Specific Part of a Game You Play Over and Over Again.


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
The beginning of God Of War III.
The Chateau, Cruise Liner, and Cargo Plane chapters of Uncharted 3.
The ending of Modern Warfare 2.
And that one part in Dead Space 2 where you rocket from one end of the Sprawl to the other playing many different Metroid Metal tracks.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Shoggoth2588 said:
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. There's a contract you have to carry out for The Brotherhood wherein you are locked in a mansion with several other people. Your task is to kill all of them but you have the option of getting to know them all a bit beforehand. It's actually why I keep playing this missions; as you begin killing people the other people in the mansion will get suspicious of each other. Eventually, you can forge an alliance with one survivor against another survivor. I just love doing this mission...the outcome is always the same but the way you get there can be hilarious...especially if you team up with the burly Nord against the frail old woman who he is convinced has murdered every other person in the house.
This is still my favourite quest of all time. I a permanent save that's at the start of that mission just so I can replay it every now and then. My favourite way was convincing the ex-legion member that the Nord had done it. Once the Nord is gone, he thinks we've triumphed and attempts to cut down the door. Poor bastard never saw it coming...

OT: Since the above quest is already taken, I'll pick the mission from Halo 3 called "The Covenant." Specifically the part where you take on two Scarabs. I always tried to take them out in the most awesome way possible. This usually meant flying my ship over top of one, leaping out, taking out the crew, and then punching the Scarab's core to death. Then, as I was running away from the explosion (cool guys don't look at explosions!), I would hijack a Ghost and zoom away in time to get away from the damage. After that, I'd take that Ghost over the jump that's near the other Scarab and leap out of the Ghost while it's flying over the Scarab. Rinse and repeat what I did with the other Scarab at this point.

This way of taking them on was tougher than the standard, shoot them in the legs until they shut down approach since you were basically fucked if you didn't stick your landing.


New member
Feb 13, 2011
The opening level of Mega Man X.

I've played it so many times which I haven't done with any other Mega Man game.

Zac Jovanovic

New member
Jan 5, 2012
The second mission in Hitman 2. I played it hundreds of times until I perfected my approach, without cheating with the internet.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Cowabungaa said:
What springs to mind the most is this little minigame from Rayman 3:

I'm still hoping that one day I'll find a GameCube copy of that game again. God, the music, the visuals, damn that bit is perfect.
Mah nigga-rare to find some love for Rayman 3 and the board levels in that game.

Anyways, some examples for me are...

I would deliberately fall off Phalanx the first time I fought him just so I could experience this amazing and visceral boss fight over and over again.

Psychonauts is filled with crazy awesome levels, but this easily tops them all. The awesome, gravity-defieng level design. The psycho girl scouts. The twilight zone-esque music playing in the background. Every single fucking thing that comes out of spies' mouths. And the fact that this all so you could get some milk.

Couldn't find a specific video, but tons and tons of mini-games and missions from the Sly Cooper series e.g. Pirate Cussing Game, Ship battles, fighting the dragon in China etc.
I would constantly replays levels from that game, or just replay the game entirely.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
No Mercy and Dark Carnival - Left 4 Dead 1&2
2Fort (and just about every variation thereof) - Team Fortress 2
Crying Wolf's mid-blizzard sniper battle - Metal Gear Solid 4:Guns Of The Patriots

I routinely play through the entirety of MegaMan X and X4.

Maxtro said:
The opening level of Mega Man X.

I've played it so many times which I haven't done with any other Mega Man game.
As someone whose favortie games are MegaMan X and X4, I must say that that's really bizarre.
There's basically nothing special about that level at all, aside from its ability to teach you the game.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Brownie80 said:
You know a certain level, area, or section of a video game that makes you play a game again just to get to that level? That's what I'm talking about here. Uncharted 3's first 4 chapters is one of the biggest reasons why I play it ALL THE TIME. Do you guys have a similar draw to a game?
You do know that you keep creating threads to say how much you like Uncharted 3 don't you?
[sub]thought you ought to know[/sub]

Saviordd1 said:
Death Star level of Force Unleashed.

Gotta love taking storm troopers and throwing them into giant death beams.
This is great fun

b.w.irenicus said:
the Missions for the Dark Brotherhood were amazing.
as are these

Bebus said:
Suicide Mission, ME2.

It was the culmination of a whole game's worth of gathering allies, earning (and trying to keep) loyalities, upgrading your ship and hearing just how much of a threat the Collectors are. You can assign your crew to their own strengths (or not) and there are very real consequences for getting it wrong. Epic music, epic fights, and even that boss fight can't diminish it.

The only problem? It's maximum impact does not come in a vacuum: it's best enjoyed after an entire playthrough of ME2. That's a kinda long mission to play over and over...
this and
Folksoul said:
Citadel DLC for Mass Effect 3.
Are why I'm currently on m 24th playthrough of Mass Effect
(And this time I won't date Garrus!)


New member
Oct 7, 2010
The second part of Tairon in Ninja Gaiden Black, about chapter 4 or 5 or so - the first appearance of the Black Spider clan ninjas. Glorious ninja vs. ninja combat :) I replay that level about 2x a year and have done so every year since first buying NG on the regular XBox....


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Saviordd1 said:
Death Star level of Force Unleashed.

