Spooky experiences


New member
Sep 17, 2011
I've had a couple of minor ones and a major one.

I have had my house tell me, in Freddy Kruger's voice, to 'Shut up, boy!'.

I have seen a white figure at the door that I thought was a mate, but when it didn't trigger the motion security light or go past the window I was staring at.

The major one which screwed me up fairly well, I will tell you if people are interested.

Death Carr

Less Than 3D
Mar 30, 2011
waaay back in primary school I went on a school camp where we got taken out on a walk very late at night and got told a story about some miner who set the timer wrong on an explosive and promptly lost his head (literally). now, while on this walk the teachers told us that at midnight every night as you walked you would hear him moan and ask for his head. so, naturally I checked my watch and say that it was nearing midnight and listened for any moaning sound whatsoever. I heard it and promptly freaked the hell out. the next day, to make up for the late walk we had the entire day to ourselves so me and a few mates decided to walk along the same pathe just for shits and giggles, as I was walking I noticed something glinting in the corner of my eye. upon further investigation I discovered that there were speakers in the bushes and have never believed a ghost story ever since.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Sandjube said:
I don't know how to add images or anything, so I guess I'll just talk about them instead, and maybe add a pic if someone tells me how, though googling "Shadow people" is pretty effective.

Basically, I've seen shadow people many times. I dismissed them as just a dream or something, even though it's happened a few times, but then someone linked me a picture of one, with an article, and...yeah. Seeing something that you thought you were imagining chronicled, drawn and written about is...worrying.
Take the URL of an image and place it where the underlined space is in the following (and without the spaces): [ IMG ]_____[ /IMG ]

However, for the consideration of the escapists who are just about to go to bed I'd reccomend putting in spoilers like this: [ spoiler ]_____[ /spoiler ]

VoidWanderer said:
The major one which screwed me up fairly well, I will tell you if people are interested.
Ooh, please tell us!

As for me, I saw the ghost of a Victorian woman once. She was all white, short hair, Victorian-era dress. I was going up the stairs many years ago, and at the top I saw her take two steps across, look at me then vanish. Real or not, it was so scary that I literally couldn't move out of fright. But you wanna the really creepy part? About a week later I was at school (this happened back in year 3) and I was talking to some guys about it. Anywho, I notice one of these guys reading this brand-new book about ghosts that I had never seen before, and as I'm telling him about this ghost he opens up to a page about a ghostly woman known as "The woman in white" in some circles (not to be confused with the old novel) with a photograph of an actress done up to look like her based on sightings...AND IT WAS EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE ONE I SAW.


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
usmarine4160 said:
I was playing a Silent Hill game (in the dark of course) and my cat jumped up on my lap... and promptly became the first cat in orbit.
And then returned the national hero Commander Mittens. :3

<spoiler=Space cat :3>

OT: All the time when playing amnesia I kept feeling something was behind me D*:

Fucking horrified!


New member
Jan 27, 2010
I was once using a Wuigi board (no clue on how to spell it) with three of my cousins. ANd being an Athiest I laughed and thought "what the hell?" It was also the middle of the day in a beach house. Anyway the thing in the middle (we were using an upsidedown glass) started to move. Anyway as soon as I placed my finger on it. IT stopped (my cousins said it was because I am an Athiest). I maintain that it was that someone was pushing and they stopped when I placed my finger on it.

But still it rathar amusing. And it really is all I got.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Too much weird, inexplicable, and odd-defying things happen in my life for me to turn my nose up at things that aren't explained or generally accepted, but they're not really spooky. In retrospect, some of them are downright hilarious, like the time that the fire alarms, carbon monoxide detector and some other thing went off at the same time, and our day had all been hectic and terrible, and my mother couldn't reach the smoke alarm in the garage because of the high placement, so she smacked the damn thing with a broom to no avail.
The fire apartment then comes, and the firemen are utterly befuddled, then one tells us that we must have ghosts, but psh. My home is not haunted.

