Strangest thing you find unattractive on people


New member
Jun 8, 2010
status, I can't get into the famous people, also, the face, I can't stand people who wear constantly smug expressions, or have weird lips, so, Angelina Jolie is one of the most unattractive women on earth to me...

she has a baboon's ass on her face...

Azrael the Cat

New member
Dec 13, 2008
NinjaCat said:
Stand Alone Complex said:
Piercings in unorthodox places.
I'm going to go with this. Actually, I never got the reason for stabbing a needle through your flesh in the first place. It just seems odd. I say that we live in a more civilized time, and then people start paying people to stab them. Plus infection is possible. There are some things I will never understand.
I can explain this - well, it applies to myself and to a lot of other people with body piercings. 2 reasons:

(1) It sort of creates a new erogeneous zone on your body - for a guy, post-nipple piercing, it creates a very different kind of sensation, especially if you have a partner that's into sucking/licking the piercing/nipple during sex.
(2) You get a real high from the act of piercing, and it is really difficult to stop yourself wanting another one straight away (I've stuck to one in at a time, but it takes effort). Basically, you're in the most pain you can think of (again, depends on area, but the male nipple is considered THE most painful one to get, had several folks who have their genitals pierced say that the nipple hurt more - female nipples apparently don't hurt as much, but any piercing other than the nose, ear or eyebrow will give the relevant effect), but it only lasts a fraction of a second. By the time you could say 'OOUCCHH!!!' the pain has gone. As a consequence, your brain has produced a massive dose of dopamine in response to the pain, but suddenly there's no pain for it to mitigate, and you have a whole lot of excess dopamine = same effect as MDMA and other popular recreational drugs. You get a similar effect from running a marathon (scientifically well documented), though that comes with bodily micro-injuries that take around 6 months to heal properly - a bit more serious than a piercing.

I wouldn't say that (2) is a good enough reason for doing it, but it certainly counters any worry about the pain, for me anyway.

Then there's (3). I like a small number of piercings in a partner. In guys I love eyebrow rings and nipple rings, with a female partner I'm not as much into them, but I can dig a belly-button ring or an eyebrow-ring (if they've got the right face for it, which many people don't, even a nose-button can look cute).

Regarding infection, well you have to take care of them. I've always gone on a course of antibiotics as a precaution immediately upon any piercing, and that's always served me fine. By the time you've finished a course of anti-biotics the piercing will be settled, so at that point you're only going to run into trouble if you don't shower, or you don't clean it when you do - and frankly, if you fall into that category then you should probably get that groin-rash looked at:)

Turnoffs, for me? Well if someone isn't university educated they wouldn't get a look in, but that's not particularly uncommon - most people are attracted to folks of similar educational background. Probably the most notable one is that I certainly could never date a woman who isn't a feminist - a degree of political awareness and the self-respect to not be treated like a doormat is a minimum requirement of me being interested. My wife, by comparison, is proudly feminist, a successful engineer, and awesome:)


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Excessive piercing, piercings everywhere bar the ears, excessive social networking interaction, inability to respect others.
I am far too selective for my own well being. Oh and strange teeth, with a large gap occupying the front or poor dental hygiene overall.
Perhaps I am much too cynical but these are all collective 'turn offs'.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
medium length hair. the ones that go pass a woman's ears and stop at the jaw line.

I've got no problems with the Ellen Degeneres hair, or ones with shoulder length and longer, but medium length hair just gives me the MEH feeling.

Unless they can pull off the 1950's-60's hairstyle. got something for the retro look XD

M Rotter

New member
Dec 18, 2010
i dont have a blanket rule for most things i find attractive/unattractive. Like make-up can look good on some people, even a lot of make-up but some people-because of their face shape and skin tone-look horrendous in a lot of make-up. I generally find people attractive who seem to have an honest view of how they look and dress accordingly. While i dont necessarily like fake tans and fake boobs, on some people they look fine. Usually people who seem to understand subtlety in whatever physical genre theyre going for, attract me.

Except for one thing. Eyebrows. For me eyebrows make or break a person's attractiveness. But again i dont really have a blanket rule for them, but if your eyebrows dont fit your face, i dont like your face.


