Sony: PS3 and PS Vita Could Replicate Wii U


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
AndreyC said:
I think you guys are forgetting that the whole concept of streaming console image to a portable device was already on the PS3-PSP via remoteplay. It's possible to play games on the PSP streamed directly from your PS3, as well as have specific interation between the platforms. The problem is, this function was not supported very much by developers, but the technology and the potential is all there, as well as a few examples.

I think it's the same situation as the Kinect vs. Eyetoy thing. Sony created the technology of gaming with no controllers, but neither Sony itself nor 3rd party developers supported it that much, so it was a flop. Then Microsoft unvelied Kinect, and is giving full support to it. People totally forgot about the Eyetoy.

One of the main problems with Sony is that when they do create something inovative, it's usually some idea that is a little bit too much ahead of its time. The concept behind Eyetoy is what now powers the Kinect, but the technology at the time couldn't give it a lot of precision, so it was not very succesful at first. Sony thought "hey, this doesn't sell, the idea suck". The problem was not the idea, it was the technology available at the time to power the idea. If they realized the problem was not the idea, they could have continued to invest in technology and eventually have something Kinect-like way before Microsoft. But they just decided to scrap it because it didn't get the interest of people nor support of devs.

Remote Play between PS3-PSP suffered the same fate. Hopefully things will go better between PS3 and Vita, now that Vita has a lot of new interaction possibilities, with the cameras, touch screen etc. But the idea of transmitting the game from the console to a portable device and use it as the controller is still the same, the difference now is technology (and hopefully developer support).
My thoughts exactly, I recall plans to have the psp become the rear view mirror in a ps3 racing game but I'm not sure if they went through with it.


New member
Jun 9, 2011
apple did it too(ipad + iphone)... why sony cant?

but anyway...

wii u "link" is control... it's like making giant ugly wii mote with big screen in middle of it (that seems to have only 1 games for it)
they didnt even release accurate spec (cpu, gpu and stuffs like that) for it... or i didnt find where those infos are

playstation vita is new console that plays psp games and will have it's own games.
ps3 and ps vita link is like bonus for owning both console. like extra mode ingame that let you play games differently. but that said we'll see who's gonna bother develop games that require both console... or is it gonna be like extra feature ingame for owning both console


New member
Feb 2, 2011
John Funk said:
Sony: PS3 and PS Vita Could Replicate Wii U

However, the real catch here is likely to be price: We don't know how much the Wii U will cost, but the Vita is going to be $250 to $300 on top of the cost of purchasing a PS3.
(Via Develop Online [])

I think as the pricing goes it's more to get PS3 owners to get a vita instead of a WII U, or vita owners to get a PS3 instead of a WII U.I'm interested in how the WII U works with this new controller though.

One problem i have with the WII U is that it was said by Nintendo it would be more powerful than the PS3. My problem is that games like assassins creed revelations have been confirmed for it...leading me to believe with will only be slightly more powerful than the ps3, and is pretty late to be a "this gen" console.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
SpcyhknBC said:
So, I don't know if this has been asked yet in any other Wii U thread, but how much are the Wii U controllers gonna run for anyways? Also, if there are stand alone tabletish devices, how much are they gonna weigh? From what I've seen so far, those things do not look like fun to play with for hours on end.
You can't buy them seperately. (according to Nintendo's current plans anyway), so the price of one is only relevant in how it contributes to the cost of buying a Wii U in the first place.

As for weight, it's rumoured to very light according to those that have had a go with one.

Personally, judging it based on tablet computers with similar screen sizes, it's fully possible that it will be 1 pound or less (500 grams at most.)

Of course, more typical game controllers tend to be closer to 1/2 pound (about 250-300 grams usually), so the weight isn't a non-issue...

(Though it might pay to compare it to a handheld console instead.)

Still, 1 pound is a lot better than some people that rather pessimistically suggested it'd be at least 2 pounds...

(But devices of similar size really aren't that heavy most of the time.)