SPOILERS: About The New Doctor Who


New member
Aug 21, 2011
Perhaps it is more of a case of the audience changing? Stephen Moffat (correct spelling?) as the new writer has to try and match Russell T Davis' altogether excellent writing, in order to keep the show from dying of old age. But it is more than this, clearly the new writing is taking the Dr Who mythology into new territories.

Now this is sure to alienate people, but I enjoy the spectacle nonetheless. After all, UK television doesn't get anything like as many good dramas, especially good sci-fi, as in previous decades. I would recommend people savour this show, and try not to take it too seriously.

Perhaps what Moffat needs to isolate is what people enjoyed most about the previous series, and integrate popular trends into his writing. In my opinion, this new series contains far too many near misses, plot twists, acts of god and continuity holes. The problem may be that time travel as a device defies notions of causality, but Russell T Davis still managed to at least make the show SENSIBLE to a degree.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Alexlion said:
Plus Russell t Davies was probably the best writer doctor who had of course
I really disagree with that.

However, now that he's gone, I can respect him somewhat as a script editor. I liked the idea of Moffatt taking over from Davies (in part because of some earlier stuff he'd written, in part because he was someone that wasn't Davies), but Moffatt's stuff was better when he'd had Davies script editing for him.

TimeLord said:
That's entirely my point. By saying nothing, they don't disappoint everyone with a shoddy explanation. Everyone can believe what they want to believe. See also, the Doomsday Arcade Finale.

It's easier and more appeasing for them to say, "Make up your own reasons" with something so small, than say "It's happened like this. Deal with it"
Hmmm...if we expand that thinking, people would like Doctor Who more if they stopped watching it :)

Seriously, though, if they want to go down that route, that's fine, but there's a difference between leaving some things open, and not explaining anything. If they acknowledge there's an unknown, maybe tentatively give possible solutions and not specify which one, and admit they don't know for sure, fine, that's something that works, the original Dr Who used to do that alot.

Ignoring it competely, on the other hand, isn't the same thing at all, IMHO.
Luke3184 said:
Doctors wife was written by Neil Gaiman not Moffat, so you know, back your point up a bit ;)
Moffat is still the script editor, he has overall control of the season. Remember the jarring bit at the end of The Doctor's Wife?

"Rory, what did she say?"
"She said ARC PLOT"
"Yeah, ARC PLOT. What does that mean?"
"Dunno, lets all go back to the story now as if nothing had happened."

I don't think that was Gaiman's idea.


New member
May 26, 2011
I very much like the new doctor who. David Tennant was good but I think I like Matt Smith better. The latest episode also really funny in my opinion.
I think my main problem is with this thread. I disagree with absolutely everything you have to say about the new series.

1.The Cybermen in the old series(before Christopher Eccleston) were in space to begin with. These were the ones that Rory fights. That is also why they don't have the C, because they weren't made by Cybus.

2.The Daleks being multicoloured is again possibly a connection to the old series. In the old series they were different ranks and there were different coloured Daleks.

3.You mention several times something not being cinematic. Not every episode can be packed to the gills with drama. The way they beat the Silence was that when they played it the post hypnotic suggestion made people fight the silence without knowing.

4.Rory was dressed as a Roman because it was cool. Sometimes you just got to go for style points.

5.YOU SPELLED "ANGELS" WRONG TWICE. J isn't close enough to G for it be a coincidence both times so I have to say you spelled it that way deliberately. Spell check your stuff and people are more likely to take you seriously. I know it's not very important but I had to mention it.

You are entitled to your opinion but you will get flame when you go on a forum and post you opinion when the vast majority opposes it.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
pablogonzalez said:
thaluikhain said:
pablogonzalez said:
but ow the hell did they make it into space?
they wwerent even on the moon or anything they were deep in space as an established force.... thats my question
They weren't the rubbish alternative Earth based cybermen, they are a totally different real universe lot that just happen to be exactly the same because shut up, you're watching the new Dr Who.

pablogonzalez said:
Rory is alright id give you that...but cohrence is what i ask from the Story and putting him in a centuirion outfit in this one makes no sense...
Rory is a stock "this loser is you" character, except that he's also an auton that's twice as old as the doctor is, and dresses up like a roman centurion because shut up, you're watching the new Dr Who. The new Dr Who has never been coherent, it just throws enough things at random at the audience in the hope they'll like some of it.

