Study Finds Girl Gamers Are Seriously Hardcore


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Azraellod said:
xscoot said:
Being hardcore does not mean you waste more time in a game doing nothing than other people.
So you consider socializing a waste of time?

In any case, I think you are confusing playing a game primarily for social reasons, and playing a game purely for social reasons.
Alright, I agree with you there. Still, it doesn't show what percentage of women polled use Everquest as an Instant Messaging system of sorts.

My mom plays Sims 3 and Peggle more than most people; does that make her hardcore? No.
Care to explain why not?
She is playing simple, easy games. You don't need any effort to get anything out of them, and even then, she doesn't care about the industry. That's a big thing; she doesn't care about losing dedicated servers in an FPS game, or the cancellation of Duke Nukem Forever. She already has her two games, and the rest of the industry could go into oblivion and she wouldn't notice. Hardcore gamers are the ones that get into it, and actually know something about it. Playing one or two games a lot just means you are really addicted to those 2 games.

To be hardcore, you need to play more than just 1 game, and you have to actually be good at it.
So what about chess []?

Chess grandmasters [] will have memorized the names of every opening, will be able to play simultaneous games [], and will be able to play blindfold [].

And yet by your reasoning, unless these people play something else as well, they are not hardcore.
These guys are hardcore chess players. But, play them in any other board game, and they will lose, as they are casual board game players. It's like the people that go to Halo tourneys, such as a friend of mine. He completely destroyed me when we played Halo together. But, I faced him in Street Fighter, Puyo Puyo, and even CoD and won. He also doesn't follow gaming news too closely, and knows little about anything outside of Halo. He's a hardcore Halo player but an otherwise a casual gamer.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
xscoot said:
She is playing simple, easy games. You don't need any effort to get anything out of them, and even then, she doesn't care about the industry. That's a big thing; she doesn't care about losing dedicated servers in an FPS game, or the cancellation of Duke Nukem Forever. She already has her two games, and the rest of the industry could go into oblivion and she wouldn't notice. Hardcore gamers are the ones that get into it, and actually know something about it. Playing one or two games a lot just means you are really addicted to those 2 games.
So people who are addicted to a particular game don't really "get into it"? You might want to rethink that [].

And why should the type of game matter? People have different tastes in games.

These guys are hardcore chess players. But, play them in any other board game, and they will lose, as they are casual board game players. It's like the people that go to Halo tourneys, such as a friend of mine. He completely destroyed me when we played Halo together. But, I faced him in Street Fighter, Puyo Puyo, and even CoD and won. He also doesn't follow gaming news too closely, and knows little about anything outside of Halo. He's a hardcore Halo player but an otherwise a casual gamer.
So? Your original point was that they couldn't be hardcore if they only played one game.

Why do you think that specializing in a particular area makes you less of a hardcore gamer?


New member
Mar 11, 2009
I need me a gamer chick. Most of my recent girlfriends haven't been very fond of gaming, meaning I'd have to do other things with them.... like take them out or, god-forbid, have personal conversations *shudders*

"How was your day, baby?"
"Pretty good. I merked some noobs."
That's the dream...


New member
May 25, 2009
It's a little late for an Everquest study, isn't it?

They should try it again for WoW, seeing as it's the biggest as far as MMO's go (last I heard... though I don't see why it'd change)

I've yet to encounter these mythical creatures known as female gamers though.... Am I playing the wrong games or something?

(The above is a joke, please don't frag me, female gamers, I know you're better)


New member
Jun 16, 2009
I don't know how they find the time what with having kids, holding a job, cleaning the house and trying to keep their supreme counterpart (opposite number) happy?!
Incidentally, your daddy sounds like redneck.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
For a poll of Everquest 2 players, I do not find this surprising at all. But to project this onto the gaming community as a whole, or even onto the rest of the mmorpg community seems a gross generalization.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
it makes sense, in the online community, girls are probably undermined, so they have to work twice as hard to get the respect most guys have when girls could be doing just as good if not better. it's not surprising at all.


New member
Dec 26, 2009
Someone mentioned earlier that women like "ripped men." I actually wish to contradict that; I prefer tall, lanky men.
But when it gets down to it, women are less interested in looks than men are, typically. They're just programmed differently. And while that may make men sound bad, one thing women tend to do too much is make lists of requirements (they will often be called wishlists or preferences). Just thought I'd balance that out a bit.

I would also agree that I hate when guys on the internet treat women like crap (my friend is routinely hailed with "go back to the kitchen"), but I also hate when women go all, "I must prove that women can be as good as men!" Cuz that's indicating that it needs to be proven that badly, so maybe the woman is the one who's more sexist than men sometimes?