Sorry if I come off as a raving asshole sometimes. I just feel like Americans catch an unfair amount of shit on this site (and in the world in general) and it makes me defensive. Some of you really seem to think that the average American is white, carries a gun, watches violent television, hates other ethnic groups, lives off of junk food, drives an SUV, and supports endless wars of conquest in the middle east. It's just not true.
America is just such a physically huge and diverse place that it's just crazy to throw around the 'typical american' stereotype when there really isn't any such thing. Shit, I don't even know anybody who owns a gun or voted for Bush. I live near the Mexican border. The 'average american' here has almost nothing in common with the 'average american' living in New York, or Florida etc.
Yes, there a lot of stupid Americans. In my experience, stupid people will always outnumber (and outbreed) the intelligent ones, but that's hardly an issue that's unique to America.