Yes, the last two series of Doctor who have been pretty shoddy, and this one is shaping up to be as well, but it's not like the previous ones weren't insulting your intelligence either. Admittedly, Moffat seems hell bent on proving he can fuck things up more than Davies could, but not by all that much, really. The Doctor's Wife was a good story. Zero and the Bear Below weren't that bad. The two parter with the gangers was very cliched, but it was a decent cliche.

The previous seasons including Midnight, which was decent, and Blink, which was very good, but almost all the rest was crap.
the pre- 2010 season had a build up...a good story... a decent sub plot...and a GOOD finale

it just cant be shut up its the new doctor who

they were the new Doctor who

nowadays... i know they were a different race of cybermen but how the hell did they get into space and lose the C chestplate?

on that topic in media res is not gonna cut it...
While I do agree the show hasn't been as good since the 11th doctor I don't think its quite as bad as what you make it out to be. The beast below is one of my favorite episodes to date, and that came since the new doctor.

The Cybermen depicted were from our universe and are those that were introduced in the old Doctor Who (pre-2005). They don't have a C due to the cybrus industries, and I'm assuming they only look the same so people would clearly recognize them.

As for why they are in space, keep in mind that that they are going through time as well to find Amy. So that could be long in the future when they have extended into space.

I'm hoping that after this season they at least change the companions if not the doctor himself. While I don't have any particular grudges against Amy and Rory I think they have long become stale. The 11th Doctor almost entirely revolving around his relationship with Amy, Rory, and River at this point would likely mean it would be easier if he reincarnated as well. Fortunately, recent events point to this happening (resolution of the River situation) and his "death" in 2011 while still appearing as the 11th doctor.

However solid writing is the real problem and I can only hope they step it up. Not to say its bad writing, but the tie togethers just seem forced as opposed to Bad wolf and other tie ins in the past.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Sorry but you are completely wrong.

The show has improved dramatically since Tennants and Russel T Davies departure from the show. The writing (for the most part) has improved by 100x and there is a Doctor who is actually more relatable to those of the classic series. A Doctor with depth.

The relationship between Rory, the Doctor and Amy is brilliant. It is now the Doctor and his companions, not the Doctor and his soon to be nauseating love interest.

The series also has a natural sense of humour and often references the classic Doctor Who cannon which in my book as you can see is extremely important.

There have been some shocking episodes recently but they are still by far superior to Tennant era Who. Tennant era Who butchered everything, the master, the Daleks, the Cybermen, the Autons, the Sontarans etc. The new series has at least given us monsters that actually are quite disturbing, although the Ikea Daleks were a step in the wrong direction.

On the Cybermen thing, as people have said, and I hated the episode this was introduced in, the Cybermen from whatever shitty industries were from an alternative Earth (facepalm) where as the ones in space most likely will be Cybermen from Mondas (or Telos), their original homeworld. It makes perfect sense.

What I can't stand are the dreggs of T Davies era, which is River Song. All the episodes revolving around her are terrible.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Sorry but you are completely wrong.

The show has improved dramatically since Tennants and Russel T Davies departure from the show. The writing (for the most part) has improved by 100x and there is a Doctor who is actually more relatable to those of the classic series. A Doctor with depth.

The relationship between Rory, the Doctor and Amy is brilliant. It is now the Doctor and his companions, not the Doctor and his soon to be nauseating love interest.

The series also has a natural sense of humour and often references the classic Doctor Who cannon which in my book as you can see is extremely important.

There have been some shocking episodes recently but they are still by far superior to Tennant era Who. Tennant era Who butchered everything, the master, the Daleks, the Cybermen, the Autons, the Sontarans etc. The new series has at least given us monsters that actually are quite disturbing, although the Ikea Daleks were a step in the wrong direction.

