Star Wars: The Old Republic Begins Cutting Servers

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
bringer of illumination said:
And the "B-but we're fixing the awful shadows!" statement just makes me laugh harder than when they announced it going free-to-play (I called that too)
:p You say that as though you're the only one who predicted it. I, for one, knew it'd be going F2P in a matter of months after it was released. In fact, if you didn't see the F2P coming then I'd argue you've gone blind.

Anyways, I hope they're happy with this festering pile. They could have made KotOR III, a game that many people actually wanted and yearned for. Instead they pop out another generic MMO that was destined from day-one to be crushed beneath WoW like countless MMO's before it.

At this point, I see most MMO's as being like Storm Trooper #372 in The Force Unleashed: sure this guy just slaughtered an entire battalion of troops complete with 3 AT-STs and specially trained force adepts...but no...372 is gonna be the guy that brings Star Killer down! It's the same mentality for MMO's wanting to dethrone WoW: many that were likely a lot better than your game have tried, and none have succeeded...what makes you think that your game is going to be the one that pulls it off?

Gregory Wollf

New member
Jun 13, 2011
bringer of illumination said:


No, but In all seriousness, its good to see this pile of crap sinking.

And the "B-but we're fixing the awful shadows!" statement just makes me laugh harder than when they announced it going free-to-play (I called that too)

I mean, its one thing that the ugly shadows are the LEAST of SWTOR's problems, BUT THE SHADOWS STILL LOOK AWFUL! It's like they used some shitty AA option from an old Playstation 2 emulator.

It's just embarrassing

Hope you like it at the bottom of the ocean Bioware, I don't think you're gonna save the ship by bailing with a teaspoon. Especially not when the ship is already submerged.

I have never understood why some people hail TOR as a totally worthless shit of a game and want to see it fail. As far as games go, TOR is pretty good. The game play is solid, the story is solid, the graphics look good except for a little hiccup here and there, and as far as MMOs go, it's also fun. Surely you can not base a game on its shadow animation.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Sad. And here I thought I'd get to play it before the game went under, but it's looking less and less like that'll happen. I suppose I can't really miss what I never had though, so if it doesn't make it to FtP status then oh well.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
As someone who typically dislikes mmos and really likes single player rpgs, I've really enjoyed the different story lines though I can see it feeling "done" once you beat them.

Again, don't know much about mmos and as such not very knowledgeable about this being a sign of it dying, but it's nice to see the fleet on the server I was on going from one room of 180 at peak hours to four full instances at 9am. And mid-range worlds having decent populations at any given time. Plus running flashpoints has been a lot smoother through groupfinder the past day or two.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Riddle me this: are some of you guys saying SW:TOR is going to fail because you actually just WANT it to fail, or are these F2P and server-cutting announcements sure fire signs of MMORPG failure?

captcha: i saw that
and you should be ashamed!


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Darth_Payn said:
Riddle me this: are some of you guys saying SW:TOR is going to fail because you actually just WANT it to fail, or are these F2P and server-cutting announcements sure fire signs of MMORPG failure?

captcha: i saw that
and you should be ashamed!
A little of both, I imagine. Much of TOR's failings seem to be accompanied with comments from probably the same people who would start chanting "FALL! FALL! FALL!" at a tightrope act.

I myself am saddened by the failing of an MMO that tried to add a new and interesting feature to the stale MMO genre, not to mention a good Star Wars MMO experience. I'm under the impression that if they had adopted a different payment method other than the soon-to-be archaic subscription format, it might have stayed above water a longer than it has.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
If you think that Bioware "cutting servers" by improving their server tech like this is a bad thing, then you should think that Eve Online has been on its last legs, since the first day CCP started operations, right?

Don't be wankers. You just like to make sensational headlines about games gamers hate.

Here's what you didn't report:

- SWTOR now has 9 EU servers, three each English, French, and German, of which one each are RP, PVP, and PVE rulesets.
- SWTOR now has three Asia/Pacific servers, one each RP, PVP, and PVE rulesets.
- SWTOR now has nine US servers, RP/PVP/PVE set on the West Coast time zone, and on the East Coast time zone there's RP/PVP/PVE/PVE and the lone RP-PVP server. Apparently there are more nerds on teh east coast, despite EA being a California company? Who knows.

