SteamOS Now Available For Download


New member
Mar 19, 2012
PoolCleaningRobot said:
4 gigs of ram and an Nvidia graphics card seem a little steep for OS requirements. I'm curious to see how smooth this will run on decent computers. I would test the distro on my netbook but I don't meet those specifications and with the ram requirements I won't be able to run it in virtual box on my main pc
the 4 gig ram requirement isnt for the OS, linux runs on less than 500Mb of ram (often lower than 250), whereas windows uses a whopping 1 to 1.5 gigs. Its a requirement because 4 gigs of ram is their basic requirement for a steam machine low end model. You need that much ram to be able to play the steam library, because if you arent using steamOS for gaming, WTF are you doing?


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Ok, so this whole thing have confused me in several ways.
First of all, why are people complaining that it is nothing more than a regular linux OS bundled and more deeply integrated with steam? Isn't that exactly what they said it would be already in the initial announcement?

Second, what is up with those requirements? Like, how come it actually needs 500 GB just to install, or 1 TB if you use the "easy" way (described as such in their guides)?
I can understand things like requiring nvidia for the simple reason that this is in BETA and they decided to release it as such before making sure AMD works properly though.

Third, why does it delete everything on the computer? Every other OS I know of can share the computer with other operatingsystems if you just make sure to setup a dualboot by using, say, GRUB. All that an OS actually should need to clean is the partition you install it in, right?

I dont think I will download it anytime soon, but when it is in a more finished state I will probably do so.
Sounds to me like it could possible end up as a perfectly fine alternative to other linux-based OS's such as ubuntu, and I actually suspect it will turn out to be better in the end, as people move to it and improve it themselves. Not to mention valve will probably continue updating it as well.
So when I need some sort of linux on my laptop for university purposes I might end up trying out a dual-boot with steamOS rather than kubuntu... If they just remove that 500 GB hdd requirement.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
I'm guessing that the HDD and RAM requirements are because this is intended for playing games on. The OS itself won't need that much space or RAM, but games are getting bigger and bigger.

Think about it, 500GB HDD usually translates to about 460GB usable. Take off 50GB(pulling a number out of my ass. Probably anywhere between 10-100GB) for the OS and swap files, and that leaves 400GB. How big was the last COD? 40GB or something silly? That drive is going to fill up fast.

The requirements are high for an OS because what's the point of a gaming OS if your computer isn't fast enough to run the damn games?


New member
Dec 6, 2013
@Deathlyphil: I don't think the size requirement of 500 GB is going to stay. Think about the possibility to save games on other partitions as well. Your OS partition doesn't need to be the size of 500 GB. And what's with people that want to use an SSD? I think they just have it in place for now, because they did not have the time yet to make partitioning, multi-partition-management and boot manager work alright (just a guess though).

I won't test it, but probably will try it out in a more advanced state, maybe when it is out of beta and I would be reinstalling Linux Mint for further support.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Res Plus said:
Glademaster said:
They should have made the warning label bigger for it and type in big bold comic sans [HEADING=2]PARTITION YOU'RE GOD DAMN HDD[/HEADING]

Even if they'd have done that people still would have installed it over their current OS. I know not everyone has done this before but at least read the instructions if you haven't.
Why would they accuse people of being hard drives?
Pfff, your such a hard drive.

On another note:
Video Card: NVIDIA graphics card (AMD and Intel graphics support coming soon!)
This has my official blah. Im willing to bet this instance just a temporary thing with the beta, but it had better not be a recurring trend.


New member
Jun 7, 2012
Ultratwinkie said:
Skeleon said:
Cecilo said:
It is advantageous for those that do not want to have to deal with Microsoft going "Haha. All your money goes through us now, just like Apple. Thanks!"
I'm not even sure what that's supposed to mean, bolded. What money's now "going through" Microsoft and Apple?

But why would "All your money goes through Valve now, thanks!" be any better?
Also, if I want an alternative OS, why not just Linux rather than this peculiar version of it (as far as I remember, that's what the SteamOS is based on, anyway)?
Its meant to be optimized for games. No bloat from Microsoft. While still being free like linux.

It also gives incentives to go OpenGl or mantle. Which is good for everyone.

It closes the gap between PC and console. By taking away the only thing consoles had left going for it.
Any "optimizations" they make for this will be equally available for Linux. Linux is the way to go, not SteamOS. SteamOS is a gaming OS only and it doesnt, in any ways, substitute to windows or linux.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I am tremendously intrigued to see how this develops. Less compelling on the viability front, more compelling on the justifiability. Granted a full-fledged OS that handles itself on newer code than Windows would be nice, but hell, the gamer in me just loves the idea that this could herald a new approach to streamlined operating systems. Hardly the start of a golden age, but a start is a start!

Infernal Lawyer said:
There's already a thread on the Steam Forums complaining about how he/she deleted all of his/her data. Handle with care, children!
I'm amazed this is even a thing. I figured the nature of this OS implied pretty clearly that this would happen.

Mr.K. said:
kasperbbs said:
The only reason to even consider installing this thing on my PC would be if it runs games with a lot better fps than windows.
The only reason anyone should consider SteamOS or a SteamBox is if they can't handle PC gaming with all it's maintenance, yes for the knowledgeable this is a cakewalk but for a novice hell let's even say my sister who has been using PCs for well over 10 years that is a bucket of mystery she would never go near without having me to fix everything.

So when SteamOS is done it may be a gaming for dummies standard, but it isn't now and it sure as hell will not be the more versatile OS.
Well said!

