Study Finds Girl Gamers Are Seriously Hardcore

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Study Finds Girl Gamers Are Seriously Hardcore

Defying long-held stereotypes, a new study has found that girl gamers are actually more hardcore than the boys.

The gamer: In our mind's eye, he's a male, age varying, with soft, pale skin, indeterminate health and questionable hygiene. He dedicates hours upon hours, day after day, to what may once have been a hobby but has since grown into an obsession. Things like daylight and social interactions hold little interest for him; what matters is the next quest, the next level, the next victory. But according to a recent survey conducted by the Journal of Communication, we may have misjudged our prototypical gamer somewhat.

It turns out that the hardest of the hardcore bring something to the game that the rest of us don't: Boobs. The survey of roughly 7000 Everquest 2 [] players found that the average age of players was 31 years, no particular surprise, and that people tended to play more as they got older. But the twist came when gender entered the equation: Females put in an average of 29 hours of game time per week, compared to 25 hours for men.

Even at the top of the scale, women come out ahead. The top male players sink 51 hours per week into the game, while the top women clock in an astounding (and rather disturbing) 57 hours. Yet while these female gamers may possess the same stunted social graces as their male counterparts, they at least have enough sense to try to cover it up: Women were also found to be more likely to underestimate the amount of time they spent playing online than men.

"As predicted, male players were more motivated by achievement-related reasons and female players more motivated by social reasons," the study found []. "Contrary to expectations, male players did not play the most hours, despite being more experienced with the genre. It was the female players who were the most intense and dedicated 'hardcore' players, playing more often (if in smaller overall numbers) and with more dedication than the males."

I guess it's like my dad always says: We should've seen this coming when we let them have the vote.

via: Scientific American []



Into the Wild Green Snuggle
Jan 15, 2009
Your dad sounds like a great guy.

Also, an interesting fact, I would have never though.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
The survey was on everquest 2 wasnt it?

So yeah you cant really say there more hardcore period just because they play more hours on Everquest.

And its not even that good of an MMORPG

*Puts on flame armour*


New member
Mar 6, 2009
It makes sense, I suppose. To some extent, there's a social stigma associated with being a girl gamer, so only the ones who really like gaming would stick with it, as opposed to just being casual gamers.

That's my theory, anyways.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
That's rather suprising.

Rejoice nerds of the world. There's plenty of woman out there that may want you!


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
It turns out that the hardest of the hardcore bring something to the game that the rest of us don't: Boobs.
Sadly even guys can bring this to the table in the form of moobs (that's man boobs for those of you who don't know)

But yes, given the choice between running with a guy and a confirmed woman player, I'll pick the woman because I know she's not going to be screwing around like the guy might. They're just more focused than guys when it comes down to it. Face it we men have the attention span of a lab rat.

SwmnNE1 said:
Fraught said:
I don't see your logic, sorry.
MMOs are just a step under a first person shooters on the casual gaming scale.
Really, let me introduce you to the top players in Evercrack, WoW, and Eve Online; they're totally casual players let me tell you.

I don't know what you consider a hardcore gamer but your definition is somewhat skewed. I smell a troll looking for a flame war.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
What's with the Samus screenshot? It is because Samus is a girl or something? HUH?!

You think you'd use something like this:



New member
Aug 17, 2009
lies lies! I must go hit stuff with a wii remote and eat steak AT THE SAME TIME to retain my hardcore manly gaming skills


New member
Nov 10, 2009
as it turns out girls are all Film buffs.

They've all seen Sex and the City several dozn times.

Protip: Spending a lot of time with One (shit) game does not make you hardcore.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Aura Guardian said:
SwmnNE1 said:

Hardcore gamers

I lol'd
Explain please and
"I lol'd"? Is it that hard to type "laughed"?
I already explained.

And the "lol'd" thing is a bit of a parody of internet culture.
I could have typed "I laughed" but It wouldn't have had the same effect.

Its kind of like calling Pokemon POKEMAN make from of your parents.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Hey, guess what?

I don't care about someone's gender unless I'm having sex with them and I don't meet dates over video games, so...

I wouldn't go ahead and assume that just because they're female that they play "pansy" games, either.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
SwmnNE1 said:
Aura Guardian said:
SwmnNE1 said:

Hardcore gamers

I lol'd
Explain please and
"I lol'd"? Is it that hard to type "laughed"?
I already explained.

And the "lol'd" thing is a bit of a parody of internet culture.
I could have typed "I laughed" but It wouldn't have had the same effect.

Its kind of like calling Pokemon POKEMAN make from of your parents.
"MMOs are just a step under a first person shooters on the casual gaming scale."
No. They are not.

Parody of an internet culture? Huh?

My Parents don't call them Pokemans.