'Splosion Man


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
ace_of_something said:
I'm just glad none of the funny bits in Saints Row 2 have become a meme. That would break my blackened heart.
Oh god, don't tempt fate... forums filled with 'Could you turn the TV back on, please?'

Ironic how we had yet another Portal Cake thread only this week...


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Well, I definately remember killing off the first ridiculously easy boss and yelling 'See you at the party, Richter' as it fell to...umm...whatever a robot falls to. So yeah, it does vomit out as many nerdy references as it can get its hands on. I really dont see him saying 'The list is life' from Schindler's List or 'Too many notes' from Amadeus any time soon.

Which is sad, because no one seems to be impressed with my 'Persepolis' lunchbox or 'Das Boot' mousepad, either.

I picked up the game because, even though Im a big Portal fan (and would buy the fan-made prequel if it came out on XBLA), it just looked like a bunch of cathartic, dopey good fun. While you dont get the satisfying Batman-fist on Harley-face, you do get the satisfaction of simply blowing shit up.

That being said, this is probably the only 2D game on God's Green Earth that has friggin camera angle issues! How the hell does THAT happen?!

Anyway, on an unrelated note: Yahtzee, hasn't it gotten to a point where game publishers WANT to send you games by now? I mean, while your Painkiller review did great things for People Can Fly, I doubt your Halo 3 review hurt Bungie at all. I swear I read a review (I think it was in Game Informer) that actually said 'Its flaws are not enough to prevent it from getting a perfect score.' Friggin WHAT?!


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Well I agree...ripping off Portal is totally retarded...The game is one of a king...and know this...

Tequila Shot

New member
Sep 2, 2009
I think Yahtzee was spot on even without using over-the-top anger on the makers. It's similar to any fanbase of a game/film/tv show. Remember Dave Chapelle, who I still raw about quitting *sniff*) got really ticked off when everyone who walked up to yelled, "I'm Rick James *****!" At what point does liking or refrencing something cross the line into being a mindless, babbling loser who can't type anything without a Pulp Fiction quote?

DRADIS C0ntact

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Crops said:
Yahtzee said:
"I believe that what people call 'love' is a combination of herding instinct, peer pressure, need for security and good old-fashioned lust."
Throw addiction into that mix and you're right on the ball.

First the herding instinct/lust get people to be attracted to each other. Once the instinct part wears off (which it does) people have become so used to their partner's habits and them being a part of their lives that they start to feel like their lives will no longer be complete without one another.

After a breakup, people often show the same symptoms as a junkie or smoker trying to kick the habit. Some fine examples would be replacing the old addiction with a new one (the rebound) or staying clean for a while and then running back to the old drug. (getting back together or stalking)
Even if someone finds a new person to get addicted to, it will still be like using a different drug, they'll miss the old addiction until they've completely worked it out of their system.

Peer pressure and the need for security are rather redundant in this context, since the need for security most people have was created by the image implanted by their peers.
Theres no denying the peer pressure part either. Open any book, turn on the tv, play a game, listen to the radio and all you read, see and hear about is everyone and their dog finding 'true love'.

Also, before anyone claims this is just some random pessimistic theory written by a bitter and lonely man, and they've experienced true love, all of the above has been proven by actual scientists and psychologists doing thorough research.
So, uh...does that mean that I'm a crazy person if I genuinely like to be alone?

Captain Bobbossa

New member
Jun 1, 2009
Jirlond said:
Captain Bobbossa said:
This post is kind of Hypocritical due to this....

http://www.splitreason.com/productdetail.php?id=685 - this one comes in three differant colours

Infact I think you have the most T-shirts etc. on there Ben.
He isn't saying you shouldnt reference jokes - just there is a limit to when it becomes not funny. They are also yahtzee jokes not references.
well then they are referances to yahtzee.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Finished reading the article and the only thing that could come to my mind was...

'This is why intelligent people have fewer children, and why the average intelligence on this planet will never appreciably rise any higher than it is now.'


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Games != Fans.

Face it, a great work can be ruined by the fanbase, because they're so goddamn overzealous. No, refrencing Portal isn't funny anymore, because once you hear something enough, it stops being funny.

Look at the Office, or Monty Python, or Little Britain, or just about any running-gag sketch comedy. Can you honestly hear the phrase 'I'm a lady', or 'Ni!', or 'this is an ex-etc.' without thinking that whoever just said it is either a a) Tosser, b) 13, or c) really a tosser?


New member
Sep 29, 2009
The pop culture references are a tiny part of the game. Yahtzee is grasping at straws trying to find something controversial to rant about. It's too bad he ignored the game for the most part and just went on a tangent about something so small. The majority of the humor is original slapstick, not references.

If you let Yahtzee influence your purchasing decisions you should hang yourself now. He is an entertainer not a reliable source of information.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I think Splosion Man was just saying that they really liked PORTAL and they liked so much that they made there entire game about it.

So I think it is best to just realize that they added the story after they designed the game it shouldn't really be against the game it should just be nothing added to it. Great games don't need good stories. (Of course a PERFECT game needs a story)

I think that the thing that pissed me off the most is that he said it's too long. Is there a story that you are waiting to conclude. Otherwise you CARES. No one makes you play the game (well Escapist makes you because you are a critic) so STOP playing.

It like going to a restaurant ordering a Burger then complaining that there is too much Burger.

Don't EAT the whole thing.

Personally I like a game that last longer than my attention spand.

By the way I still think Yahtzee is a great critic and I'm still a huge fan.

Now I will be ignored to death.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
New Troll said:
I like the game 'Splosion Man and like the cakes, not for any Portal referencing but for an extra challenge within each level. Plus I find it humorous just how excited he gets when he nabs one.

Ralackk said:
I honestly think you should try the game co-op with a friend in the same room. It makes it a much better experiance, just ignore all the meme's and poorly done jokes.
Yes, 'Splosion Man is an awesome co-op game. Even better (and more frustrating) than single player in my opinion.
eh, I've gotten used to the silly humor in some games
even Perfect Dark had a little bit haha

and yes I agree, 'Splosion Man's co-op is really great! gets frustrating but...haha fun stuff


New member
Feb 18, 2010
It's kind of funny when people call Yahtzee out on hypocrisy when:

1)Hypocritical humour is part of his schtick. As he mentioned in his Just Cause 2 review, "you may have to post-mortemly draw attention to [insert lame pun] at the start of your review so everyone assumes you're using the joke ironically. " And yes, that entire opening sequence is itself an ironic statement to the hypocrisy of his own pop culture references.

2)when Yahtzee makes pop-culture references, they're usually done in context. All his Portal references usually deal with it being the best game he's played, and he rarely, if ever, used the "Cake is a lie" line.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
Heh, I'd love to comment on the whole "Don't Believe in love!"
I'd rather agree in saying that, as a friend, a lover grows on you... and makes certain parts grow aswell. I say there are also probably 10k-100k others in this world, that could make all that happen, and that quite a few of them, got the same feeling back(In whichever kinda way females feel arousal). Whoever says they found their one true love, in my head, sounds like shitheads who found nothing more but fake movie dramaticsm, especially after they break up 6 months later. I myself am in a Relationship, but I could never know if some other girl would be better for me.