Stolen Pixels #148: Dragon Aged


New member
Apr 15, 2009
i know how you feel, i spend so many gifts and hours trying to seduce her, i even kicked morigan out (whom i had just had relations whit 5 minutes prior), because she asked me too, and i played a 58 year old rogue, we would have been the perfect match.

*sigh* lost love, it hurts just as much in videogames.


resident shadow
Mar 18, 2009
i didn't do much with wynne (am the mage of the party anyway :p) and never talked wit her...
i thought she was 35 or something...


New member
Jul 16, 2009
PiCroft said:
I just looked up the voice actor list

Holy shit, I had no idea Tim Curry was in it, nor Simon Templeman, nor Claudia Black.

I am going to buy it, play it, and wait till Loghain starts talking before allowing myself to be mesmerised by his awesome voice.
Too bad he's a massive dick.


He who waits behind the wall
Mar 12, 2009
Jaranja said:
PiCroft said:
I just looked up the voice actor list

Holy shit, I had no idea Tim Curry was in it, nor Simon Templeman, nor Claudia Black.

I am going to buy it, play it, and wait till Loghain starts talking before allowing myself to be mesmerised by his awesome voice.
Too bad he's a massive dick.
That's okay. If I were gay, Simon Templeman would be the only man in the world I would hypothetically marry, besides Michael Bell.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Virgil said:
Areck said:
Dungeons and Dragons can be described as a type of rpg, no idea if Dragon age is using any rule sets but it was made by Bioware so it probably is.
It's not. Like Mass Effect, it's their own unique property.
Actually, fairly early on I could have sworn that someone mentioned that this game was somehow connected to the writings of the guy "The Witcher" was based on and while it deviated it was a borderline liscenced property.

Never heard anything else about it, but it was around the time some people were talking about the vague similarities between say Witchers and Gray Wardens, general attitude on magic, and some other superficial stuff.

Probably nothing, but I do remember hearing something like that.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Great comic, Shamus!

If only the subject matter wasn't indicative of the overall attitude in our culture towards elderly women.

Our society holds little value for our elderly - especially women.



New member
Apr 24, 2009
Oh I totally wished Wynn could have been an achievable romance. I tried, but alas... not successful. It's cool though, I totally 2 timed Morrigen and Lilliana.


Did anyone right away pin Loghain as the bad guy when you met him in the beginning? Like the moment he showed his face.


Kid makes a post...
Jun 1, 2009
Zevran the Assassin tends to agree with this.

Wynne: Zevran, I'm old enough to be your grandmother!
Zevran: You say that as if it's a bad thing.

Then 2 hours later he started hitting on my male dwarf.

Ell Jay

New member
Jun 3, 2009
Chalk that up as one more thing KOTOR 2 got right: an old-looking old woman. Of course, presentation as such was expedited by the fact you could NOT change her outfit no matter what...


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Therumancer said:
Virgil said:
Areck said:
Dungeons and Dragons can be described as a type of rpg, no idea if Dragon age is using any rule sets but it was made by Bioware so it probably is.
It's not. Like Mass Effect, it's their own unique property.
Actually, fairly early on I could have sworn that someone mentioned that this game was somehow connected to the writings of the guy "The Witcher" was based on and while it deviated it was a borderline liscenced property.

Never heard anything else about it, but it was around the time some people were talking about the vague similarities between say Witchers and Gray Wardens, general attitude on magic, and some other superficial stuff.

Probably nothing, but I do remember hearing something like that.
Well, The Witcher is running on the same engine as the original Neverwinter Nights (Aurora) (heavily updated, but still).

Dragon Age was billed as a spiritual sucessor to Neverwinter Nights, though it was never going to use the same system.

There is some common ancestry, but as far as I can remember, Dragon Age was never meant to be a licensed title.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
quiet_samurai said:
Oh I totally wished Wynn could have been an achievable romance. I tried, but alas... not successful. It's cool though, I totally 2 timed Morrigen and Lilliana.


Did anyone right away pin Loghain as the bad guy when you met him in the beginning? Like the moment he showed his face.
Yes. Or at least I knew that something was going to happen and it wasn't going to be good...