Gotta love taking storm troopers and throwing them into giant death beams.
hazabaza1 said:
Damn, now I miss that game. There's probably a used copy sitting around somewhere. Gamestop here I come!

Liquidprid3 said:
I've played City Escape over a hundred times.
Sonic Adventure 2 actually has a count for how many times you've done a level, I think mine was over 300-ish. And Generations was just as good.

Boss fights from Revengeance count too, mostly. Jetstream Sam, Monsoon and MG Ray are personal favourites.
MG Ray was probably one of the best opening bosses in a game. So absolutely silly but at the same time so damn satisfying to slice to bits. Monsoon just pissed me off though. Of course, now that I know how to block and switched to the controller which ISN'T permanently stuck slightly forward from being used for 8 years and held in that forward position for hours at a time (all of my x-box controllers outlasted the first 360 we got funnily enough) he's not nearly as bad. Armstrong's still a ***** though, but goddamn that soundtrack is just the best.

As for me, I don't think I've ever gone back to a game to play specific parts. Except maybe City Escape. I never did the "have a save at the specific point you like" thing because I have 2 brothers and we had a bigass library of games. Memory was a premium, so I could only reliably re-play opening levels, of which City Escape was the only one I enjoyed. Couldn't tell you how many times I did it though. Not to mean I did it dozens of times, I honestly don't remember.

I think I just might start now that it's not too hard to save at specific points. I also really gotta buy a ps2 and gamecube again and re-build my libraries. Too many classics of increasing rarity for me to not own.

jhoroz said:
Couldn't find a specific video, but tons and tons of mini-games and missions from the Sly Cooper series e.g. Pirate Cussing Game, Ship battles, fighting the dragon in China etc.
I would constantly replays levels from that game, or just replay the game entirely.
AH! Thanks for reminding me! The bit in Sly Cooper 3 where you just cruised around on a pirate ship and raided other ships was one I spent more time on than approximately the entire rest of the game. Literally was sitting there for somewhere in the 8-12 hour range sailing around and blowing the fuck out of other ships when I got there the first time. Good thing it was summer break.

Ancient Mariner

New member
Jan 8, 2014
The Curtains Down mission in Blood Money (the opera house level) is brilliant. There are so many unique ways in which to navigate the level and plan out your moves, that you simply must do multiple play throughs.

In addition, the Battleship Bay level in Bioshock Infinite where you eventually end up at the carnival/boardwalk area is one of the most gorgeous and imaginative locales I've ever seen in a video game. It warrants multiple play throughs just so that one may soak in the scenery.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Shoggoth2588 said:
That sounds quite fun. I barley did any of the dark brotherhood quests. The only thing I finished in Oblivion was shivering isles. It might be worth play some non-shivering isles things future and replaying shivering isles just to listen the greatness that is sheogorath. Also I never used Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul and I hear that mod makes it a completely new game.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Saviordd1 said:
Quazimofo said:
I'm not entirely sure why I was quoted in this post...

Because I spent long enough writing the rest of the post I totally forgot to mention that I too enjoyed The Force Unleashed. I didn't know you could kill the stormtroopers with the death-star lazers until a few accidentally walked into it. I'm pretty sure I killed every single remaining one with said lazers.

Sorry for the confusion!


New member
Jan 2, 2011
Quazimofo said:
Saviordd1 said:
Quazimofo said:
I'm not entirely sure why I was quoted in this post...

Because I spent long enough writing the rest of the post I totally forgot to mention that I too enjoyed The Force Unleashed. I didn't know you could kill the stormtroopers with the death-star lazers until a few accidentally walked into it. I'm pretty sure I killed every single remaining one with said lazers.

Sorry for the confusion!
Oh okay. Yeah good fun that, sadly the laser doesn't work on the purge troopers.

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
I remember in Pokemon X I always replay the elite four to grind levels. Help's leveling up a whole lot easier, ya know? Also Resident Evil 5 I replayed the first coop mission with friends. again to get alot of money and get more achievements at the time.


New member
Jan 26, 2012
jhoroz said:
I would deliberately fall off Phalanx the first time I fought him just so I could experience this amazing and visceral boss fight over and over again.
Definitely my favorite colossus. The whole thrill of successfully jumping from a galloping horse onto the wing of a flying serpent is something you don't get in many games.

Psychonauts is filled with crazy awesome levels, but this easily tops them all. The awesome, gravity-defieng level design. The psycho girl scouts. The twilight zone-esque music playing in the background. Every single fucking thing that comes out of spies' mouths. And the fact that this all so you could get some milk.
The asylum in general is one of the greats. Loved the dark tone underneath all the weird quirkiness of the inmates.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Mikejames said:
The asylum in general is one of the greats. Loved the dark tone underneath all the weird quirkiness of the inmates.
This reminds of a particular room that gave me a few nightmares...



New member
Feb 28, 2014
Serious Sam: The First Encounter - The Dunes level is pretty much why the Serious Sam series exists. The music, the action, the weapons, the enemies, the level pacing... IT'S SO GODDAMN FUN!


New member
Jun 13, 2013
Kingdoms Hearts 2. Everytime there was a fun boss, or boss-like thing like the 1000 Heartless, I'd save afterwould the next slot down, so I could go back a fight them all over again whenever I wanted.