Swastikas Cut From Japanese Black Ops


The Cerulean Prince
Nov 5, 2008
I don't know. It's possible that it may have something to do with the fact that the swastika was a Buddhist symbol and seeing it bastardized by the Nazis might possibly leave some ill-tastes in peoples mouths. Now, Japan isn't very religious anymore, but Buddhism has always been deeply-rooted in their history and it might even offend those who don't profess to be Buddhists. (Almost like how even some Atheists say "Oh my god." Yeah, a bit of a poor analogy, but you get my point nonetheless?)

This is pure speculation, though.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Apparently the Japanese like to ignore WW2 completely, and probably don't want to remember they were on the Nazis side.

Also, dismemberment is meant to be a complete taboo in their society, I think.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Considering that Japan has a the "dating sim" genre that half of it is just for having sex with as many women as possible, I don't quite understand for the exclusion of a Nazi symbol (and only in the dubbed games) but Japan is weird like that.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Brotherofwill said:
Therumancer said:
what is the point?
There are Nazi Zombies in the game. They got censored in Japan and in Germany. Finally the question over what was censored is answered XD.
All kidding aside, I meant the point of the censorship.

... and they censored more than that. I mean criped, if they are going to censor graphic and brutal dismemberment (which is mentioned in this article) and aren't doing this just for the sake of doing it, they are probably going to wind up outlawing half of their own media. >:)


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Woodsey said:
I think 70 years is enough time to start using a symbol again; it's not like it's being used to promote neo-Nazism in this context.
Didn't it have a religious meaning in multiple cultures at one point? Historically it is a very old symbol. The Nazi's just ruined its reputation. I bet had Hitler used a picture of a goat as the symbol of Nazism, we'd all hate goats. Oh well, no swastika themed party gear will ever grace my household now.

More on topic, why does Japan keep running from the past? Yes, we all know you were allied with the "greatest evil" of all time. We also know that it has been a long time since your last Banzai charge at American marines. Just let it go.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
I like that they are replacing it with something still recognizeable and fitting for Germans instead of pink teddy bears or such. Nice touch, Squeenix.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
i had no idea that Japan was still this uptight about the WW2...i mean, ukranian guys made a game about Chernobyl only after about 20 years, and it also was a pretty big deal there. whats the bloody point of getting hysterical about a swastika?? the original meanings were so diverse, this is (from the point of view of the swastika) is a piece of history. so, to sum up, i agree that the swastika should not be removed. thats almost like faking facts.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Why hide it? It happened, it's over, and hopefully seeing a swastika would not incite the urge to go murder millions of people...


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Well... Swastikas came from a Buddhist symbol, and I know that a lot of American tourists (who are idiots) get offended when they think they see swastikas all over their guide maps.
Buddhist temples on maps in Japan are marked with what is essentially a backwards swastika.
It could be like the backwards version of that, or something.
I mean, I wouldn't much like to play a game where I had to shoot down people with a tilted jewish star on their hats.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Sounds kind of hypocritical if you ask me. Japan was part of the Axis powers, an organization that included the Nazi party.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Wolfram01 said:
"As a result, the "brutal or grotesque portrayal" of dismemberment will be either toned down or removed completely from the Japanese editions of the game"

WTF? Japan, the country with porn on TV and games like RapeLay, is sensoring violence?

I know it is like a mirror dimension of our own USA which is scared dickless of acts of sex and love but hey were okay with gratuitous violence!

Yeah it is all BS if you ask me. And removing swastika's really? But killing Nazi's is fun and accepted cathartic relief for all the stress of a work day! I mean look what that did for comic books, it ushered in the GOLDEN AGE for goodness sake.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
ImprovizoR said:
Right. Rape games are OK, but this is just unacceptable. Japan is fuckin' crazy.
kakaomasse said:
i had no idea that Japan was still this uptight about the WW2
Redlin5 said:
More on topic, why does Japan keep running from the past? Yes, we all know you were allied with the "greatest evil" of all time. We also know that it has been a long time since your last Banzai charge at American marines. Just let it go.
shemoanscazrex3 said:
This is one of the many things I don't get about Japan. You show young girls being naked in anime, you show girls getting raped by 4 eyed freak with tentacles, and you even have a game about raping. Yet no Nazi symbolism which your country at the time chose to be on the side of as far as I know and you censor porn, ummm WTF?!
Dyp100 said:
Apparently the Japanese like to ignore WW2 completely, and probably don't want to remember they were on the Nazis side.
tkioz said:
Japan's reasons on the other hand are bullshit, they are trying to whitewash their history, they refuse to admit the things that were done in the second world war; there was a big stink here in Australia back in the 90s when it came out they weren't teaching anything that painted Japan in a bad light in school, frankly it disgusts me.
BaldursBananaSoap said:
It boils my blood when they are so quick to erase any mention of what they did. It's extremely disrespectful to those who died.
fix-the-spade said:
I can see how Swastikas would dig up some uncomfortable moments in history for Japan.
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
Ah, yes. Because, as we all know, the best way to learn from past mistakes to PRETEND THEY DIDN'T HAPPEN.

Also, what is it with the Axis powers from WWII and hating this game? When will Italy get in on this?
JourneyThroughHell said:
It's just a symbol. Alright, at least they're not going the German way of "there are swastikas - remove everything from the shelves".

But this is just a sign of insecurity. How's disallowing a sign supposed to change the history, guys? Let's just pretend it never happened, then?
mr_rubino said:
"Oh Japan".
Yes, we already know you keep ignoring all that ugliness with all your might instead of admitting to it and moving past it. =3
Soviet Heavy said:
I understand that countries don't like to dwell on histories controversies, but I feel that not acknowledging the existence of such symbols is not the way to go around it.
Therumancer said:
I'm againt censorship for any reason at all.

I will also say that I have certain issues with Japan and/or Germany trying to pretty much erase any mention of their own history by removing things like symbols from World War II.
In all likeliness this is NOT an attempt to "ignore the past".

Swastikas are all over Japan because they are also a Buddhist symbol. Moreover, there are plenty of other movies/games/etc that show the swastika on Nazi flags, so they clearly don't have a problem with referencing the symbol's meaning in WWII.

So why would they "censor" the swastika in this game?

My guess is that since the level takes place in an Asian country, more people in Japan would assume the swastika carries the Buddhist meaning rather than the nazi meaning. By switching to the iron cross (a much more famous nazi symbol here in Japan), players would be more likely to understand that these are nazi zombies, not Buddhist ones.

In the end, I don't think this is an issue of censorship at all. In fact, by using the iron cross instead it's highlighting the fact that these are nazis, not covering it up. Not to say that Japan doesn't downplay other dark parts of its history (*cough* Nanking *cough*), but I really don't think this is an example of that.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
boholikeu said:
If that is the case I understand then. I know nothing of Japanese culture so I assumed that it was an unsubtle attempt to try and censor the symbol.