Sony Responds to BBC Criticism


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Megacherv said:
Kenjitsuka said:
Because not too many break they should be nicer on the warranty!
Wait, please explain your logic there. Because if it doesn't break, they should increase the period where you can get free repair? That truly makes no sense
If you're Microsoft and repairing 360's all day long is pretty much all you are doing (3 year warranty on those btw!) I can understand you being whiney when you're them. So why is Sony giving only one year when they have to spend far less money than the competition anyway?

For example, I had a SNES break down due to my fathers fault half a year after it's three year waranty. And you know what Nintendo did? They still repaired it for free.
Those things where so robust that they appearantly had enough money in their repair budget for this kindness...


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
Kenjitsuka said:
Megacherv said:
Kenjitsuka said:
Because not too many break they should be nicer on the warranty!
Wait, please explain your logic there. Because if it doesn't break, they should increase the period where you can get free repair? That truly makes no sense
If you're Microsoft and repairing 360's all day long is pretty much all you are doing (3 year warranty on those btw!) I can understand you being whiney when you're them. So why is Sony giving only one year when they have to spend far less money than the competition anyway?

For example, I had a SNES break down due to my fathers fault half a year after it's three year waranty. And you know what Nintendo did? They still repaired it for free.
Those things where so robust that they appearantly had enough money in their repair budget for this kindness...
It's because the warranty doesn't really NEED to be longer, as PS3s rarely FUBAR.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Megacherv said:
It's because the warranty doesn't really NEED to be longer, as PS3s rarely FUBAR.
That's nonsense. If you sell something that's reliable you can give a shorter warranty?
Now I've heard everything :0

And btw "the period where you can get free repair" <= a 'free repair'?
Warranty is that you have the right to get the thing you bought for fixed if it craps out before is to be expected. More formally:

"In retail business, a warranty (or "extended warranty") commonly refers to a guarantee of the reliability of a product under conditions of ordinary use. It is called "extended" warranty because it covers defects that could arise some time after the date of sale. Should the product malfunction within a stipulated amount of time after the purchase, the manufacturer or distributor is typically required to provide the customer with a replacement, repair, or refund.".

So if Sony or Microsoft decides to sell you hardware that dies quite soon after purchase they are legally bound to help the problem. That's hardly a "free repair", sheesh.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Mornelithe said:
Sovvolf said:
Mornelithe said:
Personally I think your just paranoid, and your posts defending Sony are getting extremely aggressive ,calm down, it's just a console, I don't complain when people criticize the 360 for it's short life span. Anyway Watchdog are pretty much like trading standards if a customer complains and they think that customer is being treated unfairly they will look into it and report it. Now the PS3 as far as I'm aware as a low failure rate but still if they are forcing you to pay for repairs on a fault in a product that was out of the hands of the customer, even if it's only 1200 compared to millions, it is still needs reporting, even if its the minority it's still treating the customer unfairly. Watchdog often reports any such dealings that are similar to this and often well beyond it, not because of Microsoft but because it's there just to do so.
I fail to see how the customer was treated fairly in their show either. Not even 70% of the PS3's 'fixed' by their experts, actually worked after the fixing. Electronics fail, all the time.
No I didn't either, they shouldn't have been tampering with the equipment they should have let Sony do this, by tampering with the equipment that means the customer as lost there warranty, however the console was broken to begin with and they were handing out free repairs which is what Sony should have been doing.
Mornelithe said:
And when they fail w/in warranty, every company honors them, provided you haven't voided the warranty by attempting to fix it yourself, or in the extremely rare cases (I say this, because eventually, such a thing would result in massive lawsuits against whichever company is at fault...not to start anything) as AceDiamond stated, some fault of the service team inside the company that the item is being returned to.
Yes but the point here was that Sony's warranty was that a product that they sold faulty to a customer would still have to be paid for to repair it despite the fact that it is not the customers fault. That's were the customer is wronged, it should be part of there warranty, if they sell a broken product then that product should be repaired free of charge. Watchdog weren't reporting on the fact that a one in ever million(exaggeration but run with it :)) of a Sony product was faulty, they were reporting on the fact that the unfortunate customer who paid for that broken product had to pay again to have it repaired.

Mornelithe said:
If the issue was their customer service, the focus should not have been one fault. If their ace team was so great at repairing the supposed 'YLOD', 100% of the models fixed, should've worked properly.
Yes it should have but they weren't great and as said before there "Ace team" shouldn't have been touching it, but that's not the issue here is it.

