Strazdas said:
you are calling it what it is by using wrong terms and false claims even after being proven by multiple sources to be wrong?
I'm sorry, were you saying something?
I can repeat myself too.
Except that no pirate was ever tried in court. Only people owning distribution sites and in few rare cases distributors themselves. there is no precedent in whole world of a download being tried. Oh, and they dont all go to criminal court either.
Really, because a simple web search of "piracy court cases" brought up a list of cases about individual pirates that went all the way up to, but refused to be heard by, the Supreme Court. I never said the
ALL did. I said the ones you see
GETTING ARRESTED go to criminal court.
Do you have to call the door company every time you want to unlock a lock? no? then it is not like a lock.
DRM is a security that works differently, therefore using locks is a false analogy.
Depending on the level of security, yes I have had to. I have had to use key card readers, number pads, physical keys, and/or being "buzzed in" (aka calling someone to let you in). These are all locks, different levels of security sure but locks none the less. But just to humor you, what would
you call it if a door was intentionally kept shut until you showed you had authorization to open it? Be it key, code, card, and/or 3rd party verification? And just to hammer it home, do card readers and electronic number pads not check with the security server to ensure you have the right decryption key? Are they not locks too then because they check with a 3rd party first? What are they?
Any publisher/developer that does not think draconian DRM is the only answer. which is the majority of PC and mobile market. The way the companies cant throw their weight around was proven with Xbox 180
I literally already made a counterpoint to every one of your points here in the last two posts. Mobile market leaders are MS and Apple so if MS went full draconian Apple would follow very closely behind. The only reason MS did the 180 is because they were alone. My scenario had Sony follow through with their initial plans that were very similar to MS'.