Super Mario Galaxy 2 Box Art Responds to Original's Hidden Message


New member
Feb 21, 2009
mario's actually gay, and merely saves the princess because she's his friend.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Disaster Button said:
Svenparty said:
I'm more worried about what Mario is doing to Yoshi I find it very suggestive and Yoshi's look of happy submission is terrifying.

I think Mario is in Mid spank also

MR.Gay indeed
I had the exact same thoughts.
I don't think getting some wierd vibes from Mario art is unusual, that's probably the point of the message because if it was not Mario and thus given something of a pass and you just saw that (bright colors and all) youd be like "wow, that's really gay looking". Politically correct or not.

Truthfully I look back at things like the whole "Little Mermaid" art scandal a good while back that freaked out Disney. Not to mention a couple of computer game contreversies of a similar nature. Before gaming was as big as it is now, there was a game called "Simcopter" which included a gay guy on guy kissing scene hidden in the code that would crop up once in a while that became a big deal. We also had the whole "Temple Of Elemental Evil" thing where Troika was forced to go with an earlier build of the game, leaving a lot of unifnished areas that were locked off and such. In protest they also left a "gaybomb" where there was a gay pirate dentist (I kid you not) who would potentially do things to one of your characters, and perhaps quite unexpectedly.

My immediate guess would be that there is some kind of employee protest, or a disgruntled artist (or art team). The second message is fairly obscure, but when you look at the first piece of artwork, it is pretty obvious and I can't see that being a coincidence.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
I was half-expecting "NO U" out that.

At least I was somewhat correct.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
I love these "re-arrange some letters and you get a super-secret message" conspiracy theories. Not because I actually believe them, but because I find it amazing that so many people never realize that you could apply this same logic to just about anything and get just about any message you want. The worst one I've ever seen was actually on the History Channel, back when all of their shows were about 9/11. You know, before they were all about Nostradamus and 2012? Any way, they claimed that Osama bin Laden was the third Anti-Christ because if you take OSAMA, then remove the O, put the M at the end and change it to an N, then put a T where the M originally was, then it spells SATAN. And that was their entire thesis statement. Me and a friend of mine laughed out loud, then figured we might as well flip over to the SiFi channel at that point.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Bladecatcher said:
I love these "re-arrange some letters and you get a super-secret message" conspiracy theories. Not because I actually believe them, but because I find it amazing that so many people never realize that you could apply this same logic to just about anything and get just about any message you want. The worst one I've ever seen was actually on the History Channel, back when all of their shows were about 9/11. You know, before they were all about Nostradamus and 2012? Any way, they claimed that Osama bin Laden was the third Anti-Christ because if you take OSAMA, then remove the O, put the M at the end and change it to an N, then put a T where the M originally was, then it spells SATAN. And that was their entire thesis statement. Me and a friend of mine laughed out loud, then figured we might as well flip over to the SiFi channel at that point.
That's like if you take the word Pepsi and switch the I and the S and change the second p to an n.... my word!


New member
May 28, 2009
Woah! That is not right! I have to complain to Nintendo! I mean really, why is outer space below Earth's atmosphere? They obviously failed 1st grade science!
On topic: I agree with the first one being a coincidence and the second being a response.

Bladecatcher said:
"re-arrange some letters and you get a super-secret message"
I think you missed the point that they didn't have to rearrange the letters to find it.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
Honestly, my bet from my limited time as an artist is that, for at least the first one, the guy spent hours putting the shines on just the right spots and you are making him cry for reading too much into things. It could be that for the second it was done intentionally to respond to the first controversy, but I am guessing another scenario of people reading too much into things.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
person427 said:
Woah! That is not right! I have to complain to Nintendo! I mean really, why is outer space below Earth's atmosphere? They obviously failed 1st grade science!
On topic: I agree with the first one being a coincidence and the second being a response.

Bladecatcher said:
"re-arrange some letters and you get a super-secret message"
I think you missed the point that they didn't have to rearrange the letters to find it.
You are really complaining about the science in a Mario game? OK. What is a dinosaur doing alive? How are they breathing in space? How does a raccoon tail enable flight? When did mushrooms mutate to grow feat and eyes? Seriously, the time for science passed in this series long ago.


is Only Bob
Nov 29, 2007
Pyromaniac1337 said:
Um, is it just me, or does the first "A" not contain a sparkle?
"M" on its own is often used in text-speak for "am". "YA I M R U?" Reminds me of lolcats.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
If you over analyze anything something'll stand out, but I must admit this is a bit fishy...


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
Wow, I had never heard of this before now. That's pretty funny! I wonder what the next response will be?

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Who honestly wastes their time looking for this kinda shit?
The first was probably a coincidence, this second was probably put it in intentionally to mess with the heads of the losers who waste their time looking for this kinda of shit.