Sooo Resident evil 6, what's it like?

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
I have seen gameplay, read and watched reviews, seen scores but there doesn't seem to be a constant.

Watching gameplay is all well and good but you don't get a feel of the game, you might watch a live stream of something and be like "fuck yeah!" then play it and feel bored.

Written and video reviews are ok but they tend to go into fancy writing, there is also the issue of reviewers being bought. Not accusing anybody (especially after listening to a podcast, in which Susan said "fuck you if you think any of us are being bought, just fuck you!).

Meta critic goes from perfect game, awful game and meh game.

I want to get it but I don't want to have buyers remorse. So without a verily vichyssoise of verbiage that veers most verbose will you tell me what it's like!?

Will I be as entertained as I was with 4 & 5, which I did quite enjoy (not like 4 is the best game ever like some) or will I be 10 minutes in thinking "is this heavy rain with zombies"?


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
omega 616 said:
I have seen gameplay, read and watched reviews, seen scores but there doesn't seem to be a constant.
I asked the guys from IGN who work in my building. They responded with overtones of "meh".


New member
May 27, 2010
It's Uncharted with zombies all the time instead of just in one small section.

If you enjoy that then you'll like it. If you want all your games to be artsy fartsy open world games where choices matter, then you'll probably hate the everloving crap out of it.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
The game is basically a mixture of like, meh, hate. For instance I hate the controls for climbing things, how quick time events will kill you in 1 second flat, and how the inventory, somehow, has gotten even worse. I'm meh on the whole story and the combat in general. I like...well...How you can move and shoot now? Ok, there's really not much to like.

If you've got a morbid curiosity for it then rent it and regret it later like I did. It's just a below average RE game.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
If you liked 4 and 5, I'm pretty sure you would like this one as well. In my eyes it's not as good as 4, but I think it's better than 5. Overall it's a decent little action game, not exactly amazing, but not really bad either. I'd recommend renting it or trying out a friend's copy first though. If you can't do either of those then I'd say to try and wait for the price to drop a bit. I personally don't think it's worth paying full price for it. Granted I haven't fully completed the game yet, but I thought I'd like to throw in my two cents for ya =)


New member
Mar 16, 2011
It like your most average action game that keeps getting interrupted by quick time events and tons of lame set piece action sequences. A huge disappointment.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Thanks guys, I think I will pick it up.

I have a constant urge to play borderlands 2 but I have completed it twice and started with the other 3, so I am burnt out on it.

Hopefully resident evil will last me till my next anticipated game, AC3.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I'm a huge Resident Evil fan, but I came into it late. Namely at Resident Evil 4. So I don't wear the same rosy coloured glasses as other fans who've been playing from the beginning. I own and have tried to play the previous games, but whatever scariness was in them back in their day has passed it seems. As far as I can tell, the games were "survival horror" simply because the tank control system made it nearly impossible to move or fight in any way. I wish I'd been able to play RE2 back in its time regardless.

Anyways, as someone who came into the series during its transition from "survival horror" to action horror, I'd say RE6 is "not bad". Better then 5 for some reasons, worse then it for others, but still no where near the awesomeness of 4. It has moments of the old style, slower paced games, but it's still very action focused. I finished about half of the game, and though I liked it, the idea that i'd paid full price for it lessened my enjoyment. I've since returned the game and have vowed to pick it up again when it's on sale (1/4 price seems about right), since that way I'll feel like I'm getting the correct amount of enjoyment for the money I paid.

Problems you may encounter:
* Compared to the previous to games, this one is quite tough in the start. Zombies take a lot of shots to kill, and the game has a habit of putting you in some pretty dire situations early on. You'll find yourself actually running away more then fighting, especially since ammo is so scarce. It's both a cool for the return of that "survival horror" feel, but frustrating if you struggle with the difficulty spikes. These will obviously lessen when you gain new perks and better weapons.

