Star Citizen's Spaceships Are Ridiculously Expensive

Mar 30, 2010
The sad point(lessness) of this is that when engaged in a dogfight with enemy fighters zipping past in all directions, all of these emotions will be totally lost on the player.


New member
Aug 9, 2010
Desert Punk said:
...I take that back, the one thing that seems to be backer exclusive is lifetime insurance.
From what I can determine from their RSI site, the insurance is only valid on the ship you buy with the package and non-transferable. I've yet to play a game where I've kept the starter ship for any length of time. If you want to have the insurance on a potentially decent long-term ship you have to buy in for a lot more than the $65 level.

This is the problem I have with SC in general. I'm not saying it will be a crap game or anything and if it's anything like privateer, freelancer, etc I'll be there, it's just the early backer benefits that have me cautious especially when they are already sitting on over $10 Million for something that isn't even out as a playable Alpha.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
UrinalDook said:
Also, yeah. As someone else said, your comment on zooming and needing to see 'the whole situation' implies you seem to think this is an RTS. It's a flight sim, and spaceship porn has always been a standard feature of such games.
Agayek said:
You realize that the game is a space sim and not an RTS right?
D'oh! I did indeed assume that it would be an RTS. Space flight sims have become so rare that I didn't even consider that the player might not handling dozens, if not hundreds, of ships. Which is entirely my fault. I haven't played a game of this type since...TIE Fighter. I guess it's not so bad to have massive poly counts for objects that you really will be looking at one at a time from close up.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Jaeger_CDN said:
From what I can determine from their RSI site, the insurance is only valid on the ship you buy with the package and non-transferable. I've yet to play a game where I've kept the starter ship for any length of time. If you want to have the insurance on a potentially decent long-term ship you have to buy in for a lot more than the $65 level.

This is the problem I have with SC in general. I'm not saying it will be a crap game or anything and if it's anything like privateer, freelancer, etc I'll be there, it's just the early backer benefits that have me cautious especially when they are already sitting on over $10 Million for something that isn't even out as a playable Alpha.
The insurance is transferable between players, just not between ships. You buy a ship in the pledge campaign, that ship has lifetime insurance that will replace it if the ship is destroyed. Then, if you sell the ship, whoever buys it from you then gets the lifetime insurance on the ship.

You can't move the insurance to another ship you bought with in-game currency, but the original ship will have it forever.

Also, while you could very well be correct in that the pledge ships may not be great in the long-term, that's not the impression I'm getting from it. Obviously, we can't make any judgments until we have some information about how the ships work and are balanced, but from everything I've read/seen, the goal, if not necessarily the execution, is for every ship to have one or more situations where it is the best choice.


404Th Ravens. No.04
Nov 19, 2009
It's a cool thing they're doing I admit, but at the same time it worries me that if we end up only being able to fly with a small number of ships at the end of the day all because it would cost so much time and money to add a fighter to the roster.

Personally though, I don't like this... :( I would rather have more spaceships to fly which works and looks nice.

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
I had to re-read the article a couple of times to understand.

For hilarity's sake, I'm gonna list the misinterpretations:

1. If they had to build scale models of the ships, then it would cost up to $150,000. Move over NASA, we have a cheaper space program to fund.

2. In-game, the spaceships will cost up to $150,000, to purchase a ship you must have your character fill out his resume and find a high paying job with which he can accumulate funds.

3. For the multiplayer component, you can only use ships after purchasing them from the online store, they are that expensive. This is a game solely meant for the 1% of the 1%.

But seriously, spending that much on modeling alone? I know you have money to spend but jesus christ, this is what we want AAA Developers to stop doing. We don't need huge details to have a good game.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Jaeger_CDN said:
Desert Punk said:
...I take that back, the one thing that seems to be backer exclusive is lifetime insurance.
From what I can determine from their RSI site, the insurance is only valid on the ship you buy with the package and non-transferable. I've yet to play a game where I've kept the starter ship for any length of time. If you want to have the insurance on a potentially decent long-term ship you have to buy in for a lot more than the $65 level.

This is the problem I have with SC in general. I'm not saying it will be a crap game or anything and if it's anything like privateer, freelancer, etc I'll be there, it's just the early backer benefits that have me cautious especially when they are already sitting on over $10 Million for something that isn't even out as a playable Alpha.
I know exactly how you feel. I have backed, but only at the second most basic level - £26 - and even at that, I 'ummed and arred' until just before they put their old website down to make room for the new one. My justification was that, even if the ship-buying economy of the final game is completely whacked - with even the most basic ships beyond the starter taking months of grinding to get a hold of without buying in-game currency - I'll probably have enough fun with the 'Squadron 42' campaign for it to be worth my money, anyway. I got quite a few backer benefits for putting my 'pledge' in before the new site went up, from Lifetime Insurance for my starter through to around 3000 extra credits - not a lot of money, maybe enough for a new gun or something - to start the game with. LTI sounds significant but, from what I understand, ship insurance should be a fairly tiny part of your overall expenditure, in line with fuel and docking fees.

I'm just hoping they get the pace of ship-progression right. Roberts has been saying all along that pledging above the basic tier is completely unnecessary if you just want to get your hands on a certain ship, and going by his tone at least, it sounds like everything's going to be not only available in-game, but affordable. Of course, that's hardly a guarantee.

Now, I'm not sure if this is accurate - second hand information - but I believe he stated on the most recent livestream that it'd take around forty hours of normal gameplay to afford the Constellation, one of the highest-end ships in the game below all the limited capital ships that'll pretty much only be available to guilds who can work together to crew them. If that's true, I'm fairly comfortable with it. I mean, there are loads of far, far less valuable ships in the game, and assuming the progression curve works as you'd expect, you ought to be able to afford a new ship at least often enough not to feel like you're being artificially limited. And that's without factoring in the satisfaction of buying new upgrades for your current ship and such.