Am I the only one who thought they looked like cosplayers?
Seriously, none of them even get actual lightsabers.
Squilookle said:
You know, if everybody stopped posting in the 'last movie you watched' thread and just made their own thread for each movie, then we'd ALL have more discussion for each movie.
Except not every movie can generate discussion. Lots of people were going to see Star Wars. If I make a thread about an obscure film that no-one else has seen, then no-one is going to comment on it. Least in the movies thread I'm using less space.
Still way better than the godawful prequels and Rogue One though.
No to the first, yes to the second.
This movie had a short time-frame of only a few days if I'm not mistaken.
16 hours plus however much time passes between Palpatine's death and the ending.
Nothing I saw in the sequel trilogy gave me the indication that Disney was pushing any kind of racial message or agenda, other than maybe skin color doesn't matter.
Not even that.
I think Disney massively, massively overestimated how much people care about Star Wars when they bought the license,
People care. Just look at the box office numbers. Even Rise might cross the $1 billion mark.
A lot of queer people like Disney. Probably because Disney went through a long phase of queer-coding the hell out of villain characters in order to show that they were really bad people, thus unintentionally creating representation.
...such as?
They aren't made for the small group of awful man-children who for whatever reason are still genuinely passionate about Star Wars, because they consistently shit on the kinds of things those people like about Star Wars.
So, in spite of everything, I still like Star Wars. Does that make me a man child?
They aren't made for kids, because kids aren't interested in this visually drab 1970s aesthetic or sad boomer pseudo-mysticism (them toy sales).
Um, I think kids care. Box office sales indicate that. And in the kid's section of the library, there's no shortage of Star Wars stuff.
Lykosia said:
Palpatine surviving isn't surprising. Darth Maul survived and he was cut in half and fell into a pit. Palpatine is actually well established villain unlike Snoke who we knew nothing about until Johnson stupidly killed him. It was TLJ that completely ruined the trilogy. It only managed to piss of fans. Rise has currently audience score of 86% on RT, which shows that JJ and Disney made the right call to try to forget TLJ.
Palpatine exploded, and the Death Star exploded. That's a bit different.
Also, when Maul was brought back, the cartoons did something interesting with him. Palpatine? Not so much.
Also, I'll agree to disagree with you on TLJ, but:
The best part of Rise was Luke's FU to Rian Johnson: Jedi's weapon deserves more respect.
That bit works with TLJ. It's not a FU, it syncs up with it given Luke's character arc.
Johnny Novgorod said:
On the contrary, I think Rose was a deliberate (and misguided) attempt to appeal to China. To Asia in general.
Here in Argentina we recognize the casting of Diego Luna and Oscar Isaac as obvious attempts to ingratiate the movies with the Latin American demographic. We don't care that the actors are Mexican and Guatemalan. We get what they're trying to do.
If Rose was, then Rian Johnson is outright lying about the casting process.
Also, seriously? How does one get to the point where people go "non-white actor, pandering!"
bluegate said:
Anyone else laugh at the end, where everyone came "home" to the resistance, everyone was hugging and Maz Kanata randomly gave Chewie a medal?
I didn't laugh, but I did smile.
It's fan service, but it's fan service I actually liked.
Also I have seen some crazy people interpret the deathly rivalry between the Jedi and Sith as "romanticized domestic violence" simply because you have romance spring forth from that condition which is all sorts of silly of a reason to dislike the movie lol.
Da fuq?
Actually, wait, never mind. Some people are insane. I shouldn't be surprised.
That said, if someone says that Reylo is a morally problematic ship, that Rey falls for a murderer while ignoring the affections of two decent men, then, yeah.
I've never understood the Reylo shippers. I probably never will.
Johnny Novgorod said:
The two biggest failures of this new trilogy are:
1) It failed at creating something new, instead it traced over the original and wallowed in the Greatest Hits.
2) It failed at justifying its very existence by never properly explaining (let alone convincing) how the Empire is still around, whatever you wanna call it; how the Rebels let the 100% victory of RotJ slide; how Palpatine is still alive. Part of my complete disinterest in Star Wars is simply that I've spent the past 4 years unconvinced by the continued fight between good guys and bad guys. I'm not saying it's an impossible scenario but these movies just took for granted that everything staid more or less the same.
I know other people have said it, but I'll say it again - the prequels suffered from execution, but not in ideas. The sequels suffered from a lack of ideas, but are overall better made.
Lykosia said:
In the end, it's the fans who made Star Wars what it is today.
Really? Odd. I thought directors, producers, writers, and all those sorts made Star Wars, or any other franchise. Who'd have thought that consumers made the product they're consuming?
Yeah, I've never been fond of the whole "the fans made X." No, the creators of X made X. Fans consume X. Consumption isn't creation.
Dreiko said:
This is not new either, you have Overwatch for example, where Soldier 76 and Tracer are not gay in the Chinese version of its lore.
Really? How so? I mean, the only reason we know they're gay is because of short stories.
Kyrian007 said:
you'll see retcons of the moments you hate (even though the retcons aren't actually there if you really look at them.)
Episode 8: "Your parents were nobodies. They sold you for drink money."
Episode 9: "I never lied to you. Your parents chose to become nobodies and left you on Jakku to protect you."
It's either a retcon, or Ben is lying about not lying.
Everything aside, yes, nothing in Rise technically retcons TLJ, but it still reeks of corporate mandate.
It actually makes me wonder if the OT was made today, and people whined about Vader being Luke's father, would Return of the Jedi go back on it and say "Vader was lying, he did kill your dad." If so, IMO, RotJ would be a much poorer film because it would strip away much of the dynamic in the lightsaber duel and everything Luke does after it.
If you are a shipper you'll see your favorite "ship" destroyed and hate it.
Everyone seems to ship Reylo. Right now, going by, they're very, VERY happy. Or if not, they're only unhappy because they didn't get to be together.
CoCage said:
Which is why I always been a casual fan of SW. The fandom has good people, but too many of them ***** & moan, or harass actors over decision they had no involvement. The harassment of Jar Jar & Roses' respective actors deemed to always keep a far distance. The same thing happened to Hayden Christian too with the unnecessary harassment.
And Jake Lloyd.
I don't understand people sometimes. No, seriously. I can understand people disliking kid!Anakin, or Jar Jar, or Rose. I have some negative thoughts on all of those characters. But how the hell does someone go from disliking a character to abusing the person who portrayed them?