New member
May 15, 2010
I can lose interest in someone automatically if they choose to wear sweats or especially pajama pants outside. Nothing looks more sloppy, especially when the girl takes all this time on her makeup but tries to pretend they 'just rolled out of bed'. I really abhor that article of clothing.

I also hate people who wear big sunglasses. Not only does it look bad, but it shows they worship celebrities and I can't stand that. I know I'm a girl and those magazines are targeted for me, but I think women's and celebrity magazines are downright insulting to women's intelligence and are a waste of dead trees.

I can't stand facial hair on guys.... especially goatees with the whispy moustache look *shudder*.

Large breasts on a girl are gross too.

Large muscles on guy or girl look gross or guys with necks as wide as their heads.

My odd turn ON would be.... someone wearing glasses. I just fall to pieces for a girl with glasses, especially if they have the cute bookworm look ~_~ sighs wistfully....


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Nick Angelici said:
Social networking
fake tans
UGS, seriously? why do half the females in the world wear those?
really curly hair, not a fan
some face shapes alone are more than enough for a no
fishnet sleeves
short hair, seriously every girl I meet and befriend cuts their hair short what the hell? its ugly as sin. I dont LOVE really long hair, medium length is good for me but god damn what is it with females and cutting their hair so short?

smokers, I cant breathe when you smoke, stop that.
Fun Fact: UGS is shortt for ugly, and is a bet between two designers to see how many people would wear a sheeps ass on their foot if they paid a celebrity to where them.


New member
Jan 9, 2011
I'm a VERY shallow person unfortunately, maybe that explains why I have a failed engagement and I'm single 99% of every year...

Somethings are:
Areoles (if they are too big it's Ew, if too small it looks funny)
Hair color (I usually like dark/black haired women)
Teeth shape (average sized teeth only, I hate seeing women with teeth like Gary Buesy)
Height (must be taller than I am)
Weight (I'm the only fat one in a relationship)
Breast size ( must be big, D or higher, fake or real doesn't bother me)


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Well let's see, in the appearence it's really blond hair with tan, fake or not, I like pale girls actually.... And well, being shy is.... well it doesn't help because I'm shy too so someone gonna have to make a move! And I also don't like small feet...

Then of course there's personal taste, the only thing more I can say is that I don't like bland looking girls, they need to stand out.

I feel kind of like an sexist by saying all this? o_O


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
Clashero said:
I have commonly heard people citing a slight gap in the front teeth of a woman to be attractive, but I find it hideous.
This. That chick from True Blood is the only reason why I can't stand to watch that show for extended periods of time... the actual show itself is quite good though.

GLo Jones

Activate the Swagger
Feb 13, 2010
My ex used to have a massive issue with naked feet that I never quite understood. She couldn't bare to reveal hers to even me in our 'most intimate' times, and would ask me to always leave my socks on. I never fought against it, but it was definitely quite confusing.


New member
Mar 5, 2009
Harry Potter/Twilight. I get that there's e-paper or regular wood-pulp paper in there and dark squiggles that literate people can enunciate in a fairly regular way, but those are not books. They are each portable signs that the bearer of this object is cursed with bad taste.

And they don't even come with a free frogurt.

You wanna be sexy? Read something written for an audience older than thirteen.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Not being geeky as hell.

Maybe it's not that odd, but damn it, if you haven't rolled a D20 or argued about Star Wars, I'm not interested.


New member
May 13, 2010
Tattoos. They are such a turn off and make people very unattractive to me.


I'd also add piercings (belly button piercings or ear-rings aside) to the list, especially piercings and studs elsewhere on the body *shudder*

D Moness

Left the building
Sep 16, 2010
thethingthatlurks said:
Yay complainin' time:
-blond hair. I'm particularly put off by the fake kind, but I also find natural blonds repulsive. Don't quite know why...
Finally i thought i was the only one who thought that. When i tell people i find blond hair unattractive they look at me as if i just killed their mother in front of them.

Honestly there are more strange things i find attractive then unattractive.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
Any woman wearing a hat outside of winter hats or cowboy hats.

I have no idea why I find other hats on women unattractive. Call me a sexist if you must, but that's just me...