* The game has terrible progress indication, in both level design and boss fights. Some levels lock you into an arena where all you can do is fight zombies endlessly, but there's no indication of how long you need to do this for. The first playthrough, you might spend it running around during these moments going "Why isn't this ending? What am I supposed to do?"
Bosses are also terrible for it, since you'll shoot them and do "finishing moves" on them constantly, but their physical appearance never changes so you have no idea if what you're doing is correct or if you're even hurting them. You'll just have to keep firing away over and over until it eventually dies.

* Quick time events. Not a major drama if you're in any way competent with your controller, but the insta-kills do suck, and your first playthrough may contain a little more trial and error then you'd like.

* Repeated fights. Certain levels in the game see you crossing paths with the characters from the other campaigns. Meaning that when you play as these other characters, you'll essentially be replaying this scene, just from a different perspective. If that happens to be one of those long, boring boss fights, that's one time longer then you wanted to play it.

If you can look past those elements, there's a lot of enjoyment and challenge to be had. Atmosphere is dark and claustrophobic, weapons meaty, levels quite interesting at times, plenty of new monsters to battle. You can even join other peoples games online now as a random monster and hamper their progress! Fun! Plus Leon's new partner is gorgeous, and Sherry is pretty cute too heh.

Hope this was helpful too you!

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Project_Xii said:
I'm a huge Resident Evil fan, but I came into it late. Namely at Resident Evil 4. So I don't wear the same rosy coloured glasses as other fans who've been playing from the beginning. I own and have tried to play the previous games, but whatever scariness was in them back in their day has passed it seems. As far as I can tell, the games were "survival horror" simply because the tank control system made it nearly impossible to move or fight in any way. I wish I'd been able to play RE2 back in its time regardless.

Anyways, as someone who came into the series during its transition from "survival horror" to action horror, I'd say RE6 is "not bad". Better then 5 for some reasons, worse then it for others, but still no where near the awesomeness of 4. It has moments of the old style, slower paced games, but it's still very action focused. I finished about half of the game, and though I liked it, the idea that i'd paid full price for it lessened my enjoyment. I've since returned the game and have vowed to pick it up again when it's on sale (1/4 price seems about right), since that way I'll feel like I'm getting the correct amount of enjoyment for the money I paid.

Problems you may encounter:
* Compared to the previous to games, this one is quite tough in the start. Zombies take a lot of shots to kill, and the game has a habit of putting you in some pretty dire situations early on. You'll find yourself actually running away more then fighting, especially since ammo is so scarce. It's both a cool for the return of that "survival horror" feel, but frustrating if you struggle with the difficulty spikes. These will obviously lessen when you gain new perks and better weapons.

* The game has terrible progress indication, in both level design and boss fights. Some levels lock you into an arena where all you can do is fight zombies endlessly, but there's no indication of how long you need to do this for. The first playthrough, you might spend it running around during these moments going "Why isn't this ending? What am I supposed to do?"
Bosses are also terrible for it, since you'll shoot them and do "finishing moves" on them constantly, but their physical appearance never changes so you have no idea if what you're doing is correct or if you're even hurting them. You'll just have to keep firing away over and over until it eventually dies.

* Quick time events. Not a major drama if you're in any way competent with your controller, but the insta-kills do suck, and your first playthrough may contain a little more trial and error then you'd like.

* Repeated fights. Certain levels in the game see you crossing paths with the characters from the other campaigns. Meaning that when you play as these other characters, you'll essentially be replaying this scene, just from a different perspective. If that happens to be one of those long, boring boss fights, that's one time longer then you wanted to play it.

If you can look past those elements, there's a lot of enjoyment and challenge to be had. Atmosphere is dark and claustrophobic, weapons meaty, levels quite interesting at times, plenty of new monsters to battle. You can even join other peoples games online now as a random monster and hamper their progress! Fun! Plus Leon's new partner is gorgeous, and Sherry is pretty cute too heh.