On the Cybermen thing, as people have said, and I hated the episode this was introduced in, the Cybermen from whatever shitty industries were from an alternative Earth (facepalm) where as the ones in space most likely will be Cybermen from Mondas (or Telos), their original homeworld. It makes perfect sense.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
pablogonzalez said:
2005 we have a plastic dolls ontrolled from the London Eye, a single Dalek taking out an entire military Base of people begore commiting suicide, 3 fat aliens taking control of the world before being blown up, and the Dalek Emperor defeated with the "heart of the TARDIS" (or something)
Daleks with feelings: Daleks do not have feelings other than hate for other species, such is their nature. Davies has essentially re-written the Daleks to make them more human. Moffat has now gotten rid of most of the 'standard' enemies entirely, because he openly expressed that they were no longer scary.

pablogonzalez said:
2006 we have a werewolf, we have the cybermen, we have the Doctor against Satan, and finally Daleks vs Cybermen
(I assume 'Satan' is 'The Beast') I quite liked that double, but then again it wasn't written by Davies. Dalek's vs Cybermen was a little out-of-hand I thought, I dont like the idea of 'the void' and things being able to hang around in there.

pablogonzalez said:
2007, The Anjels....moving when you dont see them and seding you in time to liove to death...the Master.... oh the Master...
Loved the angels, and that the doctor didnt actually appear as the main protagonist. This one was written by Moffat. It's also one of my favourite episodes. The master was done pretty well, probably the best season finale that Davies had written. This was because of the idea of paradoxes largely, and the relationship of Martha and her Mother throughout the series being so influenced.

2008, Sonta-Ha! and Davros (finally)
HATED Davros. I'll just leave it there. The Doctor seemed a bit overpowered now though- he could be seen to be immortal since he never fails.

2009 i wont say much cos i havent seen all of the specials but yeah pretty good

but then....

2010 a race coming to destroy the earth searching for a creature who is found because everyone was texting.... (compare this to everyone 'believing in' the doctor for his semi-resurrection in the Master trilogy that you like?)

The weeping anjels ....move and snap peoples next ...defeated by Gravity and being "wiped from Exsistance"... (Fantastic classic horror with the 'image' of an angel, and sets up the ending to the season nicely for the 'Rory's back!' twist).

the daleks turned into a little Gay rainbow....previously they were not even scary making them colourful is just gonna make that worse... (He's stated that he doesnt want to bring back the Daleks, because they're no longer threatening.)

the sonic screwdriver now doesnt wokr on wood (why should it work on everything? it never worked on wood)

and the GRAND FINALE was just a montage of the doctors enemies coming up to say "we hate the Doctor" and its defeated by "wiping the Doctor from exsistance"....but he is brought back by thinking of him... (again, compare to the Master episodes, but with a VERY clever use of time- it's not that 'thinking of him' will bring him back, it's that him still being remembered will)

2011 (so far) an enemy who dissapears from near and long memory when you arent looking at them...who plan to take over (basically) they are defeated by playing the 1st moon landing and showing it too the world and apparently thats like some sort of clever and climatic ending...ok a girl regenerated but we now know what thats led too

(the silence is a great link to the series before, and plays on classical horror fears of being watched by something we cannot see, and being controlled by an unknown influence)

a blob of flesh wants to reconised as exsisting person... (didnt like this one much, I have to admit-

the Cybermen have made it into Space...after previously being MADE on planet Earth....and the 'C' on their chest plate has dissapeared... How the hell? (see above posts)

also why was Rory wearing the roman centurion costume again? there was no need (why does the doctor like fish fingers and custard? why create a 'warp star' containing an explosion? there was also no need)

its terrible and that last Episode (lets kill Hitler) made me want to pull my finger nails out with a set of plyers....

(Character depth on the part of River, Rory and Amy- now we know more about their collective past, and so make us better understand their future demeanour. We know the doctor 'dies' from the first episode of the season, to clarify it, and the doctor learns that this is the date he dies, it's a very clever episode, and sets up the rest of the half-season)

I prefer Moffat to Davies: I prefer his style. It's clever, with a need to pay attention to the details. The Doctor (Matt Smith) is not all-knowing, but has excellent instinct, making him more vulnerable and more unpredictable. Contrast this to Tennant's Doctor, and the Doctor's personality has changed massively.

