Star Wars: Episode VII Cast Announced

Best of the 3

Oct 9, 2010
I'm not sure what I'm more excited for, this or the possibility of another Mr Plinkett starwars review. Either way, I hope this does ok.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Does the Star Wars universe really need a bunch of Ewoks chanting "Moses! Yo Moses! Ey Moses!" all the time?


Scrumpmonkey said:
Sir, I salute your avatar.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
We start shooting in a couple of weeks, and everyone is doing their best to make the fans proud.
I don't know why, but I can only see this statement in a negative light. Directors and producers should be focusing on making the movie they want to make, not trying to go out of their way to please a fan base. It will only turn the movie into a mess... and will most likely piss off the fanbase anyways (exhibit A: Star Trek: Into Darkness)

Sniper Team 4

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Apr 28, 2010
HBaskerville said:
So they dig up the fossils from the original trilogy, but leave out Billy Dee?
Good to see I'm not the only one who noticed his name missing from the list. Seriously, Disney? The Lego Movie was able to get him to reprise his famous role, but your guys won't? That's pretty messed up. Here's hoping that maybe he is in the film, just not a major character.

I don't really care about the actors. I want to know who they're playing. I'm still grieving over the fact that the last twenty-or-so years of my life have been 'invalidated' by Disney, and I'm looking for some comfort. However, seeing as there's only one new woman on the cast, I guess that means that either Mara Jade or Jaina are out. Or both of them.

Darth Rosenberg

New member
Oct 25, 2011
Seeing some of the original cast come back kinda fills me with dread. Iconic, mythic characters who were a part of your childhood are never meant to be seen as old and overweight...

And as has been already mentioned: it's pathetic the main cast list seems so biased towards male characters/against female characters. I hope the actual film is a little more even.

I think I'm gonna needs fancy production stills, and a teaser or two, to quell my 'I have a bad feeling about this' style nerves.

Mr. Q

New member
Apr 30, 2013
Max von Sydow is still alive?! God, I need to get out more. ^^;

This looks like an impressive line-up so far. I just hope that the final film lives up to the hype and not sink into the depths that the prequels crawled out of. Until then, I shall be chanting the eternal prayer of "Please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck, etc."


Aug 25, 2008
GameChanger said:
JJ really has a thing against women, doesn't he?
To be fair even the original trilogy didn't have that many female characters, Leia and Mon Mothma are the only 2 i can think of. Hell the Prequels only had Padme' and Shmi and one of them died in the second film. there will be Females on screen, but main character wise there is never that many.

Darth Rosenberg said:
And as has been already mentioned: it's pathetic the main cast list seems so biased towards male characters/against female characters. I hope the actual film is a little more even.
See above :p


Aug 25, 2008
BanicRhys said:
StewShearer said:
Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker.
Can we please just let those fucking droids die already?
You may as well kill Bumblebee in Transformers.

Or take Wolverine out of the X-men films.

R2 and 3P0 will be in Starwars films so long as they are made, it's a god given fact and anyone who thought they wouldn't return in this film is a muppet -.-


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
>No Billy Dee Williams among the cast
>Not seeing this movie

But seriously, the cast looks good so far... However, if I've learned anything from those X-Men movies is that a good cast does not always equal a good movie, overall...

Still, I still a A LOT of patience left over to wait for the final product to ensue...


New member
Oct 22, 2007
So, this is the cast of Star Wars VII. And Khan isn't the villain in Star Trek 2, and everything in Lost will have a logical scientific explanation.

I have a really bad feeling about this.

Darth Rosenberg

New member
Oct 25, 2011
arc1991 said:
To be fair even the original trilogy didn't have that many female characters, Leia and Mon Mothma are the only 2 i can think of. Hell the Prequels only had Padme' and Shmi and one of them died in the second film. there will be Females on screen, but main character wise there is never that many.
'They did it terribly in the past' doesn't equal 'it's okay to do it stoopid now'. As a kid Leia being one of the only females in the entire galaxy worth a damn didn't occur to me, 'cause I was a kid, ergo marbles and dinosaurs were a higher priority than gender representations.

...but this is the space-year 2014 and everyone should now know better. It's getting boring seeing just one or two females (often variations of the Strong Female Character trope) surrounded by blokes in films.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
They couldn't find anybody better than the dork from that creepy "About Time" movie?

I like Oscar Isaac though, hope he's the lead (or whatever is going to pass for lead in this group of scrappy rag tag underdogs)


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Seeing the name Max von Sydow alone makes me happy. Is it not an epic name? Plus he's going to be in the movie? Awesome!

comes to mind knowing that the EU is out as far as Disney is concerned, and seeing that cast.

P.S. Also missing Lando. :/ Nice seeing some originals coming back, though.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Lionsfan said:
They couldn't find anybody better than the dork from that creepy "About Time" movie?

I like Oscar Isaac though, hope he's the lead (or whatever is going to pass for lead in this group of scrappy rag tag underdogs)
Nah, Oscar is too old. I think the holy trinity of this one is going to be John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, and that creepy boy. Being that creepy boy is the only young white dude, he's probably the Jedi lead. Ever picture I've seen of him on google image search has made me want to barf. The only time he looked decent is when he had a full beard in Anna Karenina.

There might be a surprise twist and John will be the Jedi lead, or hell, they'll be edgy and have Daisy be the Jedi lead. But knowing J.J Abrams, John's a sidekick. Daisy will look pretty, reward the heroes, and to have a call back to the original movies, she will end up chained and in a some sexy outfit for the fan boys.


New member
May 1, 2013

Is it just me in thinking that those two look alike? Like, super alike?
I am more than happy and willing to give a new actress every and all chance to take on her own role in a new film, but I can't shake that either she's going to only be used in some kind of flashbacks or some kind of stand-in for Padme.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Dionysus said:

Is it just me in thinking that those two look alike? Like, super alike?
I am more than happy and willing to give a new actress every and all chance to take on her own role in a new film, but I can't shake that either she's going to only be used in some kind of flashbacks or some kind of stand-in for Padme.
Jeez, not all white chicks look alike, jerk.(kidding)

She's likely Leia's daughter. Picked for strong family resemblance reasons.