Star Wars: Episode VII Cast Announced


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Star Wars: Episode VII Cast Announced

Star Wars: Episode VII will feature the acting talents of Adam Driver, Andy Serkis and Max von Sydow among others.

The cast of Star Wars: Episode VII has finally been unveiled.

According to <a href=>a release on the official Star Wars website the film's principal cast will include a variety of actors including John Boyega (Attack the Block), Daisy Ridley(Blue Witness), <a href=>Adam Driver(Girls), Oscar Isaac(Sucker Punch), Andy Serkis(The Lord of the Rings), Domhnall Gleeson (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) and Max von Sydow (The Exorcist). They will join the franchise's original stars, including Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker.

"We are so excited to finally share the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII," said director J.J. Abrams. "It is both thrilling and surreal to watch the beloved original cast and these brilliant new performers come together to bring this world to life, once again. We start shooting in a couple of weeks, and everyone is doing their best to make the fans proud."

As "surreal" as it may be for Abrams, this bulk is likely to inspire a lot of excitement in the franchise's, many of whom have been debating and speculating about the potential identities for the new cast. Just personally the presence of skilled and veteran actors like Max von Sydow and Andy Serkis does a lot to strengthen my confidence in the film which, at times, has seemed to going through some less than stellar developments. What's your take on the revealed cast? Does the Force seem strong with this one or has it turned to the Dark Side?

Source: <a href=>Star Wars



New member
Jun 24, 2010
If they got Andy Serkis to mo-cap a Noghri, I will laugh my ass off and then weep bitter tears. Not that they would ever do that.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I kind of like that they're going for mostly unknowns in what I presume will be the leads. And that Max von Sydow will be around, in what I hope will be a good role in the tradition of old-timers like Alec Guiness and Christopher Lee.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
*crossing fingers*

Talent is one thing. A story is another. Here's hoping for real sets and real character moments!

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Mcoffey said:
Eight new characters, and only one of them is a woman. Really pushing those boundaries, JJ!
I forget, does the Falcon have a kitchen? (please don't punch me)


New member
May 18, 2011
Scars Unseen said:
Mcoffey said:
Eight new characters, and only one of them is a woman. Really pushing those boundaries, JJ!
I forget, does the Falcon have a kitchen? (please don't punch me)
Hey, every place needs a kitchen. That's where the food is! Why would anyone not want to be in the kitchen? Don't people get hungry? >.>

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Mcoffey said:
Scars Unseen said:
Mcoffey said:
Eight new characters, and only one of them is a woman. Really pushing those boundaries, JJ!
I forget, does the Falcon have a kitchen? (please don't punch me)
How will she have time for the kitchen when she's so busy being kidnapped by the badguys and kissing the boys?
Nah, that's the second movie. Someone's gotta make the snacks while Leia models her slave bikini for the fellas.

And now you will never get that image out of your head.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
You had me at Darth von Sydow and Andy Serkis. In fact, Serkis should do all the aliens no matter what. Including Ewoks. Interesting how all the newbies are lesser known actors. Then again, considering how that was with the original trilogy repeating the same thing seems sound


New member
Aug 12, 2009
HBaskerville said:
So they dig up the fossils from the original trilogy, but leave out Billy Dee?
That was what I was thinking... Lando may have only been in one and a half films but he was still a pretty important character, plus he was all over the Expanded Universe. I know that these wretches have decided that the EU is no longer part of the official canon (kind of the assumption I'd been working under for a while now) but it clearly shows that he's popular enough to warrant a cameo as well.

OT: A good cast doesn't mean anything if the script and characters they're playing is poorly written. Look at the prequel trilogy - tons of stars there, but even Liam Neeson couldn't redeem Qui-Gon Jinn. Hell, Laurence Olivier couldn't have made that shit watchable to a viewer above the age of 5. I'd like some plot details before I go getting excited about Andy Serkis being attached to Star Wars.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Sleekit said:
...not least because they are being made by a self confessed and lifelong "Star Wars Fanboy"...
Yeah, that's not necessarily a good thing. You might end up with something where the person is so in love with the originals they will just copy stuff they loved, without innovating or realizing the context.

Or you might end up with something like what S W Anderson did with Resident Evil; glorified fanfiction with his super-cool OC (Don't steal!) who meets all the original characters but is so much cooler you guys.

That being said, meh. They'll probably be ok, everyone will say 'well it was better than the prequels' and in a few years no-one cares about them. Or rather they all blend together.

Meinos Kaen

New member
Jun 17, 2009
Really excited about Serkis, but seriously, John Boyega? The most inexpressive out of all the kids from Attack the Block?


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Lieju said:
They'll probably be ok, everyone will say 'well it was better than the prequels'
I think this is probably your worst case scenario.

It's very unlikely we get a mess. For all that people like to shit on the Trek reboot for abandoning the spiritual center of the series (and I get it), Abrams is a competent director. I doubt we'll see landmark cinematic classics, but I think we'll get servicably entertaining movies that help scrub some of the pong off the franchise left by the prequels. Star Wars is a bit more in keeping with Abrams cinematic sensibilities than Trek, and he's a bigger fan of the property, so that should be in their favor as well.

Cautiously optimistic.