Stolen Pixels #119: After Curfew


New member
May 24, 2009
Nice use of Garry's mod Shamus. I am also like to pose and take pictures of ragdolls in an enviroment built by me.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Random argument man said:
The "servers are down" joke made me giggle.
Yeah that was so wrong,but I loved it so much..

Can you really rival Steam? I only buy games from Steam, and maybe one from Walmart if I have money on hand but not in my account, even when the games are $10 more at the retail.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
whaleswiththumbs said:
Random argument man said:
The "servers are down" joke made me giggle.
Yeah that was so wrong,but I loved it so much..

Can you really rival Steam? I only buy games from Steam, and maybe one from Walmart if I have money on hand but not in my account, even when the games are $10 more at the retail.
Impulse and Gamersgate do a good job, as well as Good Old Games. Sure, they succeed by not going against steam directly (Impulse relies on the indie and complex strategy niche, Good Old Games the nostalgia niche and Gamersgate the european niche), but they each get a good slice of the cake as well. Direct2Drive isn't doing bad either, but as they don't deal outside the US and Canada, I prefer to not give them credit.

Remember that not every publisher is going to go for Steam because they want to avoid turning the digital distribution a monopoly. As highly as anyone (including myself) can speak of Valve, it is never good to be in the position that you have to abide to someone's terms because they're the only option you have. That said, it still intrigues me what Blizz would want to aim for here. However, I can see them as a real player in the field if they decide to make Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 to be exclusively distributed by their digital distribution business. If that'd be a dick move... depends. I prefer having options.

Avatar Roku

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Jul 9, 2008
DogofRaw said:
Am I the only one to have noticed the two resistance members in Half life Episode 2, visable through the floor in one room, chatting in front of the television watching Dr Kliner.

'I kinda miss Dr breen'
'Ya, His program was better, remember when he had the jugglers on?'
'That was great'
Ill have to fraps it and post it somewhere
Sounds a bit like Gordon Frohman.
Darth Trethon said:
Oh actually funny strip that is made by someone other than Travis. Looks like Shamus has been taking notes and learning. I actually laughed this time.
You know Travis is just Shamus' alter-ego, right?

Darth Trethon

New member
Jun 21, 2009
orannis62 said:
DogofRaw said:
Am I the only one to have noticed the two resistance members in Half life Episode 2, visable through the floor in one room, chatting in front of the television watching Dr Kliner.

'I kinda miss Dr breen'
'Ya, His program was better, remember when he had the jugglers on?'
'That was great'
Ill have to fraps it and post it somewhere
Sounds a bit like Gordon Frohman.
Darth Trethon said:
Oh actually funny strip that is made by someone other than Travis. Looks like Shamus has been taking notes and learning. I actually laughed this time.
You know Travis is just Shamus' alter-ego, right?
Whatever works I guess. If alter egos make him actually funny then fine by me. All I know is that when I see the name Travis Taylor I KNOW 100% that the strip is going to be hilarious and the rest of the time I expect a poor attempt at humor. I still read the strips anyway but I just wish more of them were actually funny.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I'm getting it for this comic and the next one, but not the previous ones. I tried firefox and IE from work, no change.


New member
Mar 14, 2008
Damn, why is it so small for me? On my laptop, the latest two of these comics are tiny.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
The picture is very small and pretty much impossible to read.

Looks like this is a comic we won't get to see. A shame.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
Cavouku said:
Pallindromemordnillap said:
does anyone else see a tiny-fied version of the comic?
Ah, it's not just me.
Guess were all having that issue ;p. Darn i really wanted to see that comic after all those "BEST STOLEN EVAR!" comments ;p.