Star Wars, Star Trek


New member
May 31, 2009
To be fair, the Star Trek movies suck huge amounts of ASS. Save but a few gems. Wrath of Khan is a classic, and then it took 10- 15 years for another good one, namely The Undiscovered Country and after that there was First Contact that was good. The others were either mediocre at best or just shit. Oh, and the new Star Trek film was pretty good too, better than the three Star Wars movies anyway. Combined.

On the other hand, Star Wars was great from the first three films, after that, the only good thing that came out of that was a few good games (X-wing, Tie Fighter, Dark Forces, Battlegrounds and anything Bioware).


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Original trilogy Star wars: Decent Movie - if a wee bit overdone by now (everyone has seen all three films several thousand times by now)
Prequel Trilogy Star wars: Several hours of concentrated agony drilled straight into the brain (Thankyou Yahtzee)

ST: A great way to waste a week or so.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Being born in '84 I'm primarily a Star Wars kid, like almost everyone else from my generation. However since I both love the New Star Trek film and The Wrath of Khan (I only ever saw it recently) I've gotta say that Star Trek does have it's high points.

I see them as being two slightly different things though,

Star Wars is a Pulpy Fantasy/Western in Space.

Star Trek is a Pulpy Naval Adventure in Space.

They scratch different itches for me.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Overall I prefer the Star Wars universe, but I like both for what they are. Star Trek has a much firmer place in hardcore science, while Star Wars has a lot more action and movement going on within it.


New member
May 17, 2008
I'm about to show my age and my geekiness here... *throws away his dignity*

My memories of Star Trek are rather fond starting back to the original series, yes I was there when "The Cage" was nearly new, and would sit up for hours watching the series with my parents. My love of Star Trek only seemed to grow with each subsequent episode. My favorites had to be "A piece of the action" and "Trouble with Tribbles"! I loved it when the episodes were more humorous and lighthearted than tragic or painful, and yet the one where they first introduced Khan was probably the best one I'd ever seen, and practically fell in love with the second movie because they brought him back!!!

With that said, Star Trek will always be better as a week long series in which it's all about space exploration rather than as a movie series (although I love several of the movies). The opposite is said about the Star Wars series, the first trilogy was the best along with the third episode (Revenge of the Sith) but Episodes I and II really should've been done a little differently... like Jar Jar being tossed into a fusion furnace.

Unfortunately, Star Wars has had two animated series out, and neither went anywhere. Those two series were Droids (based off of C-3PO and R2-D2's adventures) and Ewoks (FUZZY!) there were also two spinoff movies called collectively "The Ewok Adventures" about a family that crashlands on Endor and have to deal with the current species and some seriously screwed up plotlines. In the end, they were just attempts at capitolizing on Star Wars fame. Although I loved "The Ewok Adventures" movies, the animated series for Star Wars sucked harder than an industrial strength vacuum without an off switch.

Now that I have thoroughly bashed the Star Wars movies and series, I will admit that I am a Star Wars fan from the first time I saw the Budget movie "A New Hope" when it came out in video. (Not rich enough to go to the movies) I saw "Empire Strikes Back" in theaters and practically wet myself at the discovery of Luke's father being Vader... being too young to swear without a bar of soap in my mouth later, it was all I could do. The end of the collection of movies with "Return of the Jedi" had me crying since it finished with Vader dying and the fall of the primary leader of the empire... the Emperor! When he fell into the reactor, I jumped and cheered... and was kicked out of the theater for being to loud, but screw it! I loved that he was taken out by Vader in the end.

I will finish with this thought. Whether you like the hour long series running for decades, or a series of movies that is remembered for decades, you have to admit that the science is enough to make geeks of us all, while the action (when it's there) keeps us on the edges of our seats, and the story is told with all the loving affection of a grandfather reading a story to a bedridden child. (Obvious "Princess Bride" reference) For those reasons, I loved both series of movies and the television series of Star Trek, but even with all the wonderful points, there were still a few negative aspects to each. Love it, or leave it, you have to admit that both have shaped the lives of millions... or at least given us something to watch for a while.

Live long, and may the Force be with us all...
*goes to search for his dignity now*


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Star Wars. Has better characters, weapons, locations, alien species, fights, and I think better "fan service." Besides, I'd like to have a lightsaber over a phaser anyday.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Hooray for nuclear wessels!

no but seriously, Star Wars wins cause it has Jedi.


Forgot to Remember
Jul 23, 2009
Insanum said:
Star Wars - Set a long time ago

Star Trek - Set In the future.
So then it's technically possible for the two to both exist in the same Universe, finding that a little entertaining to think about.

I myself enjoy Star Wars, but as a child I can faintly remember watching star trek and enjoying it. I will say that it depends on your tastes, different strokes and such.

So far there seems to be more people worrying about flaming then actual flaming
Preperation is always key


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Saarai-fan said:
Star Wars. Has better characters, weapons, locations, alien species, fights, and I think better "fan service." Besides, I'd like to have a lightsaber over a phaser anyday.
Oh, and by "fanservice," I'm refering to this...












and more.... LOL