I understand that people REALLY love Tennant, but are you not so used to him that Smith and Moffat's style (more of a classical horror than superhero, and with smarter use of time), you find simply uncomfortable?

Kurai Angelo

New member
Oct 12, 2009
pablogonzalez said:
Kurai Angelo said:
Well perhaps if you had actually done some research or paid attention you would know the 'C' stands for Cybus Industries which was present when the Cybermen were introduced in an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. These Cybermen are not the same ones from the David Tennant Series so they would not have a massive 'C' on their chest. They aren't even from Earth. Also, they haven't just made it into Space.
That was the effect of the company being Called Cybus and them having the C on their chest... it could double to mean "Cybermen"...

What the hell are you talking about? You just completely ignored the fact that I proved you wrong and pretty much repeated what I said. The logo did stand for Cybus Industries, thats a plain fact. What am I supposed to be seeing? You still didn't know what you were talking about. You didn't realise that the cybermen in each universe are from different origins and therefore these ones would not have a 'C' because they were not made by Cybus Industries. They come from an entirely different planet.

EDIT: Just reading your other comments, you don't seem to be very well constructed and this thread seems to be just about creating a shitstorm than having any real discussion. Most of what you say is just opinion, which your entitled to, but things you cite as facts are usually wrong. If you'd bother to reasearch things before ranting you might look like less of an idiot.


New member
Oct 31, 2010
pablogonzalez said:
also why was Rory wearing the roman centurion costume again? there was no need
I think the Doctor's RoE is 'Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, dress like an idiot'.

Something like that.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Alexlion said:
pablogonzalez said:
thaluikhain said:
pablogonzalez said:
but ow the hell did they make it into space?
they wwerent even on the moon or anything they were deep in space as an established force.... thats my question
They weren't the rubbish alternative Earth based cybermen, they are a totally different real universe lot that just happen to be exactly the same because shut up, you're watching the new Dr Who.

pablogonzalez said:
Rory is alright id give you that...but cohrence is what i ask from the Story and putting him in a centuirion outfit in this one makes no sense...
Rory is a stock "this loser is you" character, except that he's also an auton that's twice as old as the doctor is, and dresses up like a roman centurion because shut up, you're watching the new Dr Who. The new Dr Who has never been coherent, it just throws enough things at random at the audience in the hope they'll like some of it.

Yes, the last two series of Doctor who have been pretty shoddy, and this one is shaping up to be as well, but it's not like the previous ones weren't insulting your intelligence either. Admittedly, Moffat seems hell bent on proving he can fuck things up more than Davies could, but not by all that much, really. The Doctor's Wife was a good story. Zero and the Bear Below weren't that bad. The two parter with the gangers was very cliched, but it was a decent cliche.

The previous seasons including Midnight, which was decent, and Blink, which was very good, but almost all the rest was crap.
the pre- 2010 season had a build up...a good story... a decent sub plot...and a GOOD finale

it just cant be shut up its the new doctor who

they were the new Doctor who

nowadays... i know they were a different race of cybermen but how the hell did they get into space and lose the C chestplate?

on that topic in media res is not gonna cut it...

Right there where ALWAYS cybermen in the doctors reality they originated on a different planet and where capable of travelling to earth to mess things up there in the original series thats why they are in space now, they cybermans first appearance was in 1967 so its understandable you dont know that.

Plus Russell t Davies was probably the best writer doctor who had of course his successor is gunna try to write like he did and fail. And ill be honest the most recent episodes have gone a bit wtf crazy but it is doctor who after all lol :p.

And honestly doctor every different doctor is different and writen slightly different its what gives the series a longevity, quality occasionally takes a knock from variety but if we had the same thing over and over the series would have died 40 years ago.

Also check out the "The Talons of Weng-Chiang" if you think the series writing has gotten worse :p, remember if you dont like this doctor or writer there will be another one in a couple of years :).
ah sorry i havent bee on the escapist this week...


yes there have always been cybermen in space, they have come to earth even invaded it (but stopped by the Doctor) but they are not the ones in the new series....

if you have seen rise of the cybermen/Age of Steel (which you most probably have) you haveseen these new ones were made on earth and are thus reffered as the Cybus Cybermen (not officially obviously) so they were made on earth.