Infernal Lawyer

New member
Jan 28, 2013
Icehearted said:
Infernal Lawyer said:
There's already a thread on the Steam Forums complaining about how he/she deleted all of his/her data. Handle with care, children!
I'm amazed this is even a thing. I figured the nature of this OS implied pretty clearly that this would happen.
I should have specified this happened when the OS was installed (as it does with ALL OS'), but yes. Hell, I only found out a few days ago that doing so would wipe your data (not the hard way), but the integrity of data is something I would have thought anyone who knows even a little about computers would have been wary with, especially with a Beta OS.

Kurt Cristal

New member
Mar 31, 2010
Well I was hoping to give the operating a system a shot on my old laptop, but the the minimum specs are too high for it. Ah well, guess I'll have to wait for the release of the actual console then.


New member
Dec 5, 2009
Res Plus said:
Glademaster said:
They should have made the warning label bigger for it and type in big bold comic sans [HEADING=2]PARTITION YOU'RE GOD DAMN HDD[/HEADING]

Even if they'd have done that people still would have installed it over their current OS. I know not everyone has done this before but at least read the instructions if you haven't.
Why would they accuse people of being hard drives?
I read that more like:

Partition, you are god; damn HDD!

I haven't been part of too many beta tests, but I don't think I would mind being part of this one. I'm not sure that I could put in the time to be of any use to anyone at this point. If it works as promised, I am all for it. I like the idea that games will not be forced to become operating-system-obsolete. I also don't plan on getting a Windows 8 machine, so if games start coming out that require that system, I am going to be in trouble.


New member
Sep 25, 2012
Ultratwinkie said:
You know, how the hell do people NOT know reformatting deletes your data?
This just in: Generally speaking people are really bad at computers.

Seriously though it's extremely worrying isn't it?

Da Orky Man said:
Given that SteamOS uses the standard Linux Runtime, Skype ought to work fine on it.
Even better, if SteamOS is going to be using Debian as a base and drawing updates automatically it'll already have apt-get on there, Skype is in the Debian repository I think so you should be able to pull it using apt-get install.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
RicoADF said:
you get people who know what their doing and those that shouldn't be allowed near a computer ever.
You missed the third and worst type, those that think they know what they're doing but fall just short of the mark.

They know enough to get in to sensitive areas but not enough to know what they're doing when they hit that point, I imagine that's where the majority of wiped OSes are coming from.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Skeleon said:
Just get the non-Valve-ified Linux. *shrug*
I need me a GUI. Ubuntu requires only 1/2 Gig RAM, a good thing. I do have to wonder if it is as optimized for gaming as Steam OS. Will it use graphics drivers better or worse or no difference? Will the Steam controller work better, worse, no different regardless of OS? In Ubuntu, you'd be running Steam over over Ubuntu's own OS. More over-head?

If the answer is no difference, I think you are right. At least Ubuntu has browsers and multiple developers working on it. And you can still only play games for Linux, either way.

I saw a demo of a guy playing Metro Last Light on youtube. Might just be youtube video, but it looked a step down for it going from DX 11 to OpenGl.

I'm still waiting for more results and hoping. If Linux really catches up to the DX world, I'll be building me another rig, even if I don't need one.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Skeleon said:
Ultratwinkie said:
Its meant to be optimized for games.
Okay, let's have the folks try it out then and we'll see whether there's any reason to switch. Although when I hear "optimized for games", I tend to - perhaps unfairly - think "reduced functionality in other areas".
Well... duh? This isn't supposed to be the end-all-be-all OS that everyone needs to use. It's an OS for people who like to game; especially those who use their PC exclusively for gaming. The whole point of using it over Windows is that you don't have Windows running several needless programs in the background, taking-up resource space that could be used towards processing the game faster.

Also, this is good for Windows. By releasing an OS specifically for gaming, they are forcing Microsoft to step-up their game and deliver a better product with the next Windows, otherwise future versions of Windows are going to see a large drop in sales when several gamers opt to just install the Steam OS as their only OS.


New member
Oct 16, 2007
Beta operating systems are a headache, I wouldn't recommend it to anybody unless you have a huge amount of free time, are very experienced with linux and are willing to do a lot of troubleshooting work to see something new.
Yoshi4102 said:
Meanwhile at Valve, everyone is laughing at all the people who deleted windows accidentally while installing Steam OS. They must now accept their new overlord.
Because when you install an OS you're stuck with it forever.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Infernal Lawyer said:
Icehearted said:
Infernal Lawyer said:
There's already a thread on the Steam Forums complaining about how he/she deleted all of his/her data. Handle with care, children!
I'm amazed this is even a thing. I figured the nature of this OS implied pretty clearly that this would happen.
I should have specified this happened when the OS was installed (as it does with ALL OS'), but yes. Hell, I only found out a few days ago that doing so would wipe your data (not the hard way), but the integrity of data is something I would have thought anyone who knows even a little about computers would have been wary with, especially with a Beta OS.
My previous IT experience is that, besides a very small population of tech savvy people, no one worries about data in any way until they lose it, despite multiple warnings from the IT department that someday your computer will crash or get infected or get run over by a bus. At which time they come to me and tell me that it is my job to spend days trying to make up for their idiocy. I mean, we even bought you a hard drive and installed automatic backup software! All you needed to do was plug it in for 10 minutes once a day!

And do you know what the worst part is? Even after this happens, they still fail to backup their data.

But that was my previous job. Now some other sucker has to deal with it.