Stuff everyone else loves that you hate


New member
Mar 7, 2009
ChaoticLegion said:
One simple answer..... Twilight.

Can't stand the damn thing.
I thought i was the only one, That dude couldnt be fine to save his life!

Kazturkey said:
Lost. I HATE Lost.
me too, 24 and prison break also..arck!


New member
Sep 1, 2007
ToMegaTherion said:
I told you so:p Yes, I find it kinda overrated. I'm probably the only guy that prefer foreplay^^
No foreplay is king and far more intimate, exhilarating and enjoyable than mere wanking off with another....
SmoothGlover said:
Bioshock. There's just something about it that doesnt sit right with me, which is annoying because i want to love it.
Its under deved, simplified and small and unfinished as far as I am consered..and I can say the same about FO3 but it being small.....
sanomaton said:
Skinny jeans, burn them all. They don't even look good when you're wearing them! I just can't stand them. Horrible.

Alcohol, I'm almost 18 years old (turning this year) and proud to say I have never been drunk or drank alcohol. I just don't get it, sure I have tasted some drinks (offered by my parents) but they have all tasted like piss. Why would I drink something that tastes so bad?

Final Fantasy (every single one of them), I don't get this series and I think they're all just bloody boring. My friend tried to get me play FF IX but I didn't even make it to the end of the first CD cos I got so bored. ^^'

There are some other stuff too but can't be bothered to remember them now.
Its the effect it has on you why people drink it I have not been drunk but I have had some nice relaxing moments with some Alcohol with a meal.
To much and you are a pisy ass depressant, find youer best zone for it, I like wines and wine coolers hate beer, my tolerance for a lite buzz is is about 10-25OZ of 2-5% drinks and half that for 10%+.

I really like useing red whines to add flavor to roasted meats and maranara sauces.

Alcohol like coffe is a acquired or learned taste I didn't start drinking coffee till I was 32...

I enjoy FF4,6,7 and 9 the rest or pompus Jrock inspired crap, 12 is bland(equipment) and broken(skills,limit breaks) as is most modern Jrpgs..... even despite the great level design and new mechanics the game is as boring as a MMO...
xmetatr0nx said:
anime. just dont get the draw to it.
For me its style and Un restrictive fiction, live action gets watered down(pissed on) and made palatable to the brain dead masses, thus why I have low tolerances for live action TV and film because its boring and uninteresting...its a shame anime is following the US film market lead by watering sht down to make it more sellable to a wider audience...despite that its still better than 90% of US TV....
I hate US TV all but for a few worthy shows(Stargate,Battle star,ect) they all suck I use to be a big law and order, crime/detective drama fan but A&E going reality TV and all the prime time stuff slowly decaying in mass marketable crap I switched to fan subs and have not went back to US TV I'll stream or get the occasional show but most mainstream stuff is show shallow and fou glamorous/witty I can take no more of it.

I also hate most modern music just because the majority of it being like TV canned regurgitated crap I can stand rap but I enjoy the "story of a song" the theme of it and the music more than just one or the other. Another thing I hate is what the industry has done with country music its not pop/coenpone hippop(or hick pop) by the gods everyone should boyycott the music industry and send it to hell.
I also hate modern game design that understands nothing about content design creating shallow and short sighted projects that are released to early at 1/4th(roughly) the cost of a fcking game system.(Bioshock,Halo 3,Fallout 3 are still at the top of my fumeing geek rage list).

Lastly I hate RPG's/MMOs that are made to force you to gind away your time like work with so many restrictions that fun is the last thing to be had(FF11) or is able to have the illusion of fun until you realize the game is so broken/grindy/dumb the after glow wares off and it feels like you caught a mental STD.(FF12,Wichter,Too human,most Jrpgs,ect)

Ah it feels so good to rant...and piss off half the world :p

Oh wait...I forgot sports..... the only thing I consider a REAL sport and worth watching is golf.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Football (or Soccer 4 the yanks :D) cant stand the sport. makes no sense and appears to be played by a bunch of overpaid,underbrained prima donners who have to take six months everytime they break a nail of something silly and then make the headlines over it.
I could go on but i think that gets the ideas across.

And another thing (gets dragged away from the computer still ranting to the air about how much i hate football)


New member
Mar 6, 2009
Rap 'music'
Harry Potter

The list goes on...


New member
Oct 19, 2008
FPS's in general, Pizza, alchohole. I'll add others as I think of them, I'm sure there are plenty more

Ruzzian Roulette

New member
Dec 23, 2008
Lost/24/CSI/all that other "#1" show shit
The Killers and any variation of that shit
Most things Disney
Shitty Music


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Iron Man, The Dark Knight, MMORPGs, Halo, Counter strike, all the halo clones, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, video game publishers in general, He-man, and finally... That sick fat fuck, Mario.



New member
Mar 25, 2009
NeutralDrow said:
Presumably everything in <url=>this thread counts.
Oh dear, another person spoiling a perfectly good thread by pointing out it's been done before. *sigh*

As for things that people like when I dont? Happens all the time. Recommend andthing to me and I'm bound to end up going meh.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
rottenbutter said:
God damn Napoleon Dynamite! I fucking hate that movie, but everyone around me loves it. I just don't get it!

This site was literally the first place I heard people saying that they didn't like it.
dude, i have to agree with you, Napoleon Dynamite is shit.
plus i look like him so whenever i go somewhere theres a chance some stupid idiot will make fun of me. not nice :(

Lucia di Lammermore

New member
Feb 8, 2009
Inverse Skies said:
Modern Music - Give me classical music all the way. I love it.
Yay!! some one who shares my feelings that isn't 85

Hmmm... something I don't like...
Ipods, please apple flameboys, no flaming, I just don't see the point of paying so much for something that does the same thing as a $20 mp3 player from walmart.