Kargathia said:
It certainly could add to a story, but would that be enough to offset the certainty of the internet pouncing at any perceived lack of sensitivity handling it?
I'm of mixed minds. I've generally been of the opinion that people finding something offensive, alone, is not sufficient reason for it not to exist; also that if video games are a medium to be taken seriously, it ought to be able to weather handling things that make some people uncomfortable, especially if there might be an interesting conversation to be had as a result.
But on the other hand, despite the old adage that "there's no such thing as bad press", there definitely
is, and I can certainly see why S-E or any other game company as a commercial enterprise would be keen to avoid it. And like many, I get distinctly nervous when games do things that some might label "bad behavior" when they might lead to the entire medium getting tarred with the same brush by the news media- a possibility which, regrettably, still seems quite possible.
On the whole, though, I have to come down in favor of games taking risks if there's the possibility of it leading to more mature and interesting games and people in general recognizing games as a medium that can tell thoughtful and emotion-provoking stories.