Standard fantasy enemies- are they the same?


New member
Sep 27, 2009
SilvanTyl said:
Ryuk2 said:
If a game has orcs in it, make them very powerful, not your only enemies to grind exp.
That's why Kobolds and Goblins were invented, wasn't it?
That's right. They are small and stupid, they can be killed. If you start by killing orcs, everything else seems like a step back. Once you killed an orc, you can go hunt dragons and killing bandits seems pointless when you have killed a fucking orc.
Once i was able to kill orcs in Gothic, i ignored all the sheep's and wolfs in the forest.
If someone is making an standard fantasy, they better start by killing rats and goblins!


New member
Nov 19, 2009
HollywoodH17 said:
I was always proud of Oblivion for opening the fantasy doors, at least a little, as far as this is concerned. Gone are the trite conventions of "teh dwarfs live in teh mountains and mine and are short!!1" and "teh elfs live in teh treez" and, for the most part, the main enemies aren't terribly orc-like. There are all kinds of fauna that attack you, and the humanoid enemies are either humans, or demons. Granted, Oblivion didn't get away from demons... but what else are you going to use as baddies, if not demons or orcs? Nazis?
Haha, id love that.. Oblivion with Nazis :D


New member
Jul 23, 2009
I just need some Twi'lek tail.

Of the female variety of course.
good lord i hope so. Mae twi'lek are one of the ugliest things in Star Wars.

But the lekku are still cool. You know YOU wish you could drape your brain elegantly over your shoulders


Infamous Scribbler
Oct 13, 2009
Elvish Nazis. It'd be a simple matter of just making them more snooty and stuck-up than they're usually portrayed - to the point of being willing to commit genocide to destroy all that which is not "pure and beautiful and harmonious with nature."

Also, we need new types of elemental monsters and golems to fight. The whole fire, earth, water, air, stone, iron, whatever versions of such creatures are too standard. What we need is some REALLY dangerous the Cheez Whiz Golem. Or the Guacamole Golem. Or the Seltzer Elemental (sort of like a Water Elemental, but when it hits you, it infects you with the Carbonation Curse, causing your bloodstream to fill with tiny air bubbles).


New member
Aug 17, 2009
We really need to get back to the glory days of kobolds all up in the hizzouse until level 3. Haven't seen the little guys since Baldur's Gate 1. Remember the end of the mines? Made you scared for your party while putting them in little real danger, and left you plenty of room to up the threat level after.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
SirBryghtside said:
I guess that TES has stayed away from this, but a problem I found with the Morrowind-Oblivion transition was the lack of fantasy creatures - I was fighting wolves and bears when what I really wanted to do was fight Giant Rats, Daedra, and other original fantasy creatures that Morrowind was filled with.

This is why I loved the Shivering Isles expansion pack so much.
Shivering Isles....I wonder what kind of person dreamed that tidbit up. But still,Sheogorath was my favorite god even before the expansion.

OT: I like killing zombies, I like killing orcs, I like killing demons. Why change a good thing? Just keep them where they are appropriate. Because spawning archlord demon etc... in the land of happy happy fun time when i just took off all my equipment to sort it out is a big dick move.


New member
May 30, 2009
the elves and dwarves seem to be and the orks/orcs have different variations but there are some different ideas, such as skaven in warhammer yeah like anyone saw fucking giant rats with warp energy firing cannons coming.

so yeah i personally vote to have skaven/skaven like armies to hack and slash through in fantasy games.

also fallout 3 is kinda sci-fi and sci-fis getting the orks aswell its newish territory there.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Amethyst Wind said:
FallenJellyDoughnut said:
Who cares? They're ugly so its ok to kill them! Thats why so many hookers turn up dead!
This guy has stumbled upon the point, either sardonically or by accident. Enemies are purposefully made as ugly as possible to make you not so hesistant about killing them. Orcs/super mutants/goblins etc are (from our point of view) misshapen things and therefore lower than us, almost as if we are offended by their presence. When it comes to killing other humans a similar tactic is used, instead of brutalizing their appearance we demonise their personality and actions, hence why so many WW2 games portray the Nazis as moustache-twirling baby eaters.

It's not coincidental that we keep coming across 'grotesque' creatures as enemies and pillars of mesculinity/femininity as heroes.
I am awesome when it comes to stumbling upon things! Thats why I rule at Fallout 3!