Hope this was helpful too you!
I am from the golden age of resident evil, I was playing them 10 years younger than what I was meant to be (AKA I was around 8 when I played the first resident evil). I love number 3 with Nemesis, nothing makes you shit yourself more than hearing "stars bellowed from off screen.

4 was exactly the same as 5 to me, although two people in 4 piss me off ... the person you're there to rescue and the little guy with a tri corner hat.

I bought the game and after doing my voluntary stuff I shall sit down and get my resident evil on.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
I didn't like it.

It plays like your average third person shooter but other games have done it better ... much better.

I can't say if you will enjoy it or not but I can't tell you one good thing I enjoyed about it because I couldn't find one good thing I enjoyed about it.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
its an action game like every other action game, and that's what's wrong with it. Its just another run and gun game, there's a million of those already so I'd say buy it ONLY if you're an RE die hard, if not just wait til a price drop or wait for the gold version

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
Project_Xii said:
Compared to the previous to games, this one is quite tough in the start. Zombies take a lot of shots to kill, and the game has a habit of putting you in some pretty dire situations early on. You'll find yourself actually running away more then fighting, especially since ammo is so scarce. It's both a cool for the return of that "survival horror" feel, but frustrating if you struggle with the difficulty spikes. These will obviously lessen when you gain new perks and better weapons.
To be perfectly honest, I had few problems killing zombies. I started off playing Leon on Professional, and all I really needed was my knife. The J'avo provide a bit more of a challenge for this because they can move and function like a normal human, but zombies are incredibly easy to kill. All you really have to do is a charge attack if you're worried about them hitting you first, and then swing away with the knife. It almost always stunlocks them and I can consistently take on 2-3 zombies at a time with it. The problem, however, is that on Professional, you're just as easy to kill. u~u

I also actually found Resi 5 to be more difficult than 6, especially in the start. I jumped right into Professional on 6 and managed to get through scathed as minimally as possible. On 5, however, I got screwed sideways being hung from the ceiling with hooks.

I do agree with the difficulty spikes, though. Those seem to happen quite often early in the game. Several sections where you just get so many zombies after you that it gets to be a pain in the ass trying to keep up with the horde.

If you enjoy action oriented games, Resi 6 is quite good. I have a few complaints like the lighting, being unable to pre-empt zombies that are playing dead, and the amount of QTEs placed throughout the game, but I have many more praises than I do complaints. Unlike a lot of the people going on about the story calling it all a load of schlock, probably without ever having touched it, I rather enjoyed it. I think the music is well done and plays the right pieces at the right times. Especially the main theme, I love that song. I can't play online because my internet is awful, so I don't as of yet have an opinion on this Agent Hunt mode. But the controls are really good. As others have said, it is definitely comparable to Unncharted, yes, but they're so much better for the kind of game they're trying to turn Resident Evil into. The dodge mechanic in particular is a VERY welcome addition to the movement controls.

Although if you're like me and you enjoy using the melee weapons(knife/stun rod, that stuff), then I do not suggest playing as Piers or Helena because they don't have one. I can't personally stand them because once they're out of ammo, they're beyond worthless in battle, especially if you're in the dying state. Ada doesn't have a melee weapon, either, but I can tolerate it because Ada's probably my favorite character in the franchise, next to Leon. :x

Personal opinion: At least rent it if you're still on the fence. It's definitely worth a try.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
I am playing through the new guy campaign, is it Jake or Jack? I dunno but it's what I expected after this thread. Basically 4 and 5, rather than 1, 2 and 3 ... I am enjoying it as much as 4 & 5 so I am pretty entertained.

I am up to skulking round some ice cavern and hiding in bins to avoid the new (and worse) nemesis.


New member
Jan 27, 2012
I genuinely love it.
Its a fantastic game and i havnt found any huge problems with it that deserve it getting horrible scores. People are just butthurt that resident evil has moved on. Get over it, and enjoy resident evil for what it is now, Survival action with some jump bits, fantastic set pieces, amazing cutscenes and voice acting and lots of content! And besides, ive found it has more resident evil moments than resident evil 5 did!

