Agreed with this post. OK, so Sony messed up once, a lot of informations were stolen, luckily credit card informations was encrypted. They shut down the service to do some changes to it. Then they manage to prove they're doing the same mistake twice. I felt bad for them the first time. They were poorly prepared, sure, but they did take years to get hacked the first time so I guess it seemed sufficient. When they actually got hacked once they should know that they could get hacked again and improve their security in case they did get hacked rather than just rebuffing the security believing it could never happen again.Keava said:SQL Injection? Plaintext user data? Seriously? I'm disappointed. With all due respect, Sony, but a company that large, with so much "experience" and that dabbles into electronics and gaming, so also programming should at least have one sane web admin that could mitigate the damage if not entirely prevent it. If that's true..then, i'm speechless.
Also to the guy I quoted, that xkcd strip is one of my favourites, thanks for reminding me of it.