But the point here is, the load on the mega servers is now balanced among these servers by server ruleset. On my server, the EU/English/RP server The Progenitor, we got a reasonable bump in population although honestly I think most of it happened with the prior consolidation.

- We got four extra character slots, and some other nice perks in prep for patch 1.4 when they add the Cathar race. If you had >12 characters on other servers that got consolidated, you get >12 characters forever, as long as you don't delete them. It's worth it just for the bank space for a lot of people I know who had alt sets for RP purposes on other servers.

My guild is already picking up some of the new folks in Void and Dark Void, our republic and empire twin guilds.

But, really, TE, could you have reported on any of that? Nooooooo. Because that would have been actually reporting the news about the game and the people who actually play it, and the business of that actual game, rather than the schadenfreude over the imminent demise of the damn game pandering to the people who are wishing it dead -- which is the fashion.

Who do you work for, Rupert Murdoch?

I bet you won't report on this either:

...because you'd rather report how the boys leaving means the end of the game -- admittedly a more likely catalyst than the server consolidation. But you'd have to understand actual game business, not just be a knee-jerk fanboi hater to think about that one.

Give me a break.

It's pandering like this that is killing the game industry. The rabid fans just circle like a pool of piranha, buy a game, tear it to bloody tatters comparing self-involved notes, and then go to the next game. But at the same time, they want brilliant AAA next gen graphics and design that cost millions, in a hit driven industry, and they won't pay past buying the box, because they hold every title in contempt -- it's the fashion that the press encourages and whips up.

While a majority of gamers who don't participate in online forums would probably want to play the game and enjoy it, the money men see the bloody shreds, panic, see mass migrations, and shut things down. The more cautious introverted players have learned not even to buy a game for six months.

Well, the industry can't afford it forever. Good luck to you. I'm pretty much retired at this point, and no one is going to fire me for saying it, but the fans are killing the games because they would rather find fault, and the producers are killing the games because they will panic and pull out because they don't understand the business or the fans, and the devs kill the games because they think they are there to design games and don't have to learn the business and legal bits to educate the fans or the producers to create an environment that will actually allow them to give you games you will actually enjoy.

In a few years, there's going to be nothing but little dinky indy games on your mobiles, Zynga, EA, and the F2P Asian mills, and every one of them is going to be using neuromarketing to nickel and dime you to death. And all you will be doing is jumping one F2P game to the next paying to win to get to end game, carrying guilds with you, if you have money -- and grinding little commercially sponsored f2p games with friends in one place if you don't. It'll look a lot like Cory Doctorow's FTW. The art and story will be incidental if present. Something the marketing people will throw in as a competitive edge. Window dressing.

Emo idiots. And you will probably all dismiss me as an old fart with no sense of humor. But you remember this in a few years. Hell, you won't. You can't remember past the next "ooo shiny."

We're freaking doomed.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
cerebus23 said:
dethroning wow is so overused period it should just stop imo.

every mmo that has any kinda budget behind it gets the label, if they want it or not.
I think there should be some kind of ban on using terms like "WoW-killer" and generally any term that hints that some new MMO that is intended (well, somehow expected) to topple WoW.

What's next in the firing line anyway? Elder Scrolls Online I think...

fat american

New member
Apr 2, 2008
Wow. Shava's really into this game. He's had an account for two years and that's his only post.

Anyways, as far as this game goes I felt it wasn't going to be that great. MMOs aren't my cup of tea though so what do I know.

What's next on the firing line? Elder Scrolls Online I think...
But that's a game I was actually looking forward to. (frowny face)


New member
Jul 1, 2010
I just recently resubbed for The Old Republic. Mostly because I had made the mistake in the beginning of playing the beginning of most of the classes which really killed my interest fast and I was busy a lot of the time so I barely had time to play it.

I think this game's still got a spark left.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
*shrugs* Somebody call me when this game finally kicks the bucket. Until then, I am pretty indifferent what happens to EA's pet project that we all knew would crash like this.

Imma gonna go play more internet spaceships now. :eek:


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I am not surprised to hear another bioware game is floundering.

If I wanted to play a new MMO (I'll never play WoW) I would play one that was NEW, not a bastardization of an established IP.

You only have so much creative license when you have to maneuver within the confines of Star Wars, which is kinda sad when you think of it as they could literally make up entirely new planets full of unseen xenoforms. In the end its still Sith vs. Jedi, red laser vs. blue lasers, the same crap you've seen since 1979.