So far the serials premiered since 2006 (since rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel) it has shown them take over a parralel world, ty to take over the proper world, shown them in the 1800's (or something like that)

but never (repeat) NEVER showed them travelling into space or a serial of them that hinted they will

the writing simply puts these new cybermen from earth, straight to space.

im actually ashamed because i think its Stevan Moffat (or something) and he wrote episodes like "Blink" and that was an epic episode... i think they have completley dropped the 'dark' themes they had behind the series though it is understandable to try to come more cheery and kid friendly the writing has just gone to pits...

yes they had different writing but at least they had coherence...in the previous series there was all this grand defence over not changing the past, and even led to a good climax in the 2009 specials,

but now they change it so freely completley dropping YEARS of a solid perspective on the matter

i dont hate the Doctor.... i think matt Smith is epic ax the Doctor :D
sure i dont like the writing... but considering the previous series i dont see how people could...and that writing completely ruins the application of his character (if your into this sort of analysing story and stuff)


New member
Mar 18, 2011
evilthecat said:
pablogonzalez said:
although the ending was a bit dissapointing he was SHOT

that was the grand ending for Doctor Who 2007 was that the Doctor was now OFFICIALLY the last time lord... THAT was a good ending...
Except it wasn't ending because they dug up the corpse for that godawful Christmas/New Years special, which might have been entitled 'let's put an awesome character through a blender and try to play them for ineffectual wangst, again'

Seriously, I'm not going to buy the line that the David Tennant era was some kind of golden age.

pablogonzalez said:
honestly the cheesiness and complete loss of the previous seasons themes in LEts kill hitler made me want to place a working drill into my skull
Which of the previous series themes? If anything, they've carried this whole plot along longer than ever.
oh sure i give em credit for running out of ideas for stories but sure they have all these good ones but they keep messing them up

oh yeah david tennants were really good :D
personally my favourite was christopher Ecclesons days

the previos series had a dark undertone the Doctor wasnt alway the happy chappy you expect he did have a darks side he used on his enemies, knowing that as the last timelord he has to take responsabilities on evil...

now they just seem to abandon all that stuff on "the last timelord" and "unable to change time" which they retained a solid perspective on until the 2010 series

on a side note i dont like Amy's opening monologe but thats another thing


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Oh for Gods sake, we've already told you a dozen times that the cybermen in space are a different version than the ones made by Cybus Industries. As in, they are in a different universe. Which was explained quite often in the previous three seasons.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
pablogonzalez said:
the Cybermen have made it into Space...after previously being MADE on planet Earth....and the 'C' on their chest plate has dissapeared... How the hell?
Universe was rebooted. Somehow there are now old school Cybermen with modern-ish bodies.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Kurai Angelo said:
pablogonzalez said:
Kurai Angelo said:
Well perhaps if you had actually done some research or paid attention you would know the 'C' stands for Cybus Industries which was present when the Cybermen were introduced in an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. These Cybermen are not the same ones from the David Tennant Series so they would not have a massive 'C' on their chest. They aren't even from Earth. Also, they haven't just made it into Space.
That was the effect of the company being Called Cybus and them having the C on their chest... it could double to mean "Cybermen"...

What the hell are you talking about? You just completely ignored the fact that I proved you wrong and pretty much repeated what I said. The logo did stand for Cybus Industries, thats a plain fact. What am I supposed to be seeing? You still didn't know what you were talking about. You didn't realise that the cybermen in each universe are from different origins and therefore these ones would not have a 'C' because they were not made by Cybus Industries. They come from an entirely different planet.

EDIT: Just reading your other comments, you don't seem to be very well constructed and this thread seems to be just about creating a shitstorm than having any real discussion. Most of what you say is just opinion, which your entitled to, but things you cite as facts are usually wrong. If you'd bother to reasearch things before ranting you might look like less of an idiot.
ok settle down there...lets not make this an argument cos win or lose we are both kinda idiots ok?....alright.... im not being hostile to you here

but just listen to this ....

mondas cybermen
look em up

now the alternate cybermen

look em up....

mondas cybermen (our reality) have lost their planet and are well on their way to extinction

alternate cybermen (paralel reality) have got into our reality....but never were shown flying into space or even hinted getting into space...

they never explained how the Alternate cybermen made it into space

Mondas cybermen are on the brink of extinction at this time, they even showed the classical Cybermen in "Dalek" showing that they never 'upgraded or changed their armour and in "rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel" the Doctor even explained the differences...

