Stereotypes that you prove.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
SirBryghtside said:
That mathsy people like games, so I'm pretty much a flagbearer for nerd stereotyping :p
I hate maths so much I dropped it as an A-Level. Beyond the fundamentals, maths is completely pointless. I'm a gamer and I despise maths, I prefer art and literature.

OT: I find that on Halo; If someone is team killing for the sniper, then they go sit in the corner all game and do bugger all with it AND still come out negative, or the players who slays purely in objective (and that means camping in the opposing base and not making the most out of it); or someone who uses just about any dirty trick in the book, used consistently and in large combination, on any multiplayer game- They're Italian. Guaranteed.

Every time I go to tell them what I think of their playstyle, or to drop a bad review; Location: Italy flashes up on their gamer card. In fact, I 'm not even allowed to bet on it because the bookies wouldn't win any money. That's not me being stereotypical, I honestly have this correlation on a weekly basis.

Also, no word of a lie, Whenever I see Location: France flash up, it is because I want to tell someone what I think of their 90-Degree-Corner + Crouch fetish / runs-the-moment-you-damage-them-to-initiate-their-90-Degree-Corner + Crouch + Throw-all-grenades-within-reach-at-the-door-you-just-ran-though problem and that maybe they should just brush up on their morals and play fair.

[small]P.S. We do grow wise to these tactics, that is why you rarely win. So maybe you should see a doctor about it.[/small]

Dominic Burchnall

New member
Jun 13, 2011
TheLiham said:
I'm English. (Yes, not British. English.)
Yes' it can be frustrating when people don't understand the distinction, can't it?

I am also an Englishman, a Southener, and fiercely proud of it, even though I have every reason not to be at the moment. I am a devoted tea drinker, fish and chips is one of my favourite meals, I maintain a slight distrust of people from the North of England as they maintain towards me, and I have never drunk a cold beer in my life.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
LarenzoAOG said:
Ummm.... I got nothing, can someone help me out? I honestly don't know that many stereotypes, I'm from the American South, I grew up in Germany, and I'm a man that looks white.

Can anyone supply me with some stereotypes so I can see if they apply?
There is a stereotype that sais people from the south are poorly educated and extremely religious. No offense, its just an existing stereotype. It can be counteracted by the stereotype that Germans are intelligent and meticulous (at least when it comes to math and science.)

usmarine4160 said:
I'm half brit and I like not cold beer 0_o

It's weird as hell, beer should be cold but I always leave half the 6 pack outside the fridge
Actually beer is not supposed to be served cold. The idea of cold beer came about in America, a hundred or so years ago, when the beer we brewed tasted terrible. Serving it cold numbs the pallet and dulls the terrible taste. This is the same (or opposite) reason good tasting beer is to be served at room temperature. When made right, beer has a medley of flavors you would miss out on serving it cold.

I love English beer like Newcastle, and every German beer I have ever tried. Above all, I like Well made American beers like Sierra Nevada. American hops are essentially English hops bread to grow better in our soil. They tend to be higher in alpha acids, and lend a flavor that balances very well with maltier ales.


For myself I would have to say that I fall into two stereotypes. One is that Atheists can be pretentious dicks. The other is that bald men have higher sex drives. The second one is actually physiological, but still, a stereotype is a stereotype.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I pretty much don't fit into any of the Aussie stereotypes, I hate beer, I never say mate, I don't enjoy going to the beach... I have no idea what stereotype I actually prove.


New member
Oct 23, 2011
Scottish so....I Drink, (love a guid whiskey) am 6ft 1in with long hair (not ginger sadly) I wear my kilt every damn chance I get, love fried food, love haggis, I suck at football and Im a faint blue colour :p


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
AdmiralMemo said:
You pour alcohol into vaginas? ;-)
...?! I'd've thought pouring over would be good enough...!!

