it that much, so it was a flop. Then Microsoft unvelied Kinect, and is giving full support to it. People totally forgot about the Eyetoy.

One of the main problems with Sony is that when they do create something inovative, it's usually some idea that is a little bit too much ahead of its time. The concept behind Eyetoy is what now powers the Kinect, but the technology at the time couldn't give it a lot of precision, so it was not very succesful at first. Sony thought "hey, this doesn't sell, the idea suck". The problem was not the idea, it was the technology available at the time to power the idea. If they realized the problem was not the idea, they could have continued to invest in technology and eventually have something Kinect-like way before Microsoft. But they just decided to scrap it because it didn't get the interest of people nor support of devs.

Remote Play between PS3-PSP suffered the same fate. Hopefully things will go better between PS3 and Vita, now that Vita has a lot of new interaction possibilities, with the cameras, touch screen etc. But the idea of transmitting the game from the console to a portable device and use it as the controller is still the same, the difference now is technology (and hopefully developer support).


New member
Aug 24, 2009
So, I don't know if this has been asked yet in any other Wii U thread, but how much are the Wii U controllers gonna run for anyways? Also, if there are stand alone tabletish devices, how much are they gonna weigh? From what I've seen so far, those things do not look like fun to play with for hours on end.

The Hungry Samurai

Hungry for Truth
Apr 1, 2004
The key here is how the games interact with vita/ps3. Final fantasy Crystal chronicles is a perfect example of how NOT to do it.

Take the new PSV game Ruin, which boasts the ability to play on the go, and also on the big screen. If they think that people are going to buy two separate discs for both the PS3 and the PSV despite the games by there admission being indistinguishable then they arein for a rude awakening unless this game blows Diablo 3 out of the water.

Proper use of the remote play feature with this console can potentially deal a major blow to Nintendo in the form of ps3 owners choosing between the cost of a new console which will undoubtedly have a ridiculously priced controller with no 3rd party alternatives, or the cost of a new handheld which could potentially upgrade their existing console to do the same thing.

Honestly unless they sell wii U controllers at a major loss I can't see how they're going to keep up considering how much of their current fan base is the local co op loving crowd ( Brawl, Mario Party, Sports...) the Wii U seems like it's going to be a very anti social console, which will not sit well with it's casual crowd.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Mr. Omega said:
Wow. They've even skipped the formality this time and just straight up said "We're gonna copy Nintendo's idea."

Still, I think Sony could pull it off in their own way.
In theory Sony announced something similar with the launch of the PS3 years ago when they showed the psp being used as a rear-view mirror for a driving game.

Oddly, gamers screamed "Gimmick!" and the idea was dropped in favor of the more simplified Remote play.

Now the Wii U, controller is announced, looking like the bastard offspring of a drink-fueled night between a wiimote and an iPad, and suddenly instead of crying gimmick like they did years before, gamers are screaming "Want!"


New member
May 5, 2009
I'm sorry sony but $300 for a PS3 and $250 for a Vita. I don't know how much luck you would have pushing that idea. $550 dollars to play something similar to a WiiU without any of the nintendo exclusives which will be made specifically with the system in mind.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Quiet Stranger said:
Is this like the year (or month) FOR STUPID FUCKING NAMES!? The Wii U, god, just pronouncing it makes you sound retarded. Don't get me started on the PS Vita, they should let the fans name it, put the naming to a vote.
Put it to a vote? On the INTERNET? Everything would just be called Tits or GTFO. Is that really what you want? i highly doubt it.