Lectori Salutem

New member
Apr 11, 2011
Apart from some things that aren't really that spooky (Tv seemingly turning on for no reason, doors opening and closing due to draft), nothing at all. Kind of a shame, I would love to have a nice, hard to explain, spooky experience


New member
Dec 8, 2010
reading the exorcist in bed and the bulb in my reading lamp exploded.... havent touched that book since


New member
Sep 17, 2011
Short background leading into experience (Out of respect, I will not name names):

While I was in high school, I was known but not popular. Most of the kids the same year as me didn't really pay attention, except for one. She always came up to me and chatted with me, every time. It was nice to have someone come up to you and engage in small talk. We got on kinda well, like passing friends, we would always chat whenever we saw each other.

One day after accounting class, she came up to me and asked if I would be interested in going with her and some friends to a place called Matata (or Matamata, I could never differentiate the two) over the school holidays (This event took place in New Zealand, North Island).

I was slightly taken aback at this as I didn't see it coming, I said I would see if my parents would say yes and I would call her with the answer. As I was leaving the room, I remember a strange dream I had and turned to her and said, "Whatever you do, don;t pick up strangers." She was confused by this, but nodded.

When I went home and told my parents what happened and they reminded I was going to Hamilton for the holidays. I went to call her, but realized I didn't have her number and I was unable to locate her in the phonebook as I didn't know where she lived. I figured I would tell her when we got back to school.

On the day I will never forget, I was in Hamilton. My friend and his family had gone to grab shopping and I elected to stay behind. The house was in a very suburban area, which is why hearing a truck horn blare stood out. I headed outside but couldn't locate the necessary 18 wheeler to make the noise I heard. Confused, I headed back inside and looked at the clock. It was about 5.20 pm and when I looked down; I was sitting in the front passenger seat of a car wearing different clothing, I heard a truck horn blare and I looked up to see the trailer unit of a truck coming straight for my head. I instinctively raised my hands to block it... and I was back in Hamilton. Then I realized exactly what happened, and that my friend was driving the car and was dead.

When I got back to school, I had forgotten the event, until I saw the memorial for her. I found out that my friend was in fact driving. She had turned to pick up a hitch-hiker. And the only seat left was the front passenger seat.

I was 15 years old at the time and I had survivor's guilt for three years about that incident.

Lectori Salutem

New member
Apr 11, 2011
tombman888 said:
Also i got a Nosebleed right after watching The Ring.....
Reminds me of the Lavender Town creepypasta.(people getting sick after listening to the music, etc.)
The first time I listened to the music after reading it, I noticed I felt nauseous and I was getting a headache.
Then I remembered that I hadn't eaten the whole day XD


New member
Nov 3, 2008
So the neighborhood I live is pretty much a no outlet area, meaning you enter in, can go around some streets but there is no way out besides the way you drove in. So when I was a kid/teen my neighborhood had a decent amount of kids would generally take advantage of this odd street setup and play various games in the street like baseball or whatever because we literally had no traffic.
In general a bunch of us would stay out until like midnight and call it quits and return to our various homes. One night we were playing a game sort of like tag/hide and seek, I honestly can't remember its name but its the game where one person is it, and everyone else hides, after a certain count that person goes out to search for everyone, but the people hiding have a chance to run to a "safe" zone and be out of the game, people caught have to help the person who is "it" to get the people not in the safe zone.
So anyways we have a handful of kids in the safe zone and those of us who are safe are just chilling out on the curb and this car starts coming down the street and like half way down the street coming towards us the car's headlights go off and the car starts slowing down. As the car is slowly coming towards us the car is moving at like a slow roll. This dude we can hardly see because it is dark and whatnot is just staring at us. He picks up the pace as he passes us and rounds the corner. We look watching him go down the street and we're all like wtf was that? He reaches the end of the other street and he gets out of the car and from the end of the street is just standing there looking at us. At this point we get up and other people who were still playing have taken notice as to wtf is happening and they've all come to the "safe zone".

