Space Invader


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Piecewise said:
Why are we supposed to like Erin again? She's kind of a constant sociopathic ***** at literally all times. I mean, go to a friends house and try to steal their console because they're not hanging around with you, huck it at their head and antagonize them till they throw you out, then viciously rebut someone who actually does want to spend time with you? Craaaaazy.
This man has it right. What an unlikable character. The comic is really on its stride when it's about video game commentary and such, but the more we delve into it's flagship character, the less I like her.

Li Mu

New member
Oct 17, 2011
0 people are terrifying!

It's a comic strip (and not a very funny one either)
You guys are acting like this is somehow real life.

"Erin's looking very cute today"

"Aw, come on, Erin... don't be like that... Hey, listen!"

"Hopefully the guy doesn't take advantage of Erin. I've had enough of people doing that (her friend sleeping with her roommate for one thing.. then being thrown out. Yeah I haven't forgotten you know!) Still, Erin looks very cute and made me smile. She's an awesome person and I will continue to watch these comics in hopes to see how she develops overtime in character."

Complimenting a cartoon character is a very very strange thing to do.
Do you read your DC comics and say "mmm...Batman, you are looking a bit fat in this panel. Oh, don't worry, you lost the weight in the next one. Now you look sexy."?

You are all strangely detached from reality. Perhaps you are the kind of people who get upset over soap operas. I don't know.

Clearly I should leave before I am infected by this insanity.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Third time this week I've been checking for an update. When does Critical Miss update anyway?