Ok ... you people actualy hope that EA will not add crap DRM, micro-bs and day one DLC and locked disk content? In a game that starts with STAR WARS? my god and i thought i was too optimistic when i thought to myself: at least they won't fuck up the land battles much.
On the dick moves EA will pull you can expect them to pull no stops on this one. Brand recognition dictates that this game will sell like crazy, and you can be sure EA will exploit that with all its traditional dick moves.
On DICE? I don't realy care for them, I just think they have the wrong mindset when it comes to making Battlefront. Oh and i pray they will actualy play the first 2 games ... but i doubt that would happen. See, the fact that DICE makes moder realistic shooters IS the MAIN reason they should not touch battlefront. Battlefront is a diferent animal, it owes more to action movie logic and over the top stunts and a really arcade action feel than to military realism. And DICE doesn't do that.
On the subject of the actual game ... well like I said: they won;t fuck up the land battles much. But let's be honest now: how can you expect a developer that made only realistic modern shooters to be able to capture the feel of an over the top laser action, jet-pack jumping, mech blasting shooter? battlefront 2 was fast, wacky and fun. It knew how to keep the factions balanced, while also making sure they were unique by virtue of their twin elite clases. Modern shooters are grey, slow, dull, "realistic" and the two teams are practicaly identical except they are shooting each other. So you can excpect a slower, more "serious" gameplay, probably without jetpacks or any other of the unique features battlefront had (man did i love the droidekas
Speaking of unique stuff
. You can expect a grand total of 2 playable factions! Boring Rebels and even more boring Storm Troopers! Say what you will about the prequels, the clones vs droids things was alot of fun and allowed for some unique game mechanics (droidekas, the auto rocket launcher of the magna guard, jetpack+grenade launcher, unique feel of the vehicles). But all those fun and unique stuff? Jetpacks, lightning guns, a droid that turn into a ball to move really fast and has an energy dme when it deploys? Give me their equivalent in a modern realistic shooter. There aren't any. And they did somethjing else: they made the game unbalanced, unpredictable. This just doesn't fly in todays moder shooter climate where oposing factions are identical in all but ... well the fact they are shooting each other. And speaking of making the game unbalanced: Force users. I don't think they'll add jedi by their own volition. EA will probably make DICE add them in order to be able to squeze money on unlocking them with real money and that means they will also be overpowered like shit to make those that buy them feel it was actualy worth getting them. Or they will be present as skins only. At most they will get a separate game mode where everyone is a Jedi or Sith, but then all the fun goes out the window real fast. But Luke leading the charge on imperial postions only to be met by Vader and have an epic duel while Rebels and Imperials try to aid their respective leader? I don't see them doing it.
Space battles! ... No. Not going to happen. I'm sorry but what kind of experience does DICE have in making air or space warfare games? is that a big fat NONE I hear? It is! Not that the space battles were anything grandious to begin with, and they probably would only need to play about 5 in battlefront 2 to realise why they were fun (again they have an over the top feel that modern shooters simply don;t have). But DICE only knows how to make modern military shooters. And in those anything flying is considered a convenient nuke. They don;t know how to make air combat, space combat even less. If they do add a space combat mode (which i doubt) it will probably be a TDM or CTF with vehicles on 3 axis, and not the objective driven fun of battlefront space combat. You'll just fly around in a slugish craft going pew pew at everything crosing yout LOS, probably won't even get a chance to walk around on your strike cruiser and chose what craft you want to fly in (you'll have to unlock others with micro-transactions and select it before the game even starts).
I really don't want to rain on anyones parade here, and i trully wish battlefront would be gloriously reborn. But this is fucking EA here. We all know what THEY do to games. And this is DICE ... modern realistic shooters? Go for it! A SF actiony objective driven shooter/space-sim that owes more of its feel to over the top action movies than realistic shooters? They will crash and burn. That beeing said i sincerly hope i will eat my predictions and be forced to bow in front on DICE and EA when they put out an excelent battlefront reebot that captures the feel of the original and has no dick moves to dick the user base with. But i doubt we will get more than a reskinned battlefield with none of the charm an fun of battlefront.