TehRandom1 said:
The only reason why that doesn't hold true is I can't buy it by the box :(
You clearly shop in the wrong places! (Chinese wholesalers FTW!)

BNguyen said:
I thought it was the Irish
So did I... the Irish try to drink everything, while the Scottish try to deep-fry everything! =P

Jarimir said:
Lol, have you ever tried to tell a Brittish person that white people cant play soccer?
Heh... apply that to all Europeans...

aprilmarie said:
Also true to my heritage I am quite the drinker and hold my liquor very well(Very much a European mutt. Minus Spain I have a descendant from every country in Europe o_O)
Descendant?! Ancestor, surely... And don't take this wrong way, but I don't think you're that shy/quiet, 'just right' actually... :)

OT: Right, let's split it down by categories, shall we?

Chinese - wear's glasses, good at maths, and born to penny-pinching pushy parents
British - that oh so swarthy 'English' accent and complete comprehension of cricket
Geek - total science geek, I have degrees in chemistry and biology, and oddly, my best A-Level result was in physics
Nerd - everything that goes through my head invariably leads back to gaming references, random shouts of 'FAW THI EMPERAAAAAAAAAAH!' and raging at QTE's


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
SckizoBoy said:
aprilmarie said:
Also true to my heritage I am quite the drinker and hold my liquor very well(Very much a European mutt. Minus Spain I have a descendant from every country in Europe o_O)
Descendant?! Ancestor, surely... And don't take this wrong way, but I don't think you're that shy/quiet, 'just right' actually... :)
You should know me better by now about that. I'm more outgoing on the net but put me in public and I keep to myself. I'm going to a damn party tonight and I can guarantee that I'm bringing my laptop and I'm going to sit in the corner and game most of the night. well after everyone is done stealing music off my computer


New member
Jan 6, 2011
maxben said:
OmniscientOstrich said:
I'm a white, male, teenage, atheist, bisexual, brony with aspergers, so I guess I'm somewhat of an Escapist stereotype, other than that I don't really know.
QFT :p
There is about something about your description that, while it isn't literally accurate
If it was literally accurate, then it wouldn't be a stereotype. :p While these are traits you might see fairly often, I think people do still exaggerate just how many Escapist users fall into some of those catagories.

maxben said:
Canadian Stereotype: I am incredibly nice (according to other people, I don't really know). I had an American extreme Christian tell me that I'm like Jesus, which was an odd yet very sweet compliment. I also say eh a lot. Its so useful! I don't use it like "um" (some Canadian do), but more to symbolise a question from an observation. Example: "That poutine is like a heart attack on a plate, eh?" I don't actually know how you would be able to make such a sentence without the eh.
Does your diet consist entirely of bacon and syrup. :p

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Psycho-Toaster said:
Scottish people really, really like alcohol.
I prove this as well, being part Scottish, and the same thing with my full on Yorkshire heritage being (after a couple of beers) loud and sarky.

SckizoBoy said:
British - that oh so swarthy 'English' accent and complete comprehension of cricket
Oh, I've also got this going for me. I'm also a gentleman when appropriate. :D


Kid makes a post...
Jun 1, 2009
I'm actually fairly stereotype immune. The only real two are being Australian and saying 'mate' a lot, and being a young adult Australian and binge drinking like it's my job.

Otherwise I'm heavily in to games, spend most of my free time playing games or browsing the net, yet I have an active social life, I'm confident while speaking, and I'm in pretty good shape. I can run a 4 minute kilometre, and I lift weights 3 times a week. I also go out drinking usually once a week, at least.


Dec 3, 2010
Had to get help from Google to find out some Swedish stereotypes. Here goes!
Tall: Very true.
Beautiful: Why, oh yes. Thank you.
Intelligent: Ehehehehe. I like these stereotypes.
Blonde-hair: Dark brown with red hints. :<
Blue eyes: Green...

Damnit. Started out so great!
I was born with blonde hair and blue eyes though.