It is very embarrassing that this game is marked with the SE name, I think allot of people cut them allot of slack for their first MMO. For the most part I think they did well with it, so It was really hard for not only that user base not be excited for 14 but also current MMO players who got to see some of SE's technical wizardy and graphical story telling unfold only to find that whats there not only barely draws from its predecessor but makes all new mistakes that even last generation MMO's wouldn't make.
It's easy to get the impression that square hates PC gamers, it would be difficult to beleive the stuff they pull wasn't on purpose. However one has to conceed at least they are doing the right thing by not further charging their customer base.
extending their free trial by 60 days is a major lose for the company, helping at least in my eyes show that they ARE actually interested in making a good game and not just money. I won't hold my breath on how the changes will pan out, the suggested updates look good on paper but there is literary a mountain of problems that the game has to address to even begin to get on par with games like WoW or Aion.
But hey, at least if you got stuck paying the box price a 90 day play period softens the sting of the initial bad investment at least. Who knows, they may pull the game out of its woes.
The final Fantasy brand though is in trouble, they can no longer just shred what they have learned from prior games and start anew with creative juices alone, they need to draw on their past learned technical skills to save this series, its time they come to terms with what they really want to make here. Dragon Quest gets this, FF needs to fall in line too.