Compare 'No-one shall possess a fire-arm or fire-arms or a sword or swords' to "the right of the people to keep and bear arms." and it's pretty obvious which culture is more gun-inclined.
Oh, I'd it's safe to say the amount of Illegal American guns outstrips Japanese guns.
and I said they don't have a lot of guns, not that they have 0 guns.
Per capita gun ownership in the US is FAR larger than japan.
(Oh, and I'm pretty sure Yu Aida doesn't own a FN P-90 just because he draws one.)
Oh, I'd it's safe to say the amount of Illegal American guns outstrips Japanese guns.
and I said they don't have a lot of guns, not that they have 0 guns.
Per capita gun ownership in the US is FAR larger than japan.
(Oh, and I'm pretty sure Yu Aida doesn't own a FN P-90 just because he draws one.)