The thing is the whole series sort of trips over itself through this incoherency

if it had an episode explaining or hinting that the ALTERNATE cybermen got into space that would be understandable but since they didnt it just comes back to the writing...

and on the topic of the chest 'C' well first in "age of Steel/Rise of Cybermen" it makes sense they still have the 'C' even in "Army of Ghosts/Doomsday" since they just dissapeared straight from the factory...

they have all good reason to drop the 'C' but:

in that christmas special 'the Next Doctor' they have obviously become independant and have not been under human control ,as they have even established a hierarchy (you know the one with the black helmet colouring being leader or captain) and they had the 'c'

i did say this before but:
the effect of the costume having the 'c' for "Cybus industries" meant it could double in later serials (like the next doctor) to mean 'c' for "Cybermen" as and individual organisation as they have seem to have done in "the next doctor".

do you see where i am coming from now?

again its the writing to be blamed for this incoherence, but they just randomly took the 'c' chest plate out. there was no need it was fine...

so in summary:

2 different cybermen
1 has survived in our universe
but remains on earth
never explained how they got into space

'c' plate at first meant "Cybus"
then applied later as "Cybermen"
no need to take it out it was right were it was
but they did :(.....


New member
Mar 18, 2011
luvva said:
pablogonzalez said:
2005 we have a plastic dolls ontrolled from the London Eye, a single Dalek taking out an entire military Base of people begore commiting suicide, 3 fat aliens taking control of the world before being blown up, and the Dalek Emperor defeated with the "heart of the TARDIS" (or something)
Daleks with feelings: Daleks do not have feelings other than hate for other species, such is their nature. Davies has essentially re-written the Daleks to make them more human. Moffat has now gotten rid of most of the 'standard' enemies entirely, because he openly expressed that they were no longer scary.

pablogonzalez said:
2006 we have a werewolf, we have the cybermen, we have the Doctor against Satan, and finally Daleks vs Cybermen
(I assume 'Satan' is 'The Beast') I quite liked that double, but then again it wasn't written by Davies. Dalek's vs Cybermen was a little out-of-hand I thought, I dont like the idea of 'the void' and things being able to hang around in there.

pablogonzalez said:
2007, The Anjels....moving when you dont see them and seding you in time to liove to death...the Master.... oh the Master...
Loved the angels, and that the doctor didnt actually appear as the main protagonist. This one was written by Moffat. It's also one of my favourite episodes. The master was done pretty well, probably the best season finale that Davies had written. This was because of the idea of paradoxes largely, and the relationship of Martha and her Mother throughout the series being so influenced.

2008, Sonta-Ha! and Davros (finally)
HATED Davros. I'll just leave it there. The Doctor seemed a bit overpowered now though- he could be seen to be immortal since he never fails.

2009 i wont say much cos i havent seen all of the specials but yeah pretty good

but then....

2010 a race coming to destroy the earth searching for a creature who is found because everyone was texting.... (compare this to everyone 'believing in' the doctor for his semi-resurrection in the Master trilogy that you like?)

The weeping anjels ....move and snap peoples next ...defeated by Gravity and being "wiped from Exsistance"... (Fantastic classic horror with the 'image' of an angel, and sets up the ending to the season nicely for the 'Rory's back!' twist).

the daleks turned into a little Gay rainbow....previously they were not even scary making them colourful is just gonna make that worse... (He's stated that he doesnt want to bring back the Daleks, because they're no longer threatening.)

the sonic screwdriver now doesnt wokr on wood (why should it work on everything? it never worked on wood)

and the GRAND FINALE was just a montage of the doctors enemies coming up to say "we hate the Doctor" and its defeated by "wiping the Doctor from exsistance"....but he is brought back by thinking of him... (again, compare to the Master episodes, but with a VERY clever use of time- it's not that 'thinking of him' will bring him back, it's that him still being remembered will)

