Specific Part of a Game You Play Over and Over Again.

Matt Gleason

New member
Jan 7, 2013
Angelous Wang said:
In Hitman games, apart for the last one. I always find one or two levels that I just like to play over and over coming up better and better ways to complete it.

Like A House of Cards in Blood Money.
A house of cards was good but I always go to A New Life. You're right, the Hitman games were great for that. Dishonored would be better for it if they let you bring your later upgrades to previous levels like that.

I've also played City Escape more times than I can count.


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May 21, 2009
Death From Above in Call of Duty 4,and the Tank missions in Call of Duty 2 are the ones that spring immediately to mind as being easy and entertaining, and thus occasionally warranting a playthrough just for kicks.

A few of the good vehicles missions throughout the Halo series as well. Ironically, none of the vehicle missions in the singleplayer Battlefield campaigns, because those sucked.


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Feb 12, 2010
Suicide Mission, ME2.

It was the culmination of a whole game's worth of gathering allies, earning (and trying to keep) loyalities, upgrading your ship and hearing just how much of a threat the Collectors are. You can assign your crew to their own strengths (or not) and there are very real consequences for getting it wrong. Epic music, epic fights, and even that boss fight can't diminish it.

The only problem? It's maximum impact does not come in a vacuum: it's best enjoyed after an entire playthrough of ME2. That's a kinda long mission to play over and over...


New member
Dec 16, 2013
The Part House - Oblivion

I have a save right before this mission.

Korriban - Kotor

I just found it so well done. Korriban and Tatooine are both arguably barren planets but I can feel the difference between them. Korriban being so much darker and intimidating.

Erik Stant

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May 3, 2011
in terms of cut scenes the opening of ODST.. man that music still gives me chills during the drop

as in actual level most of the music stages from Rayman legends. mainly Castle rock and Dragon Slayer though


New member
Apr 16, 2013
Although I don't like Oblivion that much ( and actually thinks its near unplayable unmodded) the Missions for the Dark Brotherhood were amazing.

In Hitman and Hitman - Contracts the Mission Traditions of the Trade. You and a hotel full of goons, cops and civilians. Dozens of hours of fun to have (and to be a sadist).


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
I can think of 5 (kinda):

-E-102 Gamma's Story Mode in Sonic Adventure 1 (Despite not actually owning a copy of Sonic Adventure 1, I would always want to play that story mode over and over again...)
-The Niflheim sidequest in Tales of Symphonia (The only sidequest where you're given the option to choose to end it or not, technically...)
-The Hoverboard trick challenge in Jak 2 (Brings back memories of both Pro Skater and Skate Adventure...)
-The final moments in 358/2 Days on the DS (Better than how it's presented in the HD ReMIX, in my opinion...)
-Crisis City in both Sonic 06 and Sonic Generations (Yeah, I know... But, that music...)

Honorable mentions go towards any of the tracks (both music and racing) from Burnout Dominator for the PS2 as well as a good chunk of the levels from BeyBlade VForce for the GBA...

Edit: Thank you <link=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/profiles/view/momijirabbit>momijirabbit for correcting me on the Sonic Adventure game and character I was trying to say, at first...

The Inquisitive Mug

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Jul 11, 2008
I can't remember the name of the mission, but there was one in Medal of Honor: Frontline where you were undercover in a mansion during a huge party for a bunch of Nazis. Your cover gets blown and you basically spend the rest of the level blasting through Nazis and knife-throwing chefs with a pump-action shotgun. I played that level to DEATH.

Also, Team Rocket section of Pokemon Stadium 2's Gym Leader Castle. So much fun to bring down a terrorist group, especially once R2 actually made them a challenge.

EDIT: I guess I could technically put the Elite 4 of any Pokemon RPG game (save for black/white and black/white 2, because they sucked) here as well, though it was only to grind for EXP. Still, just on consecutive amount of times I've done it, it's probably the most repeated part of a game that I've ever played.
Sep 13, 2009
Why hello there 13th colossus!

That or the 5th, the flying colossi in that game were probably the most fun to fight. Added bonus in that I don't actually have to play through the entire game to fight either of them.

Honorable mentions go to Bastion and Journey. In Bastion it's the level where:

you carry away Zulf and the Ura hold their fire let you leave

and in Journey there's three points: Final trek up the mountain, the city with the sand sparkling in the sunset, and the descent with the first time you encounter the scarf eaters.


New member
Mar 11, 2014
Usually boss battles in general.
In the game Kingdom Hearts 2 i had to save prior to any boss battle in order to experience them again but with KH2 Final Mix that became a thing of the past thankfully.

Other than that there are missions/levels in Hitman Absolution and Hitman Blood Money that i just keep doing over and over again, a lot of replay value.


New member
Nov 2, 2012
FPLOON said:
-E-102 Omega's Story Mode in Sonic Adventure 2 (Despite not actually owning a copy of Sonic Adventure 2, I would always want to play that story mode over and over again...)
Actually it is E-102 Gamma in Sonic Adventure 1.

I play through his story simply for that ending.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
A specific part? ...Uhhh, hmm.

Well there was that REALLY well done part in Call of Duty: World at War with the cool water-plane that you were the gunner on, it was really well done. You were pulling in people out of the water, running around the ship from gun to gun. I know CoD gets a lot of flack but that was one really well made single player experience...


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Aug 31, 2009
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. There's a contract you have to carry out for The Brotherhood wherein you are locked in a mansion with several other people. Your task is to kill all of them but you have the option of getting to know them all a bit beforehand. It's actually why I keep playing this missions; as you begin killing people the other people in the mansion will get suspicious of each other. Eventually, you can forge an alliance with one survivor against another survivor. I just love doing this mission...the outcome is always the same but the way you get there can be hilarious...especially if you team up with the burly Nord against the frail old woman who he is convinced has murdered every other person in the house.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
What springs to mind the most is this little minigame from Rayman 3:

I'm still hoping that one day I'll find a GameCube copy of that game again. God, the music, the visuals, damn that bit is perfect.

Second place goes to the Route Kanal level of Half Life 2 and the Ravenholm bit in to a slightly lesser extent. I love the music and fast pace of Route Kanal, it's basically one big chase sequence as you run away from the Combine. It also contrasts so lovely with the last level in which you have that beefed up Gravity Gun, but I much prefer the tense feeling of Route Kanal over the God-like powers of that last level.
trunkage said:
The Flamethrower mission in Far Cry 3. It made me feel like a badass
The reggae-dubstep helped with that I must admit. It felt so goooood. Helps that I can't stand weed.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
momijirabbit said:
FPLOON said:
-E-102 Omega's Story Mode in Sonic Adventure 2 (Despite not actually owning a copy of Sonic Adventure 2, I would always want to play that story mode over and over again...)
Actually it is E-102 Gamma in Sonic Adventure 1.

I play through his story simply for that ending.
It's been a while since I'be played either of those games...
I mostly remember replaying through that particular story because of both the story and the fact that I'm shooting everything in my path!


New member
Aug 17, 2012
That GTA4 bank robbery, I swear that is why they made GTA5 based on robbing banks, also the minigun mission in GTA5.

Every mission in ace combat with the CFA-44.

Dirty Apple

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Apr 24, 2008
My all-time favorite and most replayed is the "All Ghilled-Up" level of MW1. It was a beautiful change of pace that resulted in a massive adrenaline dump. Brilliance.