Mornelithe said:
If the journalists had any kind of interest in actually getting facts, they would've identified the 'gas' inside the PS3, seen when they x-rayed it. And figured out why it's there, and why it isn't constantly escaping from said PS3 (as the PS3 isn't airtight). They left so many bits of detail out, that are actually pretty important, that it merely smacks of throwing bad publicity towards Sony, halphazardly. Call me paranoid, call me a conspiracy theorist, but seriously, what kind of journalism is that? The reason it bothers me so much, is a company like the BBC, SHOULD know better.
I call it bad journalism, I'm not calling you paranoid because you think the journalists didn't do there jobs right I'm calling you paranoid because you think Microsoft had some involvement in this, sure a few 360 fanboys may have reported it but that doesn't mean Microsoft it self have any involvement in these events, what happen to me seems simple enough couple of people buy PS3, PS3 doesn't work so said people phone Sony for repairs, Sony say they have to pay to fix a broken product they sold, Said people complain and watchdog get whiff of it and collar Sony on it. That or I'm extremely naive :).

Mornelithe said:
I was brought up to trust the BBC as a reliable news source, and to be honest, I listen to the World News constantly, via NPR (The only station I listen to). This kind of crap, is just ludicrous. And it's sad that the BBC has fallen so much in recent years.
As was I, and I still do think it's a reliable news source, sure they make mistakes but when you compare it to some thing like Fox News the BBC is probably the most reliable news source out there. I've also come to believe (from what I've heard and seen) that quite a few Americans tend to watch BBC news because of this. This in my opinion isn't a mistake on BBC side nor is it Watchdogs but on Sony it self for making customers pay for these repairs.

Mornelithe said:
But, I'll certainly be happy when they get smacked with a suit, by Sony.
I doubt they'd win to be honest.

Also may I add with no hint of sarcasm that I'm glad you've calmed down and we are able to discuss this rationally rather then throwing insults at each other :).


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
Kenjitsuka said:
Nononononono, you didn't get what I meant. They haven't shortened the warranty, they just haven't extended it because there's no need to, as the PS3 is unlikely to fail until some time after it's service period (or whatever the term is)


New member
Feb 25, 2009
I blame the Daily Mail and the Sun newspapers. Not content with rubbishing the Royal Family, they've started rubbishing what gamers consider royalty: Sony and Microsoft. What next?

"Sock It To 'Em Sony!: Kaz Hirai challenges critics to a deathmatch!"

"Massacre 'em Microsoft!: 12 Year Olds Run Wild Online!"

"Neuter 'em Nintendo!: Man beaten to death with Wiimote!"

Sigh, I can so see this coming, damn British tabloids.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
This is simply a personal discrepancy on what is an acceptable hardware failure rate. To which case, the PS3 is within industry standards. Some entitled little whiners may feel it should be 0% failure rate, and that every machine should work all the time (especially theirs), despite the face that that is impossible.

Now I'm not saying Sony is above any investigating, but if the BBC did some digging around, and only found 0.5% failure rate, then there is simply no story here.

Also keep in mind that Microsoft only started the 3-year warranty deal after the 360 had failures well beyond industry standard and were about to get sued. Judging by AceDiamond's attitude that damage control has paid off well.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
AceDiamond said:
Lord_Gremlin said:
Paid by Microsoft. Lies inside (c).
Wow, a conspiracy theory and the wrong company tagline in one post. Yes, Microsoft pays off everybody. The BBC, Adam Sessler, and all the gaming publications.
I'm sorry, but I remember Microsoft paying Rockstar Millions so Lost of the Damned and Ballad of Gay Tony to Stay on the Xbox 360.


Winter is coming.
Nov 19, 2008
NewGeekPhilosopher said:
I blame the Daily Mail and the Sun newspapers. Not content with rubbishing the Royal Family, they've started rubbishing what gamers consider royalty: Sony and Microsoft. What next?

"Sock It To 'Em Sony!: Kaz Hirai challenges critics to a deathmatch!"

"Massacre 'em Microsoft!: 12 Year Olds Run Wild Online!"

"Neuter 'em Nintendo!: Man beaten to death with Wiimote!"

Sigh, I can so see this coming, damn British tabloids.
If you look at them as some kind of awful satire, life becomes much better.