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
omega 616 said:
I have seen gameplay, read and watched reviews, seen scores but there doesn't seem to be a constant.

Watching gameplay is all well and good but you don't get a feel of the game, you might watch a live stream of something and be like "fuck yeah!" then play it and feel bored.

Written and video reviews are ok but they tend to go into fancy writing, there is also the issue of reviewers being bought. Not accusing anybody (especially after listening to a podcast, in which Susan said "fuck you if you think any of us are being bought, just fuck you!).

Meta critic goes from perfect game, awful game and meh game.

I want to get it but I don't want to have buyers remorse. So without a verily vichyssoise of verbiage that veers most verbose will you tell me what it's like!?

Will I be as entertained as I was with 4 & 5, which I did quite enjoy (not like 4 is the best game ever like some) or will I be 10 minutes in thinking "is this heavy rain with zombies"?
I am, overall, enjoying it. The combat is fast and frantic if you are not prepared. The controls, though they will take some getting used to, are easy to grasp once you understand them. And playing with a friend is a total blast. Since you say you liked 4 and 5, I honestly think you'll enjoy this game as well.

HOWEVER, there's one major flaw with the game in my opinion. Yes, there are little hiccups here and there and the story is classic Resident Evil (as in, eye rolling, wow-this-is-cheezy sort of way), but there's a serious problem with online play. My friend and I have yet to be able to complete an entire chapter, beginning to end, in co op. One of us keeps getting kicked. This is a problem for two reasons.
First: Your A.I. partner is dumb. You thought your A.I. partner in 5 was bad? At least you could control which weapon your partner would use. Want them to use a shotgun? Give them only a shotgun. Machine gun? Same thing. Not here. Your partner will only use a pistol unless it's at certain points in the game. And they will not fire on the zombies until they are super close, and even then they won't target the zombie sneaking up behind you. Dumb. As. Bricks.
The second problem is that, if the player who joins the match, rejoins the match after losing the connection, all their progress in lost. As in, you get to the last part of the chapter and the connection is lost. Okay, so you reload the checkpoint, re-invite your friend, and keep going. Good for you, but bad for your friend because as far as the game is concerned, your friend didn't 'complete' the level. They just joined at the very end. Therefore, no trophy for them, and no 'Next Chapter Unlock'. Your friend will either have to re-run the entire chapter solo, or host the chapter and you join his game.
So, if you want to play online with friends, just be prepared for that one glaring issue. I would actually suggest waiting a bit to see if they patch this connection problem. If you just want solo play, or split-screen, I would say pick it up now.


New member
May 27, 2010
ExiusXavarus said:
Although if you're like me and you enjoy using the melee weapons(knife/stun rod, that stuff), then I do not suggest playing as Piers or Helena because they don't have one. I can't personally stand them because once they're out of ammo, they're beyond worthless in battle, especially if you're in the dying state. Ada doesn't have a melee weapon, either, but I can tolerate it because Ada's probably my favorite character in the franchise, next to Leon. :x

Personal opinion: At least rent it if you're still on the fence. It's definitely worth a try.
Use Helena's Hydra Shotgun and use Quickshot three times in rapid succession to pull off the full 'combo'. You'll never want to go back to the knife again.

omega 616 said:
I am playing through the new guy campaign, is it Jake or Jack? I dunno but it's what I expected after this thread. Basically 4 and 5, rather than 1, 2 and 3 ... I am enjoying it as much as 4 & 5 so I am pretty entertained.

I am up to skulking round some ice cavern and hiding in bins to avoid the new (and worse) nemesis.
I actually thought Jake's story was the worst of the four campaigns, however I really liked Chapter 3 (Up until the 'boss' of the chapter shows up onwards at least). Chapter 3 starts immediately after escaping Ustanak in those caves.

