Square Enix Unveils Gargantuan Final Fantasy Anniversary Box Set

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Oh man. Switch it so the thing is available in English and I am sold. Seriously, the only thing that stopped me from placing an order right now is that it's all in Japanese. I want an English version. Excuse me while I go clean the drool off of my keyboard now.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Falterfire said:
They could be bothered to collect them all, but they couldn't be bothered to make them all playable on the same device? Pass. If there was a "All of them for the PC" or heck even just a "All of them for the PS3" bundle, I might be interested, but on four separate consoles, none of which I own and one of which (The PS1) is not exactly common anymore? Nope.
This. If they had bundled it to include it in an all PS3 playable format, with the rumored FF X, X-2 and XII HD ports it would be the most amazing thing ever. As it is it's a new box of stuff that I already have sitting in a closet, that will only run on consoles that I don't have anymore. Bleah!


New member
Aug 25, 2011
ForgottenPr0digy said:
Tiamattt said:
Falterfire said:
They could be bothered to collect them all, but they couldn't be bothered to make them all playable on the same device? Pass. If there was a "All of them for the PC" or heck even just a "All of them for the PS3" bundle, I might be interested, but on four separate consoles, none of which I own and one of which (The PS1) is not exactly common anymore? Nope.
Seriously this. My PS1 + PS2 died ages ago, and having the option to play those old games on my PS3 would've been quite tempting. But since that isn't the case this goes from "Hm, this is worth considering" to PASS.
you know a ps2 doesn't cost much same for a ps1 memory card as well
Yeah... Releasing games on systems that really aren't around any more was a bad idea.
Nov 28, 2007
Boudica said:
Twenty five years of--at best--mediocre, cloned and repackaged snooze fests. Nice.
Just out of curiosity, can you point me to the similarities between Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, and Final Fantasy VIII, other than extremely broad things like "They use big swords"?


New member
Sep 20, 2011
25 years of games, about two years of which are noteworthy.

Boudica said:
FF VI: "Focuses on a group of rebels as they seek to overthrow an imperial dictatorship."

FF VII: "Focuses on the eco-terrorist rebel organization AVALANCHE in their quest to stop the world-controlling megacorporation Shinra."

FF VIII: "Focuses on a group of young mercenaries who are drawn into an international conflict, and seek to protect the world from a sorceress manipulating the war for her own purposes."

Powerful group doing bad things, usually a government or big business. Rebels join forces to stop them. Every Final Fantasy game ever made.
They're ALL about rebels fighting an empire, and then some greater evil appears and they have to fight that too.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
Okay, Final Fantasy guys? Squeenix? I love you and all, and I love how you're going so far to give us such a huge basket, but please, concentrate on making your games good again. I don't hate you or your games, but they're just not as good as they used to. Remember Final Fantasy IX? That was a step in the right direction. Work on being more like that.


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
Not to mention, they could've just added all the games in a compatible format on a Blu-Ray and still keep the untouched versions on CDs/cartridge/tape. That way the collectors get their collection of old games that they can play on their old collection of consoles, and people who actually want to play the game on their current-gen console can actually do that without paying a visit to your local antiquity store.
Nov 28, 2007
Boudica said:
thebobmaster said:
Boudica said:
Twenty five years of--at best--mediocre, cloned and repackaged snooze fests. Nice.
Just out of curiosity, can you point me to the similarities between Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, and Final Fantasy VIII, other than extremely broad things like "They use big swords"?
FF VI: "Focuses on a group of rebels as they seek to overthrow an imperial dictatorship."

FF VII: "Focuses on the eco-terrorist rebel organization AVALANCHE in their quest to stop the world-controlling megacorporation Shinra."

FF VIII: "Focuses on a group of young mercenaries who are drawn into an international conflict, and seek to protect the world from a sorceress manipulating the war for her own purposes."

Powerful group doing bad things, usually a government or big business. Rebels join forces to stop them. Every Final Fantasy game ever made.
Wait, Final Fantasy is a rip-off of Star Wars? I'm surprised George Lucas didn't sue.


New member
Jan 16, 2011
I'm trying so hard to fight the indoctrination... I already own all these games, I don't own a PSP or a PS3, and yet for some reason I still really, really want this. Fuck Squenix, you're not getting me this time.

Ryan Hughes

New member
Jul 10, 2012
Basically a Final Fantasy fan's dream. . . Too bad all the fans stopped caring around the time FF X came out, about 11 years ago. I have FF I on the PSP, as well as FF IV, and FF VI and VII on the PSN.

Minus the bad games in the series, i.e. FF II, VIII, X, XII, and XIII, I would be paying for FF III, V, and IX. FF V and IX available on PSN for $10 USD each, and I can buy a used Nintendo DS with a copy of FF III for about $40 bucks including shipping.

This is just a terrible deal, ladies and gents.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Awww, if this was to be celebration of a historic series why make it such a hassle... (Anything else detractors of the series say they can't argue its importance to games, especially JRPGS). I don't happen to be a sony die hard fan so I don't have a PS1, PS2, PSP, and PS3 sitting all nice and together. And why did they leave out their best off shoots of the series? Final Fantasy Tactics isn't worth being put next to the main the series? Chrystal Chronicals, Crisis Core, Secret of Mana should all be forgotten?! If they had also put many of their best spinoffs into the big bundle AND put it in a PS3 format then I could justify getting this even for 500 dollars... but sadly nooo, I can't do it with the formats as is and some of their best titles the Final Fantasy series missing.

And seriously, who wants to go hunting for PS1 and PS2 memory cards, that style of saving games was such a monumental ***** to deal with.

Ryan Hughes

New member
Jul 10, 2012
Allow me to do the conversions from Japanese Yen to other currencies, so you all can have an accurate idea of how much it currently costs in Japan:

USD: $446.99
Euro: 355.14
Pounds UK: 281.80
Aussie: 432.59
NZ Dollar: 556.30
Yuan(China): 2838
Rupee (India, not Hyrule): 24,817
Canada: 440.33
Ruble: 14,421
Lev (Bulgaria): 697

That is really expensive ladies and gents.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I don't really get the appeal. First, the multiple formets thing is silly. Second, there's no mention of whether the set includes X-2 and XIII-2. Like them or not, it's not a complete set without them. Third, the included soundtrack is a two disc best of? for a series almost as reknowned for it's music as anything else, that's inexcusable.


New member
Apr 4, 2012
If I could, I would actually buy this just so I could put it in a clear cabinet and display it for everybody to see. I don't like games like FF2, FF3, FF8, FF11, or FF12, but it would be really nice to display them nonetheless.

It looks pretty cool and a neat package deal. Having all the games (in international version) songs, guides, posters, etc. and just impress my friends on how lucky I was to get it. They would probably be really jealous.


New member
Aug 16, 2012
Boudica said:
thebobmaster said:
Boudica said:
Twenty five years of--at best--mediocre, cloned and repackaged snooze fests. Nice.
Just out of curiosity, can you point me to the similarities between Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, and Final Fantasy VIII, other than extremely broad things like "They use big swords"?
FF VI: "Focuses on a group of rebels as they seek to overthrow an imperial dictatorship."

FF VII: "Focuses on the eco-terrorist rebel organization AVALANCHE in their quest to stop the world-controlling megacorporation Shinra."

FF VIII: "Focuses on a group of young mercenaries who are drawn into an international conflict, and seek to protect the world from a sorceress manipulating the war for her own purposes."

Powerful group doing bad things, usually a government or big business. Rebels join forces to stop them. Every Final Fantasy game ever made.
Illusions destroyed, hopes dashed.
:( Bugger.