New member
May 22, 2009
Starke said:
Therumancer said:
Virgil said:
Areck said:
Dungeons and Dragons can be described as a type of rpg, no idea if Dragon age is using any rule sets but it was made by Bioware so it probably is.
It's not. Like Mass Effect, it's their own unique property.
Actually, fairly early on I could have sworn that someone mentioned that this game was somehow connected to the writings of the guy "The Witcher" was based on and while it deviated it was a borderline liscenced property.

Never heard anything else about it, but it was around the time some people were talking about the vague similarities between say Witchers and Gray Wardens, general attitude on magic, and some other superficial stuff.

Probably nothing, but I do remember hearing something like that.
Well, The Witcher is running on the same engine as the original Neverwinter Nights (Aurora) (heavily updated, but still).

Dragon Age was billed as a spiritual sucessor to Neverwinter Nights Baldur's Gate 2, though it was never going to use the same system.

There is some common ancestry, but as far as I can remember, Dragon Age was never meant to be a licensed title.
Fixed. DA was never intended to have anything to do with NWN. For that matter, they used the term "spiritual successor" pretty loosely.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I noticed that my eyeballs always seemed inexorably drawn to the boob region on all the female characters in Dragon Age, even the old Chantry Mothers, at which point I'd wonder to myself "Why am I staring at those, she's OLD." But I just can't stop staring...


New member
May 14, 2008
lols, yeah same story in oblivion as well =P, when will videogame designers realize that not every female charater in a game has to be a super model...just f-ing make a normal old lady for cryin out loud!


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Areck said:
Pararaptor said:
I remember seeing a Fallout 3 mod that made every woman in the game nude, but came with the option of putting bags over the heads of the old ones.
Laughed hard at that one.
Areck said:
funny. Screw logic, this is DnD people.
That was Dragon Age: Origins. Not Dungeons & Dragons.
[sub]Or am I just a massive noob?[/sub]
Dungeons and Dragons can be described as a type of rpg, no idea if Dragon age is using any rule sets but it was made by Bioware so it probably is.
Dragon Age: Origins does NOT use the D&D rule set. They made their own.


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
Wow did her designers ever screw up. Unless that was the way she was supposed to look in which case somebody else really dropped the ball. Or it could be a joke about the average life-span in the time period in which someone screwed up the delivery of said joke. Oh well, I'm never going to find out because I doubt I'll ever play this game.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Miki91 said:
DTWolfwood said:
If only women actually aged like this, i'd sure be a happy man ;)
Wouldn't hurt if men aged like her too...

Dye her hair brown and she look younger than me damn it!
Well in all fairness, all the old men in DA are pretty ripped underneath those clothes.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Blackbird71 said:
Starke said:
Therumancer said:
Virgil said:
Areck said:
Dungeons and Dragons can be described as a type of rpg, no idea if Dragon age is using any rule sets but it was made by Bioware so it probably is.
It's not. Like Mass Effect, it's their own unique property.
Actually, fairly early on I could have sworn that someone mentioned that this game was somehow connected to the writings of the guy "The Witcher" was based on and while it deviated it was a borderline liscenced property.

Never heard anything else about it, but it was around the time some people were talking about the vague similarities between say Witchers and Gray Wardens, general attitude on magic, and some other superficial stuff.

Probably nothing, but I do remember hearing something like that.
Well, The Witcher is running on the same engine as the original Neverwinter Nights (Aurora) (heavily updated, but still).

Dragon Age was billed as a spiritual sucessor to Neverwinter Nights Baldur's Gate 2, though it was never going to use the same system.

There is some common ancestry, but as far as I can remember, Dragon Age was never meant to be a licensed title.
Fixed. DA was never intended to have anything to do with NWN. For that matter, they used the term "spiritual successor" pretty loosely.
Back in... god, 2004? They were calling it a spiritual sucessor to Neverwinter Nights, not Baldur's Gate, the changed their tune after a little while, but that was the original tie between them. Dragon Age was going to be a multiplayer game system with a "robust" tile based engine. A couple features they plugged early on were tiles over tiles, (I'm not sure if that stuck or not), and massive numbers of units on screen at a time. (Which did stick for the cutscenes but didn't get implemented in game.)

EDIT: There's this article from 2004 that backs you up, so it's more likely I'm remembering someone on the forums going off reservation about the game. Or they may have been refering to the toolset exclusivly.