Also, when you say 'worse' do you mean that he's good-badder than Nemesis or just bad-badder?


New member
Nov 20, 2010
Well I personally enjoy it. It's not really horror-y but since when have RE games been full of that anyway? I really like the new health system going on so that's a plus. I find it to be way better than RE 5 and it's really trying to give everyone what they want since people keep complaining about one thing or another.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
Kopikatsu said:
ExiusXavarus said:
Although if you're like me and you enjoy using the melee weapons(knife/stun rod, that stuff), then I do not suggest playing as Piers or Helena because they don't have one. I can't personally stand them because once they're out of ammo, they're beyond worthless in battle, especially if you're in the dying state. Ada doesn't have a melee weapon, either, but I can tolerate it because Ada's probably my favorite character in the franchise, next to Leon. :x

Personal opinion: At least rent it if you're still on the fence. It's definitely worth a try.
Use Helena's Hydra Shotgun and use Quickshot three times in rapid succession to pull off the full 'combo'. You'll never want to go back to the knife again.

omega 616 said:
I am playing through the new guy campaign, is it Jake or Jack? I dunno but it's what I expected after this thread. Basically 4 and 5, rather than 1, 2 and 3 ... I am enjoying it as much as 4 & 5 so I am pretty entertained.

I am up to skulking round some ice cavern and hiding in bins to avoid the new (and worse) nemesis.
I actually thought Jake's story was the worst of the four campaigns, however I really liked Chapter 3 (Up until the 'boss' of the chapter shows up onwards at least). Chapter 3 starts immediately after escaping Ustanak in those caves.

Also, when you say 'worse' do you mean that he's good-badder than Nemesis or just bad-badder?
Wouldn't that still use up ammo, though? Unless she hits them up-top the head or something, she's still worthless in battle once she's out of ammo. :s And I thought Chris' was the worst of the four. Ada>Leon>Jake>Chris would my favorite to least favorite, in order.


New member
May 27, 2010
ExiusXavarus said:
Kopikatsu said:
ExiusXavarus said:
Although if you're like me and you enjoy using the melee weapons(knife/stun rod, that stuff), then I do not suggest playing as Piers or Helena because they don't have one. I can't personally stand them because once they're out of ammo, they're beyond worthless in battle, especially if you're in the dying state. Ada doesn't have a melee weapon, either, but I can tolerate it because Ada's probably my favorite character in the franchise, next to Leon. :x

Personal opinion: At least rent it if you're still on the fence. It's definitely worth a try.
Use Helena's Hydra Shotgun and use Quickshot three times in rapid succession to pull off the full 'combo'. You'll never want to go back to the knife again.

omega 616 said:
I am playing through the new guy campaign, is it Jake or Jack? I dunno but it's what I expected after this thread. Basically 4 and 5, rather than 1, 2 and 3 ... I am enjoying it as much as 4 & 5 so I am pretty entertained.

I am up to skulking round some ice cavern and hiding in bins to avoid the new (and worse) nemesis.
I actually thought Jake's story was the worst of the four campaigns, however I really liked Chapter 3 (Up until the 'boss' of the chapter shows up onwards at least). Chapter 3 starts immediately after escaping Ustanak in those caves.

Also, when you say 'worse' do you mean that he's good-badder than Nemesis or just bad-badder?
Wouldn't that still use up ammo, though? Unless she hits them up-top the head or something, she's still worthless in battle once she's out of ammo. :s And I thought Chris' was the worst of the four. Ada>Leon>Jake>Chris would my favorite to least favorite, in order.
It still uses ammo but it's awesome enough that you won't care.

Going strictly by weapon selection...I'd say from best to worst is Leon/Helena > Jake > Sherry > Piers > Ada > Chris. Ada is low because...well...she doesn't get high tier weapons. Her best is basically the Assault Shotgun. The Crossbow does more than make up for it in sheer utility though, which is why she's above Chris despite the fact that he gets a GL.