On another note, I am loving that avatar.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Here's how I see it: Sony obviously did more testing on the PS3 than what Microsoft did on the Xbox 360. This little hardware issue obviously didn't come out during testing, so Sony gave the green light to release the PS3. Now, if Microsoft hadn't been so "eager" to get ahead of the competition and release it's system a whole year early, maybe the RRoD wouldn't have happened. Now, I do agree that the BBC went a little overboard, but at the day's end they are a news channel and the news is famous for hype and whatnot. In the end it all comes down to who did a better job in the beginning stages, Microsoft or Sony? I'd have to go with Sony on this one.

Xbox 360's I've owned: 5
PS3's I've owned: 1

And BTW, Microsoft may have free repairs, but I've never gotten one and they take forever to return your console to you. Also, if they have the knowledge to fix the RRoD when you send it in, why not use that knowledge and fix it before the consumer ever gets ahold of it, just some food for though.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
AceDiamond said:
Lord_Gremlin said:
Paid by Microsoft. Lies inside (c).
Wow, a conspiracy theory and the wrong company tagline in one post. Yes, Microsoft pays off everybody. The BBC, Adam Sessler, and all the gaming publications.
yes they do, otherwise Yahtzee would have to have been worshiping Halo 3, not fucking it in the ear. excluding the fact that the game has very few bugs, it is terrible.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Kiutu said:
According to Sony UK Boss Ray Maguire however, the yellow light in question is an all-purpose error indicator, with no central cause.

This makes me think of the Venture Bros episode.
Same thought occured to me.
"It's on!"
"It's off!"
"It's on!"
"It's off!"
"That's called blinking boys."

bad rider

The prodigal son of a goat boy
Dec 23, 2007
Mornelithe said:
bad rider said:
Mornelithe said:
bad rider said:
Erm I'm currently working at a customer services support line so while I understand customers complain, the watchdog is usually the last stop at the end of serveral complaints. I don't think people would complain to them quite so freely, but thats speculation on my part. Anyway, the watchdog only responds once a certain number of people complaints So there is a strong inclination to believe that this was a case worthy of a look see. Also If I wanted someone to report on the case I would pick someone who was likely to know alot about the field eg someone with ties to a software firm. I don't know if it was impartial, but I woould have thought since the johnathan ross incident the editorial staff would sharper.

Note, in case you missed my edit: this is in the UK, so this specific legal notice may not apply outside of the united states, as could be the case considering they will be two different branches of the Sony corporations Playstation branch. This is also indicated by the use of the term Scea Sony Computer Entertainment America
I saw your edit, I just don't feel like deleting my cookies at getting onto SCEUK to get a copy of their Warranty information. You should be able to however.

BBC made a bad call with airing this, and they're gonna pay for it. Deservedly so.
What makes you say that, they criticized a buisness for what could be a legitimate matter. It's good to see the publics money going into a corporation thats not afraid to take on big companys. Makes me figure renewing my tv license is worth it.
*Sigh* If you haven't listened to the broadcast, read the article, and read Sony's response to the BBC, and are still not understanding. I'm not going to even try. It's like ice-skating uphill. Needless to say, the report itself was a fallacy of journalism. The BBC were made aware of the problems with the report, prior to it's being aired...and aired it anyway. Thusly, the BBC and it's subsidiaries are liable in the amount of whatever Sony's massive cadre of lawyers will squeeze out of them.
But they addressed a serious problem, which has affected a large amount of consumers, (even if thats small in relation to total sales) shouting "it's a fallacy of journalism" is a little harsh considering the consumer was affected and they went a fought on their behalf.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
My PS3 got the "YLOD" a few months ago, and they offered $150 for a refurbished one, at the additional cost of never being able to recover my HD saves. I ended up buying a slim PS3 when it came out. It seems like all of Sony's first-run products end up crapping out on me.

I'm no conspiracy theorist, but it almost feels like it's done on purpose:

My PS1 mysteriously stopped working, but the slims work fine.
My PS2 stopped reading disks, but I have yet to find a problem with the slim.
My PS3 committed suicide, and I'm very sure that the slim won't be having any issues like this.

Funny thing I've noticed is that the slim PS3 doesn't get nearly as hot as the regular models, so cheap soldering getting messed up wouldn't be an issue. I saw a Youtube video on how to "repair" a YLOD PS3 with a Black & Decker heat gun (kinda like an overpowered hair dryer), so I might just try it for kicks. Hell, maybe I'll finally get my month's worth of save files back.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
hansari said:
So the BBC is doing free console repairs now?

Where were they during the RROD fiasco!?
The reason no one was really pissed by RROD, was because the repair was free and often pretty quick if you lived near a microsoft store.