2011 (so far) an enemy who dissapears from near and long memory when you arent looking at them...who plan to take over (basically) they are defeated by playing the 1st moon landing and showing it too the world and apparently thats like some sort of clever and climatic ending...ok a girl regenerated but we now know what thats led too

(the silence is a great link to the series before, and plays on classical horror fears of being watched by something we cannot see, and being controlled by an unknown influence)

a blob of flesh wants to reconised as exsisting person... (didnt like this one much, I have to admit-

the Cybermen have made it into Space...after previously being MADE on planet Earth....and the 'C' on their chest plate has dissapeared... How the hell? (see above posts)

also why was Rory wearing the roman centurion costume again? there was no need (why does the doctor like fish fingers and custard? why create a 'warp star' containing an explosion? there was also no need)

its terrible and that last Episode (lets kill Hitler) made me want to pull my finger nails out with a set of plyers....

(Character depth on the part of River, Rory and Amy- now we know more about their collective past, and so make us better understand their future demeanour. We know the doctor 'dies' from the first episode of the season, to clarify it, and the doctor learns that this is the date he dies, it's a very clever episode, and sets up the rest of the half-season)

I prefer Moffat to Davies: I prefer his style. It's clever, with a need to pay attention to the details. The Doctor (Matt Smith) is not all-knowing, but has excellent instinct, making him more vulnerable and more unpredictable. Contrast this to Tennant's Doctor, and the Doctor's personality has changed massively.

I understand that people REALLY love Tennant, but are you not so used to him that Smith and Moffat's style (more of a classical horror than superhero, and with smarter use of time), you find simply uncomfortable?
....thanks for that finaly some one whos not eating my balls for this :D
to answer them in no particular order

look steven moffat hasnt done the best job recently (RECENTLY. before he was awesome)

sonic screwdriver not working on wood was just randomly thrown in... again its just incoherent..he could of dropped the Sonc scredriver further in the building and then rush to go get it then not mak it back in time...but no they couldnt afford 30 seconds of him running instead for him spoiling it by saying : it doesnt do wood!

the master serial ended with the great realisation of the Doctor finally being the last timelord (thats how its good)

the silence.... they were good but they could of put them up as a reoccuring roles in the series instead of knockin up a perfectly good enemy or plot device in the frst episode

the anjels had a sort of weird "they werent like that before" sort of effect in the firs series...looking into their eyes was just brought in randomy (not so good writing) in the previous episode they looked straight into their eyes and nothing happened....

i would just like a logical reason...the sort of effect of the scene (the INTENDED epicness of the line "Where is Amy?!" is ruined by him looking like he was about to visit a fancy dress party...

the master grand finlae i already said the initial realisation of the actual last timelord alive
and then i damit "believing in the doctor" was a bad point but they had such a good plot point to counter it...

it has the "thinking" crap...but no good plot point

im sorry i think ive answered all of them....im just ttired right now and i just got back onto the escapist.... if ive missed anything let me know :D


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Everytime someone slags off the new series of Doctor Who, my faith in humanity dies a little.
The gangers episode was BRILLIANT, eeriely reminiscent of a pre-watershed 'The Thing'.
And the episode just gone, with the creepy dolls?
I think if anything they're trying LESS hard to make him iconic (a bizarre argument to begin with as he is the Doctor and therefore automatically iconic regardless of actor, even Colin Baker had some fans), the fact is for better or worse (and if you've seen the latest Torchwood I would defy you to argue that it's for worse) we have lost Russell T Davis.
So out went a whole heap of melodrama. Which in portions was nice, but frankly they made Tennants' Doctor out to be some sort of messiah.
The fact is, the head writer is now Stephen Moffat. The man responsible for arguably the best episodes of Eccleston (The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances), and the best episode of anything ever (Blink).
I also respect the hell out of his decision to limit the use of the Daleks. Frankly I was sick of them, and they don't stand up to the intelligent horror of the more recent series. I think they should be used for nostalgia only.