- The callbacks to the episode were fun, but after the five hour mark, I was seriously beginning to question if this game had any new South Park material exclusive to the game. It did not. Underneath all those references to the show is basically a non-plot that is even less original than the plots it already rips off from the show.
- The game is far too short for an RPG, as the right combination of gear--a combination that isn't hard to find out--will make your main character essentially unbeatable. I was just getting into it when the game ended, and so abruptly it was jarring.
- The basics of the gameplay are excellent, but the advanced QTE stuff is garbage that had me put the game down more than once in frustration.
Ultimately, it's a fun and authentic South Park experience, but it's hardly original or brings anything new to the video gaming world. It's obvious that the bulk of this game's development went into making it look exactly like the show, and less into making it an RPG you can't put down. There are the beginnings of something greater here, but for one reason or another the game couldn't live up to its own lofty hype. An all too common problem with modern gaming.