Space, Flying and Space Flying


New member
Dec 7, 2009
Yeah they did fade into obscurity didn't they? I used to love Colony Wars for PS one.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
I've enjoyed a fair number of space sims in the past, but I find that I get bored with them relatively quickly because there just isn't very much variety in the environment. I think I'd probably prefer a game that had space flight in addition to other environments not in space. Also preferably big robots, because big robots are silly. Dinosaurs wouldn't hurt either, it would be pretty cool to play a game about a dinosaur who flies a rocket ship through space to shoot robots.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
Makes me want to install Freelancer and Starlancer again. Oh wait, Starlancer won't work with Vista, curses! Okay, Freelancer it is. The X series was boring IMO, exactly for the reason Yahtzee mentions. But I do miss space games, even if they're not freefliers. I miss games like Homeworld. *fights back tears*


New member
Jul 22, 2009
I honestly can't figure out why the genre died out either. Maybe it's because most the money these days seems to be made in shooters. I haven't heard about many flying games made in the last 4 years, let alone space-flight games.

A side note:

Can anyone tell me why that middle rocket doesn't just instantly vaporize his ass? Cause a firing rocket + the ass region usually equals burning ass. Does he have special bum armor? Or is it a fancy rocket that isn't actually hot?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Couldn't agree more about the lack of good space sims, and console seems (to me, anyway) a natural home for that. My giant tv would be a great place to host a big multi-battle.

One of the reasons I loved Battlefront 2 beyond what it deserved was the levels where you pilot a ship, wipe out defenses, land in the enemy vessel, kill some guys, and hijack one of theirs. Good stuff.

There are space shooters on xbox live, the battlestar galactica one springs to mind. It's just that they're not very good. I do wonder why no serious developer seems to want to do them anymore. Especially with the glut of WWII flight games that we seem to be finally past.


New member
Apr 11, 2009
Battlefront 2 did the space to ground combat thing in the space missions, but then again that's more of a multiplayer Battlefield sort of game. Eternal Silence is a HL2 mod that's basically a clone of those missions.

I installed FSO a few weeks ago and I'm now playing through the first Freespace campaign again. With all the official and user made campaigns I should be busy till the end of the year :)

Well, fuck it - I wanted another game design project, so I've gotten hold of a version of Unity3D, and if I think space games are so easy to make, then they've got to be within my paltry technical skills. I'm going to bring back fun space games even if I have to do it all by myself. Fun Space Game might even do as a title. Now I just have to figure out how all this 3D business works.
Sign me up for enemy scripting. I have no experience in programming for games but I always wanted to give game AI a go. Then again, you can just make a Freespace mod like everyone else is doing.

hamster mk 4

New member
Apr 29, 2008
Good luck with learning Unity 3D. I am trying to learning it as well. It is pretty good at things like terrain, importing models, auto generating collision boxes, and physics. Heck it is pretty awesome all around. The next time the Escapist lets you hold a Stonking Great Game Contest, can you ask them to allow Unity3D? It is far more open than flash and still runs multi platform in the browser. Anyway I hope you mannage to produce the game of your dreams.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
nice this guy is a fan of the space flight games.
*nostalgias about the genre quietly.
wonders when teh hell fate of the galaxy and diasporia will release*


New member
Apr 9, 2008
uppitycracker said:
I've been wondering this myself, for a very long time. Eve online doesn't even count... I want my x-wing vs tie fighter back!!!
Games with monthly subscription fees don?t count. It?s too bad that one does, it looks pretty cool.
I miss the xwing vs tie fighter games. There was a thread floating around here where others were saying the same thing.

Last I left it, we were trying to figure out if the present gamepads have enough buttons for an xwing vs tie. I believe we settled on the fact that it would be doable if they allowed you to communicate with the AI team using voice commands like in End War.
If that didn?t work, I?d still get it for the PC.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
GonzoGamer said:
uppitycracker said:
I've been wondering this myself, for a very long time. Eve online doesn't even count... I want my x-wing vs tie fighter back!!!
Games with monthly subscription fees don?t count. It?s too bad that one does, it looks pretty cool.
I miss the xwing vs tie fighter games. There was a thread floating around here where others were saying the same thing.

Last I left it, we were trying to figure out if the present gamepads have enough buttons for an xwing vs tie. I believe we settled on the fact that it would be doable if they allowed you to communicate with the AI team using voice commands like in End War.
If that didn?t work, I?d still get it for the PC.
it's definitely not the type of game i would waste money on for the console. PC or nothin for that kinda game, definitely. something about those kinda games that I just do better with a keyboard and mouse over game pads or joysticks....
Aug 25, 2009
Mass Effect crossed with, I don't know Elite, except you play as Han Solo.

I wonder who would possibly buy that game? It's not like it's the combiend fantasy of every sci fi geek in existence?

Oh, and you have an option on quests or just free roaming through the galaxy.

Man, there's no way gaming fans would buy a game that effectively lets you play as the crew of Firefly.


New member
May 19, 2009
Did'nt airforce delta strike have space missions?

Also, on arcade flight sims Ace combat is king

Although more space sims would be nice


New member
Dec 23, 2009
When i think of a space flying game i immediately thing of EVE, which was terrible.
Exploring can be fun but in that game you were only exploring empty space, and the gameplay was way too complex assuming it was even there.

In contrast though the space exploration on the newest Ratchet&Clank game was awesome. You switch from zooming around a solar system and blasting enemies faces off to walking around a spherical moon and blasting peoples faces off!
That was only flying across a 2d plane though, imagine that on a 3d plane with even more stuff to explore.

Infact just imagine something like EVE with waay simplified gameplay, some cool stuff filling all that empty space and some neat on-ground mechanics and exploration.
I think that'd make for a pretty awesome game ;)

If it's even possible how about being able to close in and zoom through landscapes on those planets!


New member
Apr 15, 2009
You know what this made me think of? The Descent games. Now there was good use of multi-plane space in a smaller environment that had a lot of features, cover etc. Descent 3's combination of indoor/outdoor was masterful use of space, in particular. They really should make a Descent 4 - and it would probably work well on consoles, too, with a stick each for vertical/horizontal planes. I wish Parallax/Outrage was still around.

And speaking of games originally released with the Descent name, I'm another of those people who desperately wants Volition to make FS3. I still go back to FS2 all the time.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
If they would bring back the colony wars francise I would be so happy!


New member
Jan 14, 2010
This is my favourite piece he's done its all 100% true and as a guy who maps I can back up the space game easier to make part also seamless transitions between FPS and space combat are possible my favourite mod is based around it and keep in mind this is on the source engine

This one has fast paced shooting and flying you spawn run cross the hangar and your flying straight away.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
for fans of space flying/combat and back-and-forth switching between it and regular "ground based" combat...the HL2 mod Eternal Silence provides exactly that.

two teams in a fleet battle: you can FPS around your flagship(defending it's subsystems from enemy boarders) or jump into a fighter/bomber/interceptor/etc and fly out to battle it out in space.

it's still fairly buggy and the community is tiny..but I highly recommend checking it out. it is, after all, free =)


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Anyone interested in Space sims has to try Freespace and Freespace 2. Best Space Combat Sims ever.