We're talking to each other for like a good 2-3 minutes trying to debate what to do, this dude is still standing down the street staring at us. Suddenly he runs back into his car, spins it around, pops on his headlights and just guns it towards us. We all made a dash through a nearby yard that had a brick fence around and piled behind it. We hear the car screeching around the corner and the car is just fishtailing down the street and the dude is just barreling down the street away from us. We ended up hopping fences and going through yards to and jumping over into the next neighborhood that wasn't directly connected street wise to our own and we hid for like 20 minutes.
We never heard or saw that guy/car again.

I still don't know wtf happened that night, if this dude was just insane or what.

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
This is probably going to be a wall of text, so I apologize ahead of time.

First of all I'm not insane or what I experienced did happen.

Years ago, when I was in tenth grade I had reached my breaking point and was starting to feel as though I was going to lose my sanity, and gain another personality. This was before I actually made a deal with the encroaching madness, and retained my sanity.

Before I made the deal with my mad self, I was in an incredibly fragile state of mind, and the energy (aura) I generally emit, which is usually incredibly strong, was very weak. Because it was so weak I was susceptible to get psychically attacked.

There are things known as psychic vampires, and there are different forms for them, they usually are people (many don't even know they are psychic vampires) who drain other peoples auras to make up for what they can't generate themselves. There is also astral form of the psychic vampire, the most notable form of a psychic vampire is known as "The Old Hag", there are other types but that one is the best known. An encounter with an astral psychic vampire is a terrifying experience, but it happens in multiple steps, and usually happens from about 1 A.M. to 5 A.M.. The first sign of an attack is waking up to a feeling of dread, or intense (primal) fear. Second sign: You can't move your body, also known as sleep paralysis. Third sign: a feeling of something is in the room with you, sometimes you can see a shadowy humanoid figure (Not a shadow person). Fourth sign: This does not happen in all cases, but you feel as though something extremely heavy is standing on your chest. After a few minutes it disappears and the feeling of dread vanishes, normally you wake back up about an hour or so after an attack, because you were drained of your energy.

Well, what happened in tenth grade truly was terrifying because I was attacked multiple times during the time I was in such a fragile mental state.
One night around 2 A.M. I suddenly awoke to feeling of dread that seemed to be getting closer. About a minute later I saw two shadowy forms come into my room. I was actually able to sit up and look right at them. As soon as I moved I could see them actually step back and look at each other, as though what I did was not supposed to happen. When I was looking at them, I imagined a small dot of light appear where their hearts would be and as soon as it appeared it exploded in a flash of pure white light and ehe feeling of dread disappeared immediately.

About two days later I awoke to a similiar feeling but this one was much more powerful and ancient and it also gave off a feeling of intelligence. When I awoke it didn't feel as though I could not move but more of that I didn't want to. Well, I decided to move my head from under my cover to look, and between me and my window there stood this pure black entity leaning about a foot away from my face. It was a bright night as well, and I didn't have any sort of curtain or shade or blind that might be mistaken as this thing. While stared at me, I stared back at it mustering every last bit of willpower to fight it. About a minute afterwards I blacked out, waking to the sound of my alarm clock going off.

Shortly afterwards I merged with my mad self, and I've never experienced anything similiar to that ever since.

Blue Hero

New member
Aug 6, 2011
I once had the end of my bed go down as if someone was sitting on it... but there was nobody there! It was probably just an invisible cat or an obese fly or something.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Korak the Mad said:
[Psychic Vampire Thing]
I dont know whether you put this in here just to write a creepy story, but in case you are serious, you realize all the symptoms you described just smack of plain old normal sleep paralysis?
To be precise, that sounds like a textbook case of night terrors. Right down to it being often caused by emotional stress.


