I hate myself for falling into pedantry with this, but HZD doesn't attempt or even claim realism like Dark Souls does when it comes to player body movement. For one, even aside the stamina meter HZD lacks, DS has a weight/armour system that actively changes how effectively you can dodge, sprint or even attack based on how heavy your equipment is versus how well trained your stats are in the specific areas. In contrast, HZD let's you hold everything at no cost, unlocks an even longer distance dodge that might as well be called "magic hover salmon escape" and her climbing acrobatics alongside her other fancy actions are plain mental. Oh and the slow-mo 360 slide while aiming a bow. Meanwhile DS player character trundles along like a begrudging soldier on their first day of guard duty. No slo-mo butt slides for muggins there.
Anyway, embarrassing pedantry aside, I kinda prefer leaping around like a manic salmon, it's very fun and pleasing, mainly
because I can't do do it in real life.