Mullahgrrl said:
Capitalism sucks and there is no intrinsic value in not eliminating any currency system. and to compare the situation with 17th century piracy is ludicrous.
Sure it is frowned upon not to pay for stuff in many societies but most societys are appalingly unegelitarian. And mostly not because of actual shortages but of artificial shortages, created on purpouse. there hasn't been a starvation the last 100 years that couldnt have been avoided if it werent for money.
You mean starvation like, say, Stalin's purge?
6-11 million starved. Or how about Mao's Great Leap Forward:
"tens of millions" starved. Nobody even knows how many for sure.
Or maybe you're talking about the millions that perished in African famines over the last few decades? third-world countries where they live under a dictatorship, tribalism, or they haven't even established a system of currency yet?
So what are we up to now? twenty five million? Thirty million dead? None of those people lived under capitalism. In fact, in many cases those people were sent relief from those evil greedy capitalists who typically have too much too eat and have to go on diets.
Or maybe we can go back to talking about videogames instead of you thinking up new ways to "fix" life for the rest of us? That would be cool with me. I actually play videogames to get away from this stuff.