Another Regular. ^_^
May 22, 2008
Well, my biggest one is probably this: According to my parents, one night when I was still rather young, I had come into their room and wanted to sleep with them, because I had just had a nightmare where one of my grandads was lying on a table, dead, with all these tubes coming out of him.
The next day, we found out that my grandad's heart surgery had gone wrong, and that during the surgery he had passed away.

The next biggest one would be one night just a few years ago, trying to get to sleep. Middle of the night, I had woken up. No one else was up, but my door slowly to opened, and the hallway light was on. The creepiest part was that my door (which usually creaked a bit) made no sound at all, not even when the handle was turned to open it.
The door just stayed open, hallway light on. Nothing happened for a good quarter of an hour; the silence was deafening (a phrase I don't use often because I think it's silly, but it really was "deafening" for lack of a better word), and I was too freaked out to do anything but stay as still as possible and keep my eyes locked on the doorway.
Finally, the door slowly closed again, as soundless as it had opened. The room was dark again, but good lord, it took another hour at least before I finally calmed myself down again enough to sleep. Let alone another couple of weeks at least before I managed to get that incident out of my mind. :S


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Well one time something happened straight out of a game/movie for me.

I was walking home by myself from a restaurant close to home, I was heading down the street, I saw a flickering light post up ahead, so I stopped under the nearest non flickering pole. I waited for a second and suddenly the flickering light pole and the other following poles went out.

I was pretty scared for a second until I went down the left road instead of that one to go home.

I ran most of the way. D:

Lectori Salutem

New member
Apr 11, 2011
TriGGeR_HaPPy said:
The next biggest one would be one night just a few years ago, trying to get to sleep. Middle of the night, I had woken up. No one else was up, but my door started to open, and the hallway light was on. The creepiest part was that my door (which usually creaked a bit) made no sound at all, not even when the handle was turned to open it.
The door just stayed open, hallway light on. Nothing happened for a good quarter of an hour; the silence was deafening (a phrase I don't use often because I think it's silly, but it really was "deafening" for lack of a better word), and I was too freaked out to do anything but stay as still as possible and keep my eyes locked on the doorway.
Finally, the door slowly closed again, as soundless as it had opened. The room was dark again, but good lord, it took another hour at least before I finally calmed myself down again enough to sleep. Let alone another couple of weeks at least before I managed to get that incident out of my mind. :S
Were you sure no one was up? Was the door wide open so you could actually look into the hallway?
Otherwise, sounds like someone quietly opened the door to see if you were asleep or something.
But more likely, you were visited by ninjas.


Another Regular. ^_^
May 22, 2008
Lectori Salutem said:
TriGGeR_HaPPy said:
The next biggest one would be one night just a few years ago, trying to get to sleep. Middle of the night, I had woken up. No one else was up, but my door started to open, and the hallway light was on. The creepiest part was that my door (which usually creaked a bit) made no sound at all, not even when the handle was turned to open it.
The door just stayed open, hallway light on. Nothing happened for a good quarter of an hour; the silence was deafening (a phrase I don't use often because I think it's silly, but it really was "deafening" for lack of a better word), and I was too freaked out to do anything but stay as still as possible and keep my eyes locked on the doorway.
Finally, the door slowly closed again, as soundless as it had opened. The room was dark again, but good lord, it took another hour at least before I finally calmed myself down again enough to sleep. Let alone another couple of weeks at least before I managed to get that incident out of my mind. :S
Were you sure no one was up? Was the door wide open so you could actually look into the hallway?
Otherwise, sounds like someone quietly opened the door to see if you were asleep or something.
But more likely, you were visited by ninjas.
I'm sure. As was often the case in my last couple years of secondary school, I was the last one to go to bed after the latest of the rest of my family had gone to sleep at least an hour before. Also, as I was the last one to go to bed, I had turned off the hallway light myself, and our family doesn't turn on the hallway light if they get up at night out of courtesy to those who might be woken up by it. Finally, it wasn't just a small crack, the door was opened as far as it could go.

And, ahh. That does explain it.
Damn ninjas, got me again!